Harry potter fanfiction harry is royalty dumbledore bashing

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  1. TagsSummary

    Rajkumari Euphemia Shrivastava is so good at doing the expected thing. Minister's son, Fleamont Potter is a bit of a disappointment in that department. Neither of them believe that they are destined for a great love. This is the story of how they made theirs anyway.

  2. TagsSummary

    Bila kamu seorang Black, kamu seorang Black dan tidak ada yang bisa memegang semua kartu kecuali kamu. Bukan Pangeran Kegelapan dengan dendam, bukan Kepala Sekolah dengan ramalan dan tentu saja bukan Keluarga Mafia paling berpengaruh di dunia... Dorea adalah seorang Black seperti Potter dan dia tidak akan membiarkan siapa pun berjalan melewatinya!

    Sebuah cerita Fem! Harry. Slow Bulid.

    Terjemahan Bahasa Indonesia dari Black Sky - Umei no Mai (Fanfiction.Net)

    Language:Bahasa IndonesiaWords:103,697Chapters:33/?Kudos:38Bookmarks:7Hits:1864
  3. TagsSummary

    Medieval Europe has become a boiling cauldron of utter anarchy, doddering dangerously at the precipice of a nuclear implosion as the forces of Darkness and Light clash in battle resulting in a recurring bloodbath. Legendary War Mage, the Grand Vizier of the Light stands at the side lines planning and plotting for a final victory against the sinister Dark Sorcerer and his hordes of evil.

    But there is one man standing in between them and the fairly mysterious Sorcerer Supreme of the Dark.

    The Duke of Nuremguard and supposed General of the Dark; a mysterious man of unknown lineage and insurmountable power; he is cold, ruthless, powerful wizard and master strategist.

    A lady of noble birth, the hidden ace of the Light may be their only chance.

    A forced alliance places her directly at the centre of the Duke's dark world as she tries to find out the missing piece of a long lost puzzle which can end this war.

    As the lines of right and wrong, noble and evil, light and dark, love and hate starts blurring, she must choose what she needs to save and whom she is willing to sacrifice while an ancient entity of immeasurable power waits in the corner to catch her unaware.

    Language:EnglishWords:13,430Chapters:4/?Kudos:67Bookmarks:16Hits: 836
  4. TagsSummary

    Sirius Black is called to fulfill an ancient duty of House Black assigned by Magic itself, and Harry Potter makes a startling discovery on a visit to Gringotts in the summer before his third year.

    Re-write of HP starting from a week after Harry arrives in Diagon Alley in Book 3. Canon is treated very loosey-goosey at best and completely and utterly discarded at worst. Don't read this if you're a big stickler for canon. Not particularly relationship-focused, no pairings have been decided yet but I will tag them once they appear. Heavily dives into my own interpretation of Wizarding nobility and the function of the Ancient and Noble Houses, with some elements borrowed from other fics/fanon elements but nothing is explicitly copied, these are my own ideas that carry influences from the rest of fanon.

    Features a Harry that slowly grows into his own role as a powerful wizard and a Sirius that learns to grow up and process his life. I'm going to try and stay away from making characters overpowered, so this isn't quite OP!Harry but it's definitely Powerful!Harry who, by the end of the story, will convincingly be going toe-to-toe with the other powerhouses in the setting.

  5. TagsSummary

    To royalty failure was never an option, so if neither could live while the other survived, then what had to be done about that was really quite simple: 'Lord' Voldemort would have to perish, because Hel refused to. Luckily, having been raised by the Varia's former Storm Officer, Princess Hel had learned from the best. Fem!Harry. Sequel to Prince Belphegor's Guide to Parenting.

    • Part 2 of Prince Belphegor's Guide to Parenting
  6. TagsSummary

    Five extraordinarily skilled MACUSA Aurors with experience fighting dark wizards and wars around the Wizarding Globe join the Original Order of the Phoenix to help defeat Voldemort. But is that all they want to do? The Marauders know that in a time of war, outsiders should not be trusted.

    Please read the tags carefully.

    Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters or institutions created and written by J.K Rowling or Ved Vyas.

    Language:EnglishWords:3,479Chapters:1/?Kudos:3 Bookmarks:1Hits:197
  7. TagsSummary

    "I hate you."

    Diana sat on her couch, covered in silk and laces. She was dressed for bed, but her unyielding purple eyes and straight posture told otherwise. She had seen it, the anger boiling over. It was just like before when they were still naive children prancing around with wooden sticks, playing with brooms, and reading books filled with fairy tales. Six years have passed, wooden sticks became lethal weapons, brooms became means of escape, and books were precious mines of jeweled intelligence. But the consistency of Draco Malfoy's anger remained.

    His dark grey eyes glared menacingly through the moonlight seeping down through the windows. They were focused on one point, one person.

    "I hate you," he repeated.

    A tear trickled down his ashen cheeks. "I hate that I love you."

    * * *

    She never expected after dying at the age of 16 that she would wake up inside the world of Harry Potter.

