How do you say todays date in spanish

How do you say the date and month in Spanish? You have to not only know your numbers but also be able to pronounce the months correctly. Then there are a few differences between how the Spanish write and say dates in general, but don’t worry, in the following, we’ll tell you all you need to know to say dates like a local in Spain.

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How to say the months in Spanish

If you have a bit of a knack for Spanish pronunciation, the months should pose no particular problem for you. The following table will give you an overview of the correct pronunciation. For the International Phonetic Alphabet transcription, the Castilian way of saying the month always comes first before the Latin American way. Note that the month is not capitalized unless the word is at the beginning of a sentence.  

MONTHSPAIPA1eneroeh-neh-roh/eˈneɾo/2febrerofeh-breh-roh/feˈbɾeɾo/, [feˈβɾeɾo]3marzomahr-thoh/ˈmarθo/, /ˈmarso/4abrilah-breel/aˈbɾil/, [aˈβɾil]5mayomah-yoh/ˈmaɟ͡ʝo/, [ˈmaʝo]6juniohoo-nyoh/ˈxunjo/7juliohoo-lyoh/ˈxuljo/8agostoah-gohs-toh/aˈɡosto/, [aˈɣost̪o]9septiembresehp-tyehm-breh/sebˈtjembɾe/, [seβˈt̪jẽmbɾe]10octubreohk-too-breh/oɡˈtubɾe/, [oɣˈt̪uβɾe]11noviembrenoh-byehm-breh/noˈbjembɾe/, [noˈβjẽmbɾe]12diciembredee-thyehm-breh/diˈθjembɾe/, [d̪iˈθjẽmbɾe]/diˈsjembɾe/, [d̪iˈsjẽmbɾe]

How do you say the date in Spanish?

When saying the date in Spanish, the day precedes the month. “April tenth” or “the tenth of April” therefore becomes “diez de abril”, which literally translates to “ten of April”.

For saying the entire date in Spanish including the year, you can use a simple formula:

  • el + (day) + de + (month) + de / del + (year)
  • el veintidós de junio de dos mil veinte – June 22, 2020

You can use del instead of de before the year, because it indicates the omitted año (for year). Note that when you announce a date of the current year, you’d commonly leave out announcing the year.

Here are some more examples:

  • Hoy es el tres de mayo de dos mil veinte. – Today is May second two thousand twenty.
  • Mi fecha de nacimiento es el quince de noviembre de mil novecientos ochenta y cinco. – My date of birth is November fifteen nineteen hundred eighty five.
  • Tu cita es el treinta y uno de agosto. – Your appointment is on August thirty first.

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Numbers for saying dates in Spanish

These are all the numbers you need to know when saying dates in Spanish:

1 – one – primero (exception!)11 – eleven – once21 – twenty one – veintiuno2- two – dos12 – twelve – doce22 – twenty two – veintidós3 – three – tres13 – thirteen – trece23 – twenty three – veintitres4 – four – cuatro14 – fourteen – catorce24 – twenty four – veinticuatro5 – five – cinco15 – fifteen – quince25 – twenty five – veinticinco6 – six – seis16 – sixteen – dieciséis26 – twenty six – veintiseis7 – seven – siete17 – seventeen – diecisiete27 – twenty seven – veintisiete8 – eight – ocho18 – eighteen – dieciocho28 – twenty eight – veintiocho9 – nine – nueve19 – nineteen – diecinueve29 – twenty nine – veintinueve10 – ten – diez20 – twenty – veinte30 – thirty – treinta31 – thirty one – treinta y uno

Note that unlike English, Spanish uses cardinal numbers instead of ordinal numbers. The exception is the first of the month uses the ordinal number primero, first. However, if you really want to emphasize the ordinal aspect of a day, you can do so in Spanish: nos vemos el quinto de mayo, which translates to “see you on the fifth of May” – but it is rather unusual in daily use.

Correct order when saying and writing dates in Spanish

In conversation, when you say a date in Spanish, the number corresponding to the date will always come first, followed by the month and then the year, in case you need to state that as well.

For the notation of dates, you can choose between numerals only, or a mixture between numerals and words. If you express the date as just numbers, remember to always put the daay first: DD/MM/YYYY is the common form, though you might also encounter YYYY/DD/MM at times. Same as in English, you omit the zero for single digit days or months.

Mixing numerals and words means using a word for just the month (see our table above) and numbers to express day and year. This also happens to be a common way of writing the date in letters. Remember to NOT capitalize the month!

  • (numeral for the day) + de + (name of the month) + de / del + (numeral for the year)
  • 30 de noviembre de 2016 = November 30, 2016
  • 1 de octubre del 2017 = October 1, 2017
  • 25 de julio de 2012 = July 25, 2012
  • 17 de enero de 1977 = January 17, 1977

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Jakob is a freelance writer in Barcelona, Spain, and his favorite books have pages all empty. As an expert storyteller, he publishes creative fiction in English and German and helps other authors shape their manuscripts into compelling stories. Thanks to an expertise in a wide range of topics such as writing, literature and productivity to marketing, travel, and technology, he produces engaging content for his clients. Apart from the escape that books offer, Jakob enjoys traveling digital nomad style and stays active with climbing and hiking. Find out more about him on his website, Twitter or on Goodreads.

How do you say the date in Spanish today?

If you want to know the date, use the phrase "¿Cuál es la fecha de hoy?" (coo-AHL ess lah FAY-chah day oy). This question means "What is today's date?" While there are other ways to ask for the same information, this is the most common.

How do you say the date today?

Order of Days and Months when saying the date.
Month + Day: December 25 – used in United States.* OR..
Day + Month: 25th December – used in the rest of the world..
2017 is divided into 20 and 17 so you would say twenty seventeen..
Be careful when writing the dates using only numbers..

How do you say the date in Spanish example?

For saying the entire date in Spanish including the year, you can use a simple formula:.
el + (day) + de + (month) + de / del + (year).
el veintidós de junio de dos mil veinte – June 22, 2020..

How do you say the date in numbers in Spanish?

The basic format is el [day of the week] [day] de [month] de [year]. So then Sunday, September 7, 2014, would be el domingo 7 de septiembre de 2014 in Spanish.


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