How much water should i drink a day reddit

How much water should i drink a day reddit

I find that staying hydrated is integral to being able to work efficiently and with a clear mind. I find myself routinely drinking 5+ litres of water a day, which is well above the 2 litres per day I usually hear recommended for people, though I do exercise regularly which increases my water requirements. As far as I can tell so far I'm perfectly healthy and have had no issues with drinking this amount of water, but was just curious how much water others drink and whether I'm particularly abnormal in this case.

How much water should i drink a day reddit

Just wondering. I've been drinking ~120 ounces over the course of the work day and have noticed a huge difference in springiness of my skin. I also feel like my skin glows when I first wake up, which never used to be the case.

How much water should i drink a day reddit

level 1

I drink about 122 ounces (3.6 Liter) a day. I keep track with the plant nanny app. It's a reminder to drink, and it's like I have a little buddy working with me to stay healthy! (I sound like I'm 10...)

level 2

Thanks for the app tip! It's so cute :)

level 1

I drink about 2.4 liters a day at work. I'm not so great about drinking that much when I'm at home or my boyfriend's house on the weekend. Definitely something I need to work on.

Anyway, drinking a lot of water doesn't make my skin glow, unfortunately, but it makes my entire body feel better. I get all dry feeling and cranky when I don't drink enough. And I don't understand how so many of the people I know only drink soda. I would be miserable.

level 2

Yeah my friend drinks like a 2L of Coca Cola or a sugary soda over 1-2 days o_O

I actually find it quite disgusting when people drink from big ass bottles in class too.

I actually used to hate drinking water but now I drink like 3-4L per day. I swear I would be so much fatter if I didn't :D

level 2

I also know many people who only drink soda, juice, and the like and I don't get it. It would be a total sensory overload for my taste buds if I never drank water.

level 1

I make sure to drink about 1.3 litres a day. I used to only have about 400ml, but I kept getting infections, so I make an effort to keep drinking which has definitely improved my skin and makes me feel alot better!

level 1

Yup, I fill a gallon (128oz) every morning and drink water throughout the day until its gone.

level 1

2.2L (74.4 fl oz) daily, and I've been doing that for about four years now with rare missed days. I probably drank only 1/3 of that per day while spending time with family over Christmas, and my skin was noticeably drier after a week in spite of being in a more humid climate.

level 1

The rule of thumb is to drink half your body weight in ounces of water daily. Anymore you'll be causing cellular water intox, which lowers your blood pressure among other challenges. I'm 160 so half would be 80oz = roughly 10 cups.

My sister got her masters in medical physiology and about to attend med school. I, too, am in med school.

level 2

This...isn't exactly right. It's not really about how much water you drink, it's about how quickly you drink it (assuming healthy kidneys) and whether electrolytes are also consumed. Healthy adult kidneys can process around 15 L water/day.

level 1

I have an app on my phone that reminds me to drink some water every hour or so. It goes based on body weight, and while I don't give into the myths so much, it's nice to have a reminder for it (otherwise I'd forget altogether.) I drink around 58 ounces a day. Little more or less, I'm not super strict with it.

level 2

What is this app called?

Nevermind. Just searched "drink water" and found Water Your Body. Hahaha~

level 1

At least 48 oz, typically around 64(1.89 liters) if I include tea.

level 1

I drink about two gallons throughout the day and a bit more with a few cups of tea.

level 1

At least one liter, but usually closer to 2.

level 1

No exact measurements since it varies. I'll try for 2 cups of water in the morning, and then about 3-4 cups (mostly tea, the last one a cup of water before bed) spread out during the day. I actually think I'll cut back since I love tea. I'm drinking a glass as I write this >_<

level 1

ยท 8 yr. ago

sensitive | dry | acne-prone

I drink about 2.5L a day, sometimes more, sometimes less. It and changing my skincare routine made a huge change in my skin. I feel really terrible if I don't drink around 2L now.

level 2

I sometimes use a water bottle that has the cups and ounces measured out on the side. I've kept track of how much I refill it a few times, just out of curiosity.

level 2

I used to drink a TON of green tea. My doctor told me to cut back because of all the caffeine, something about how it makes it harder for nutrients to be absorbed? I switched to water not long after that.

level 1

Your body is fully hydrated when you are peeing every hour. I can do 10 or so cups of water a day.

level 2

And this is the reason why I don't (and kind of can't) drink the amount of water that many people do. I teach. I can't be running to the bathroom every hour. The time between bells is like, 3 minutes, and with only one faculty bathroom on each floor and the hallway being packed with kids I wouldn't make it back in time. I take one of those plastic cups with a straw and try to drink that over the course of the day. I take 3 or 4 bathroom breaks.

level 1

Around 1 gallon a day. It does nothing to help my skin. Apparently my body doesn't make sense when it comes to acne.

level 1

100-150oz a day, depending on the day.

level 1

I have 2-3 liters every single day! I've made it a habit to drink 48oz before I leave the house every morning. Makes it a lot easier!

Is 4 Litres of water a day too much?

The U.S. National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine determined that an adequate daily fluid intake is: About 15.5 cups (3.7 liters) of fluids a day for men. About 11.5 cups (2.7 liters) of fluids a day for women.

Is 12 glasses of water a day too much?

While you may have been taught that 8-12 glasses per day are necessary for everyone, that isn't the standard. It's a common myth. You may need fewer than eight glasses a day to stay healthy, or you may require more than twelve glasses a day depending on unique factors and conditions.

Is 1 gallon of water a day too much?

Can drinking a gallon of water a day be harmful? For most people, there is really no limit for daily water intake and a gallon a day is not harmful. But for those who have congestive heart failure or end stage kidney disease, sometimes water needs to be restricted because the body can't process it correctly.

Is drinking water every 30 minutes good?

The American College of Sports Medicine recommends adding 12 ounces of water to your daily intake for every 30 minutes that you plan to work out.