How much does it cost for laser eye surgery

LASIK has achieved no easy feat that most other elective surgeries have not in Singapore: it has become mainstream. Everybody knows LASIK.

After all, we’re known as the myopia capital of the world and we do have one of the highest numbers of four-eyed people living here on this tiny red dot.

LASIK, or Laser-assisted in situ Keratomileusis, is a cornea-based laser surgery which corrects vision problems like myopia (short-sightedness), hyperopia (long-sightedness) and astigmatism (also known as san guang in Mandarin). If you’re thinking of getting LASIK in Singapore, this article would hopefully be a (money-saving) gem for you!

Also Read: LASIK Guide in Singapore: Ready to say goodbye to myopia for good?

The cost of LASIK in Singapore has pretty much gone down over the years – unlike most things that has only risen in cost due to inflation. Perhaps LASIK surgery in Singapore has reached a state where we have economies of scale – after all, we are known as the myopia capital of the world for good reason.

For those who are unfamiliar with LASIK surgery in Singapore, it is a corneal-based laser eye surgery which corrects the eye’s refractive errors like short-sightedness, long-sightedness and astigmatism.

Here we have compiled a LASIK price guide for Singaporeans who are thinking of doing laser vision correction – hopefully this LASIK guide will be a (money-saving) gem for you!

The cost of LASIK in Singapore vs the cost of contact lenses

How much does it cost for laser eye surgery

The truth is, the LASIK surgery price in Singapore used to be around $10,000 in the past. Being able to do LASIK for a fraction of that price is a steal and let’s see how it compares to the cost of contact lenses – over a period of – say, 10 years:

 Cost (SGD)LASIK surgery (one-off)$3,000 to $4,000Contact lenses (over 10 years)$8,000 to $10,000

Cost of LASIK surgery vs contact lenses in Singapore, over a period of 10 years

It’s not a surprise that LASIK surgery is actually cheaper than wearing contact lens when you think long term (especially if you’re wearing dailies since they’re more expensive). Contacts also come with a bunch of other cost: saline solution, contacts casing, travel kits, etc etc.

What does LASIK cost in Singapore comprise?

How much does it cost for laser eye surgery

Essentially, there is a 3-part process to LASIK and any laser vision correction procedure and the cost can be broken down as such:

1. LASIK eye evaluation

To go for LASIK or any form vision correction procedure, you’ll need to first go for a comprehensive eye evaluation to check if you’re a suitable candidate.

Here is a breakdown of a list of public and private LASIK centres in Singapore and their LASIK evaluation prices:

LASIK centreEvaluation price (incl. GST)Tan Tock Seng Hospital (TTSH)Consultant – $159
Senior Consultant – $164Singapore National Eye Centre (SNEC)Consultant – $109.14
Senior Consultant – $123.05National University Hospital (NUH)$109.14

LASIK evaluation prices in public institutions in Singapore (Source: TTSH, SNEC, NUH websites)

LASIK centreEvaluation price (incl. GST)Lee Hung Ming / Asia Pacific Eye Centre$5.35Atlas Eye Centre$9.00Shinagawa Eye Centre$22.00Clearvision Eye Clinic & LASIK Centre$37.50W Eye Clinic$107.00Dr Natasha Lim Eye Centre$130.00Jerry Tan Eye Surgery$400.00LSC Eye ClinicAged 18-49 – $27.00
Aged 50 and up – $161.00Eagle Eye Centre

(*deductible upon surgery)

Mount Alvernia – $280.00*
Mount Elizabeth – $375.00*

LASIK evaluation prices in major private LASIK centres in Singapore (Source: Individual clinic websites)

2. LASIK surgery (both eyes)

If you compare the prices of LASIK surgery between public institutions and private LASIK centres in Singapore, you’ll find that the cost generally does not differ much.

Here is a breakdown of a list of public and private LASIK centres in Singapore and their LASIK surgery prices:

LASIK centre (public)LASIK surgery price (incl. GST)Tan Tock Seng Hospital (TTSH)$1,595 to $1,795Singapore National Eye Centre (SNEC)$1,659 to $1,766National University Hospital (NUH)$1,766 to $2,354

LASIK surgery prices in public institutions in Singapore (Source: TTSH, SNEC, NUH websites) 

LASIK centre (private)LASIK surgery price (incl. GST)Lee Hung Ming / Asia Pacific Eye Centre$3,724.67Atlas Eye Centre$4,059.00Shinagawa Eye Centre$4,160.16Clearvision Eye Clinic & LASIK Centre$3,888.00W Eye Clinic$3,625.16Dr Natasha Lim Eye Centre$3,424.00Jerry Tan Eye Surgery$8,000.00LSC Eye Clinic$4,375.00Eagle Eye Centre$3,691.50

LASIK surgery prices in private LASIK centres in Singapore (Source: individual LASIK clinics) 

3. Post-op reviews and medications

For most centres, the cost of 3 to 4 post-op reviews are typically already included in the surgery package. If not, they typically cost $50 to $100 in consultation fees for each post-op review, so be sure to check if yours is included.

Medications, such as eye drops, are usually not included in your LASIK surgery prices as they sometimes differ from patient to patient. So do factor in an additional cost of $80 to $150 in total for medications.

Are there any hidden/extra costs I should know?

