How much is a gallon of milk 2022

The average price for a gallon of milk was $4.184 in October compared to $4.181 in September, according to data published Nov. 10, 2022, by the U.S. Labor Department’s Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS).

Averaging the BLS’s monthly pricing data for milk — fresh, whole and fortified, a gallon was $3.55 in 2021 versus $3.32 in 2020, marking a 6.9% increase.

For a bit of background, milk is one of the goods the BLS monitors for inflation, using it in calculating the overall change in consumer prices. Frankly, its relative importance is small for that purpose as it’s just one of many items within the bureau’s major "food index." You’ll find milk listed in the BLS’s monthly summary of Consumer Price Index by browsing Food->Food at home->Dairy and related products. (You may also be interested in this site’s page on food inflation.)

Since many of us buy milk frequently, it’s interesting to see how its price has increased over the years and how those original prices change based on inflation. The chart above and table below lists the average price of milk for a year and milk prices adjusted for inflation in 2021 dollars.

Inflation Adjusted Milk Prices (Years 1995-2021)

Category: Milk (Fresh, Whole, Fortified)

YearAverage Milk Price by Year*Average Annual CPI for Milk**Milk Prices Adjusted for Inflation In 2021 Dollars1995$2.48131.100$4.231996$2.62141.100$4.151997$2.61142.900$4.091998$2.70147.900$4.081999$2.84156.200$4.072000$2.78156.900$3.962001$2.88165.900$3.882002$2.76162.100$3.802003$2.76162.500$3.802004$3.16183.400$3.842005$3.19184.900$3.852006$3.08181.600$3.792007$3.50205.397$3.812008$3.80217.220$3.902009$3.11183.170$3.792010$3.26191.173$3.812011$3.57209.530$3.812012$3.49211.266$3.692013$3.46214.683$3.602014$3.69227.740$3.622015$3.42213.082$3.582016$3.20203.133$3.522017$3.23200.974$3.592018$2.90195.638$3.312019$3.04200.491$3.382020$3.32212.621$3.492021$3.55223.383$3.55

*Data Source: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics: Annual Average for Milk, fresh, whole, fortified, per gal. (3.8 lit) in U.S. city average, average price, not seasonally adjusted. CPI Average Price Data.

**Data Source: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics: Annual Average for Fresh whole milk in U.S. city average, all urban consumers, not seasonally adjusted. CPI-All Urban Consumers.

How to Adjust Milk Prices for Inflation

In calculating milk prices to adjust for inflation, we’ll use an example that shows how to adjust them from 2000 to 2021 dollars. First, consider these facts which are shown in the table above:

Ever wondered if the people in the next state over are paying the same price for milk that you are? Grocery prices in general have been rising nationwide and that includes the white stuff that’s been an American kitchen staple for generations.

The U.S. Department of Agriculture reports that the average price for a gallon of conventional whole milk is now $4.33, while the average cost for 2% milk is $4.28 per gallon. If you shop organic, you can expect to pay $9 a gallon for organic whole or reduced-fat 2% milk.

While these are average prices for the entire country, the cost of a gallon of milk can vary greatly depending on where you live.

To figure out the prices for various regions of the country, federal milk-order market administrators conduct a survey in selected cities or metropolitan areas one day every month. They check milk prices at the largest grocery chain, second-largest grocery chain and the largest dairy/convenience store chain in each city or metro area. The same stores are surveyed each month for consistency.

How much is a gallon of milk 2022

The prices are for the most common brand and don’t represent temporary special prices, discounts or coupons. Listed here were the average prices for whole milk in 30 U.S. cities in May 2022 based on the USDA’s Retail Milk Prices Report. They are listed in alphabetical order.

  • Atlanta, Georgia: $3.78
  • Baltimore, Maryland: $4.27
  • Boston, Massachusetts: $3.83
  • Chicago, Illinois: $4.44
  • Cincinnati, Ohio: $3.41
  • Cleveland, Ohio: $3.57
  • Dallas, Texas: $3.68
  • Denver, Colorado: $3.78
  • Detroit, Michigan: $3.60
  • Hartford, Connecticut: $4.19
  • Houston, Texas: $3.96
  • Indianapolis, Indiana: $3.42
  • Kansas City, Missouri: $5.55
  • Louisville, Kentucky: $2.49
  • Miami, Florida: $4.15
  • Milwaukee, Wisconsin: $4.43
  • Minneapolis, Minnesota: $4.31
  • New Orleans, Louisiana: $4.55
  • New York, New York: $4.74
  • Oklahoma City, Oklahoma: $3.82
  • Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: $5.55
  • Phoenix, Arizona: $3.34
  • Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania: $4.87
  • Portland, Oregon: $3.54
  • Sacramento, California: $4.50
  • Seattle, Washington: $4.02
  • St. Louis, Missouri: $4.01
  • Syracuse, New York: $4.02
  • Washington, D.C.: $4.60
  • Wichita, Kansas: $3.16

People shopping in Kansas City and Philadelphia paid the highest prices for milk in May, at $5.55 a gallon each. Louisville’s average milk price was lowest, meanwhile, at $2.49. As you can see, that’s less than half the average price being paid in the most expensive areas.

How much is a gallon of milk 2022
AdobeRetail, credit card payment service. Customer paying for order of cheese in grocery shop.

The amount of milk Americans drink has declined over the past half-century. According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture, the average person consumes about 141 pounds of milk every year. In 1975, Americans consumed nearly 250 pounds of milk per year.

While consumption has decreased, that’s still an average of about 3/4 cup a day per person. For a family of four, that’s 564 pounds of milk per year. So that’s a little more than 65 gallons, which is more than a gallon a week.

About the Author

Tricia Goss

Tricia is a professional writer and editor who lives in North Texas with her family and one smelly dog. She is a wannabe problem solver, junk food maven professional coffee practitioner, web guru and general communicator. Learn More.

How much has the price of milk increased in 2022?

According to USDA's Dairy Market News, the July 2022 All-Milk price was $25.70/cwt., an approximate 30% higher than a year ago. Milk cow prices and springer values have increased as well, although not to the same extreme. ... Milk Prices for 2022 are Up - But So is Everything Else..

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Family of four estimated monthly costs are 5,224$ without rent. A single person estimated monthly costs are 1,457$ without rent. ... Cost of Living in Honolulu..

What is the price of milk in USA?

For many milk is a grocery staple. However, depending on where you live, the cost can fluctuate dramatically. According to the USDA, the average gallon of whole milk is $3.59 a gallon. ... Average Price Of Milk In Every State..

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Complete data.