How long after exposure to herpes will you get symptoms

Last Reviewed: November 2006

  • Versión en español

What is herpes II?

Herpes II is a sexually transmitted viral infection, which often produces painful sores, usually in the genital area. Once infected, an individual may carry the virus and be subject to recurrent bouts of infection. Some estimate that as many as 20 percent of the adult population in the United States has been exposed to the virus.

Who gets herpes II?

Any person who has intimate sexual contact with an infected person can contract the infection. In addition, herpes II can be spread from an infected mother to her child during birth.

How is herpes II spread?

The herpes II virus is spread during sexual contact with an infected person who is secreting the virus in fluids from lesions or mucous membranes.

What are the symptoms of herpes II?

Typically, the first signs of herpes II is a cluster of blister-like lesions in the genital area (head of penis, labia, anus, cervix) which spread and merge, break and crust over within four to 15 days. The fluid from these itching, painful sores is highly infectious. Other frequent symptoms are painful urination, urethral or vaginal discharge and swollen lymph nodes. The first exposure or primary episode consists of headache, fever, chills and muscular weakness. Recurrent episodes are less severe and are limited to the affected area.

How soon do symptoms appear?

Some studies have shown that from one-half to two-thirds of people infected with the virus will have no symptoms. But, if they appear, local symptoms may be seen from two to 12 days after exposure.

When and for how long is a person able to spread herpes II?

People are most likely to transmit the virus when the lesions are evident. There is evidence, however, that the virus may be shed even when no symptoms of a recurrent episode are present.

Does past infection with herpes II make a person immune?

No. After the initial infection, the herpes II virus becomes dormant within the body. Symptoms may recur with varying frequency and are often associated with stress factors.

What is the treatment for herpes II?

Acyclovir, valacyclovir and famciclovir have been shown to reduce the shedding of herpes II virus, diminish pain and speed the healing of primary herpes lesions. In the oral form, this treatment also appears to shorten the duration of both primary and recurrent episodes.

What can a person or community do to prevent the spread of herpes II?

Avoidance of sexual contact with symptomatic individuals is an immediate, but only partial answer because herpes virus may be shed while the infected individual remains asymptomatic. Cesarean section is often recommended when primary or recurrent herpes II lesions occur in late pregnancy.

Sexual relations should be approached responsibly.

  • Limit the number of your sex partners.
  • Use a male or female condom.
  • If you think you are infected, avoid any sexual contact and visit the local STD clinic, a hospital or your doctor.

Further Information

  • Wadsworth Center for Laboratories and Research
  • Herpes Simplex Virus in Newborns

About genital herpes

Genital herpes is a sexually transmitted infection caused by a virus called herpes simplex virus (HSV).

There are 2 different types of the virus (type 1 and type 2), both of which can affect the genitals. One of the types is the same virus that causes cold sores around the mouth (type 1).

Genital herpes causes painful blisters and sores on and around the genitals. It can also sometimes cause problems if it's caught for the first time either very early or very late in pregnancy.

How do I get genital herpes?

The herpes virus (HSV) is easily passed from person to person by close, direct contact including:

  • kissing
  • unprotected vaginal, anal or oral sex (without a condom)
  • sharing sex toys that aren't washed or covered with a new condom each time they're used
  • your genitals coming into contact with your partner's genitals – this means you can get genital herpes from someone even if there is no penetration, orgasm or ejaculation

Sometimes you can catch herpes when your sexual partner has no visible sores or symptoms. This is because the virus can become active on the skin without causing any visible blisters or sores. This is sometimes called 'asymptomatic shedding’.

Herpes can also be passed to a newborn baby during childbirth. This is less common if the first episode of herpes is diagnosed before or at the beginning of pregnancy, and if there are no visible ulcers at the time of delivery. Sometimes medications are started towards the end of pregnancy to reduce this risk.

Symptoms of genital herpes

Many people with the herpes virus do not experience any symptoms when first infected.

If symptoms do occur they usually take between 2 and 12 days after contact to appear.

Sometimes symptoms may not be noticed until months, or sometimes years, after being in contact with the virus. If you do get symptoms, it does not mean you have just caught the virus.

