How long to grill frozen chicken breast

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I think it’s safe to say that chicken is a staple in most people’s household.  It’s a lean protein, cheap, and very versatile.  With that said, there is nothing worse than a big piece of dry, over cooked chicken.  When I spent time with my sister over the summer she kept telling me that her husband grills the best chicken.  I assumed this meant she bought fresh chicken breast and marinated it in something special for a few hours before he threw it on the grill.  Wrong.  She busted out this big bag of frozen chicken breast and less than and hour later I enjoyed some of the best, perfectly grilled chicken breast I’ve ever had.  Now I can add this to my growing list of things I love to grill!

How long to grill frozen chicken breast
Perfectly Grilled Chicken

All you need is a big bag of thin-sliced frozen chicken breasts.  This particular bag was purchased at Costco. Pull out how many pieces of chicken breast you need and throw the rest back in the freezer. How convenient is this!?

How long to grill frozen chicken breast

Next coat each frozen piece front and back will some olive oil, salt, and pepper.  This is when you could also put your favorite seasoning on but I’m just sticking with salt and pepper this time. The chicken needs to sit about 30 min before you start grilling them.

How long to grill frozen chicken breast
Make sure you start heating up the grill about 15 minutes ahead of grill time.  You want your grill on medium heat when you throw the chicken on (somewhere between 375-450 degrees is what I shoot for).
Once your grill is hot you’re ready to go!  Throw your chicken right on and grill each side about 7-8 minutes or until chicken reaches an internal temperature of 160-165 degrees.  A thermometer is a must because you don’t want to over cook your chicken! If you’re using a dressing or sauce have it ready to go on for the last few minutes of grill time.
How long to grill frozen chicken breast

Simply coat one side and let it sit 1-2 minutes before flipping and coating the other side. No need to be fancy here.  Slab your dressing or sauce on and be very generous about it. Remember, this step is not necessary, I just choose to add some dressing this particular day.

How long to grill frozen chicken breast
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again- Grilling is not just for men.  It’s easy to do and really quite fun!
How long to grill frozen chicken breast
This chicken is perfect on it’s own, sliced up on a salad, or with some cauliflower stir fry.
How long to grill frozen chicken breast

Because this chicken is nice and thin it tastes great the next day cold right out of the fridge as a healthy snack.  If you want to reheat it just zap it in the microwave for a quick 20-30 seconds.

I will never rush to the store to get fresh chicken breast or pull frozen chicken out of the fridge a day early again!  This is the only way I grill chicken anymore and I’m happy to share the secret with all of you! Enjoy!

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How long to grill frozen chicken breast
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How long to grill frozen chicken breast

How long to grill frozen chicken breast

How long to grill frozen chicken breast


  • Frozen Thin-Sliced Boneless, Skinless Chicken Breast
  • Olive Oil
  • Salt and Pepper


  1. Place desired amount of frozen chicken breast in a pan.
  2. Coat each piece of chicken with olive oil, salt, and pepper.
  3. Let chicken sit 30 minutes.
  4. Place chicken breasts on grill at medium heat (375-400 degrees).
  5. Let chicken cook about 7-8 minutes each side or until internal temperature reaches 160-165 degrees.
  6. Enjoy!

© 2022 Copyright Stay Fit Mom

How long does it take to grill chicken breast from frozen?

When cooking chicken straight from the freezer, you want to cook for 50 percent longer than you would with unfrozen. The average unfrozen chicken breast weighing 5-7 ounces usually takes 20-30 minutes at 350°F. So for a frozen chicken breast, you're looking at 30-45 minutes, depending on the size of the chicken breast.

Can I cook frozen chicken breasts on the grill?

The simple answer to this is yes, you can safely grill frozen chicken. However, there is a right and wrong way of doing it. You'll hear many people say that you should never grill frozen chicken because the outside will end up overcooked and dry while the inside remains raw.

Can you grill frozen chicken without thawing?

Great news, according to the USDA, it is totally safe — you just have to keep in mind that frozen chicken will take about one and a half times longer to cook than thawed chicken.

How do you grill frozen boneless chicken breast?

Season chicken breasts with our dry rub or just salt and pepper. Grill for 10-15 minutes, flipping halfway through until chicken is no longer pink in the center and a thermometer inserted in the center, chicken is cooked at 165 degrees.