Nowadays, most of the LASIK centres in Singapore show their prices on their clinic websites and also provide a breakdown of what the package price comprises. And that’s a good thing; it’s so much more transparent and easier for us consumers to do our research and decide if and where we want to do it. To be honest, clinics who still don’t show their prices on their websites are really behind – it is such a hassle to call to ask etc etc.

There is also this other thing called LASIK Xtra or Corneal Cross-Linking (CXL), an add-on FDA-approved treatment to your LASIK surgery. It is a corneal strengthening procedure which involves your eye surgeon applying Vitamin B12 riboflavin drops to your eyes right after your LASIK surgery. Then, he would use Avedro’s KXL System to shine an ultra-violet light to activate and cross-link collagen fibres on your eye, thus strengthening your cornea.

This corneal cross-linking procedure not only helps to strengthen your cornea, but also minimises the risk of your eye degree returning and also risks of eye diseases such as keratoconus and cornea ectasia.

Although it is largely an optional procedure, your eye surgeon may recommend you to undergo cornea cross-linking if you have thin cornea and high power, and also if your cornea is weak.

If you do need the CXL add-on, it will add $1,200 to $3,000 (for both eyes) to your total LASIK surgery bill.

What about LASIK enhancement costs in Singapore?

Enhancement surgery just means going for a second LASIK op again, in the event your eye degree returns. It is rare to require a second op again as LASIK technology is quite precise and accurate today.

Some LASIK centres do not charge for enhancement, but most charge a fee for it: LASIK enhancement rates in Singapore range between $300 to $1,200.

Ok, so any discounts please?

The thing is, clinics are not supposed to dish out discounts according to MOH rules regulations. That is why you’ll never find as much as a whisper of “discounts” on clinic websites.

That said, many clinics still do offer patient referral discounts. So if you have any friend or family member who referred you, let the clinic know and they would most probably be able to give you a referral discount.

Another thing on referral discounts: we realised some clinics also grant you a patient referral discount if you quote an influencer who was also their patient. So no worries if you don’t have a friend/family member to quote, just do your research online and you may very well reap the same benefits!

If you’re a student, it wouldn’t hurt to ask if they have student prices or discounts for the LASIK surgery price package. In our experience, 3 out of 5 clinics said yes.

Insider tip: clinics do give discounts at the public talks they hold for those who are considering getting LASIK done. Sometimes, vouchers are handed out at these talks to attendees which would entitle you to a discount. So if you’re thinking of going for your LASIK eye evaluation, check if the clinic is holding a talk anytime soon and go for it.

Is my LASIK surgery Medisave or insurance claimable?

For most cases, no. This is because LASIK in Singapore is classified as a cosmetic medical procedure by MOH, so it is generally not Medisave nor insurance claimable. Insurance policies will not cover LASIK since it’s an optional surgery. In any case, most of us already have had myopia since young so it’s considered a pre-existing condition anyway.

However, there is one exception for your LASIK surgery to be Medisave-claimable:

  • You have a difference in eye degree of more than 300 degrees between your left and right eye; AND
  • You have a doctor certifying that you are glasses and contact lens intolerant

Well, most people don’t have the above conditions; but if you happen to be the rare few that do, you’ll be able to claim up to $1,200 per eye from your Medisave for your LASIK surgery.

Pro tip: Ask for instalment plans

What many don’t realise is that most – or perhaps all – LASIK centres in Singapore have free instalment plans available if you pay with a credit card. You can typically opt for a 6-month or 12-month instalment plan that is interest-free, so you can split up your LASIK surgery chunk of expense into smaller, more digestible parts.

Say your LASIK surgery for both eyes cost $4,000. Opting for a 12-month instalment plan would break your LASIK cost up into just $334 a month for 12 months.

All in all, LASIK prices in Singapore are rather competitive – probably because so many of us have myopia – so it will do you good to do your due diligence and research before making your decision. Although price is always a consideration, it’d be wise to consider other important factors such as the eye doctor’s track record, the LASIK machine the clinic is using and the type of LASIK procedure you’d eventually opt for.

How much does it cost for laser eye surgery


Jolene lives for avo toasts, yoga and is a little more OCD than she cares to admit. She never fails to start her day with morning coffee and is very partial to flat whites. She is obsessed with interiors and homeware, and is currently taking her RYT 200h yoga teacher training course as an aspiring ashtangi.

Is laser eye surgery painful?

Fortunately, LASIK eye surgery is not painful. Right before your procedure, your surgeon will place numbing eye drops into both of your eyes. While you may still feel a little bit of pressure during the procedure, you should not feel any pain.

Is it worth getting eye laser surgery?

Most people who undergo LASIK surgery will have good to excellent vision in most situations, for many years or decades. You'll be able to play sports and swim, or even just see the clock first thing in the morning, without having to worry about your glasses or contact lenses.

Is laser eye surgery permanent?

There is a myth that LASIK, after 10 years, wears off. But, LASIK is permanent. LASIK permanently corrects the vision prescription that you have at the time of surgery. This means that it cannot wear off.

Does LASIK last forever?

While the effects of LASIK surgery are permanent, the benefits can decrease over time. For most patients, the results of LASIK will last a lifetime. About 10-12% of patients nationwide will need an enhancement surgery because of anatomical changes to the eye/eyes.