Once you have the herpes infection, the virus stays in your body. It can lie dormant for long periods, but can reactivate in the area that was originally infected. If the virus reactivates, the sores and blisters can reappear. This is known as a ‘recurrent episode’ of genital herpes.

This first episode of genital herpes may last from 2 to 4 weeks. Repeated episodes are not usually as severe, or long, as the first and you may never have a repeat episode.

Symptoms of the first infection can include spots or red bumps around the genital area. These can be very painful. In time, these swellings can break open and form sores or ulcers which gradually crust over, forming new skin as they heal.

Other symptoms include:

  • pain inside the vagina, head of penis or back passage (rectum)
  • vaginal discharge
  • pain peeing or being unable to pee
  • fever
  • flu-like symptoms, backache, headache and a temperature
  • mild swelling of the lymph glands in the groin, armpits and neck

If you have a recurrent infection, your symptoms may include:

  • a tingling or burning sensation before blisters appear (this can signal the start of a recurrent infection)
  • painful red blisters, which soon burst to leave ulcers
  • pain inside the vagina, head of penis or back passage

Testing for genital herpes

If you think you may have genital herpes you should make an appointment with your GP or local sexual health services.

If there are symptoms present such as blisters, sores and ulcers, your doctor or nurse may be able to make a diagnosis straight away.

If you have visible blisters, your doctor or nurse may take a swab for testing, to check if this is herpes and what type. This swab can also test for another STI which causes blisters called syphilis.

The genital herpes swab tests are very reliable, though if the ulcer is too dry then it may be less likely to find a positive result.

Treating genital herpes

Although there is no known cure for herpes, the symptoms of genital herpes can be treated.

The symptoms of recurrent genital herpes will usually clear up without any treatment. Anti-viral medication can help speed up the healing process and reduce the severity of an episode, if needed.

If you start taking the medication as soon as an outbreak begins, you may shorten or even stop the episode.

Some people experience many recurrences of genital herpes. In these cases, a longer course of tablets should prevent any recurrent episodes.

Talk to your doctor or nurse at the sexual health service, or to your GP, about possible treatment options that may suit you.

It's important to keep the area clean by bathing the area with warm salty water. Drink enough fluid – such as water or soft drinks – to make your pee (urine) less painful to pass.

If you're pregnant and find out you have a genital herpes infection, tell your midwife as soon as possible.

As there's no screening test for herpes, partners are only advised to have a test if they also have symptoms.

Avoiding passing genital herpes to a partner

You can only pass the virus on to someone who has not already been infected with the same type of herpes as you. If you have herpes, you can follow some simple measures to avoid passing the virus on to your partner(s), and to continue to have a healthy and happy sex life.


  • tell your partner if you have herpes
  • learn to recognise the warning signs (tingling, itching or inflammation) that an episode is starting


  • do not have sex during an episode of herpes
  • avoid direct contact with your sores or blisters and another person
  • avoid kissing and oral sex when you or your partner has cold sores around the mouth

If you have frequent episodes of herpes then it is worth talking to your GP or sexual health clinic about longer term treatment which may also reduce the chance of you passing on the virus to your partner.

Preventing recurring episodes

Keep a record of when you have an episode of genital herpes. You may see a pattern developing, and be able to identify your trigger factors.

Many people find that episodes occur:

  • when they're run-down
  • when they're under stress
  • around the time of menstruation
  • when the skin gets irritated due to friction or tight clothing

If you do see a pattern of trigger factors, try to adjust your lifestyle to avoid or reduce your exposure to them. Or speak to your healthcare professional for advice.

Reducing the risk of genital herpes

The best way to prevent all sexually transmitted infections is to practice safer sex. This means using a condom for vaginal, anal or oral sex.

Using condoms has been shown to half the risk of passing on herpes.

If your partner has herpes, avoiding sex when they have visible sores reduces your risk of getting herpes.

Other STIs

If you’ve been diagnosed with herpes it’s recommended that you are tested for all STIs including:

  • chlamydia
  • gonorrhoea
  • syphilis
  • HIV

This is even more important if you have recurrent episodes.

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