    Reincarnated into the body of a foreign witch princess with the knowledge of the events about to befall Hogwarts, she does everything she can to stop the tragedies to happen.

    However, she is no hero.

    She's a villain.

    philosopher's stone━━deathly hallows
    © daixuki_, 2020

    Language: EnglishWords:92,227Chapters:27/?Kudos:90Bookmarks:36Hits:2596
  8. Tags Summary

    It was long since Helena lost hopes of soulmates and happy endings, all what she wanted was to save her friends and family and maybe survive. However, she met the wizard who would change her life forever in the most unexpected place.

    Or when Antonin Dolohov received the push he needed to let go of his bitterness and take back what was always meant to be his.

    • Part 14 of Slytherin love Moodboards
  9. TagsSummary

    James knew exactly how his school days would go. He would attend Hogwarts, play for the Gryffindor quidditch team, and be by far the most popular boy in his year. He was rich, handsome, certainly talented enough, and – most importantly – a Potter. There was nothing at all to stop him from finding the perfect witch to court the way all of his ancestors had.

    He didn’t consider the possibility of complications. Particularly not muggle complications. He didn’t consider how one girl could make him question the traditions he’d known his entire life. How one choice could change the course of wizarding history. If he had, he mightn’t have been so sure of himself.

    • Part 1 of Coming of Age & Related Stories
    • Part 1 of Coming of Age
  10. TagsSummary


    « Mérite ta place comme une Black, ou tu partiras d'ici comme une rien. »

    1970, la première guerre approche, Lord Voldemort monte en puissance chaque jour et sème la terreur. Lyra et Sirius, les jumeaux Black devront trouver leur voie dans une famille où "Toujours pur" est plus que des mots, c'est un art de vivre.

    Et si...


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    "[...] Il se leva et s’approcha d’elle, mais elle recula et partit rejoindre Alice qui l’attendait sur le terrain. Lyra inspirait doucement pour calmer les battements de son coeur, mettant à profit l’enseignement de sa mère pour redevenir maîtresse de ses émotions.

    Elle mit ses mains dans les poches de sa longue cape noire pour masquer leurs tremblements à Alice et s’avança en souriant. "

    • Part 1 of love, winter
  11. TagsSummary

    "Oh man this is awesome!" Ron said, head craning to see the new comer. "Whose he gonna pick?" Harry frowned,
    "What you onna bout?" Ron grinned at Harry and Hermione.
    "That person right there? That's King Lucian, he's quite literally the oldest, most powerful wizard in this room right now," Ron was bouncing slightly in his seat, it reminded Harry of when he saw Victor Krum at the World Cup.

  12. TagsSummary

    The reincarnation of Elixara's fallen heroes found themselves in the world of wizards and with another chance to return to their kingdom.

    The heroes face a series of challenges involving their history and their lives. Old relationships are rekindled, sparks appear and heart breaks are ensued from new bonds.

    In which a reincarnated queen rewrites everyone's fates and a prince writes down her history.

    • Part 1 of Emberstar Trilogy
    Language:EnglishWords:1,891Chapters: 2/?Hits:33
  13. TagsSummary

    Pandemic took away his life but not his spirit. Our Character gets a chance at life again and he promises himself to grab the opportunities like never before but uh-uh where or most importantly when is he? The late 1800s? Victorian Era? Magic? Black family? Hogwarts? What is happening, is he that lucky? Or are there plots and traps hidden at every turn? Let's join our hero or is he a villain in his journey TOWARDS GREATNESS.

    This is not a story based on Hogwarts Legacy or in any way related to it right now. I'd inform you if that changes somewhere down the line if Hogwarts legacy's plot is interesting enough.

  14. TagsSummary

    Ron Weasley fanfic ideas that I will work on after I finish the Many crushes of Ron Weasley. One Piece crossover

  15. TagsSummary

    An apparition accident dramatically and permanently changes the lives of Harry Potter and Draco Malfoy, who find themselves inextricably bound to each other in a way they never imagined was even possible. They soon realize that they must put their rivalry aside and find a way to peacefully co-exist and cooperate as the alternative is unthinkable.

    Language:EnglishWords:82,115Chapters:15/?Kudos:309Bookmarks:112 Hits:14048
  16. TagsSummary

    After the deaths of his parents, fifteen-month-old Harry Potter is left in the care of his mother’s sister, Petunia Dursley. In another life, she might have hated her nephew… but in this one, she loves him dearly and vows that nobody will harm her sister’s boy. As for Harry, there are many secrets regarding him… secrets which when learned will dramatically change the course of his life forever.

    The story begins in 1981 and covers Harry's childhood and Hogwarts years. The crossovers with The Vampire Diaries, Supernatural, and Teen Wolf don't begin until after his 21st birthday (the in-story year 2001), although there are guest appearances from characters in those fandoms before their arcs officially begin.

  17. TagsSummary

    Oliver is the Chief Librarian working for the Royal Family when he and Prince Marcus Flint are locked in a room for their own protection.

  18. TagsSummary

    Hermione is a daughter from a minor noble family and Fleur is the crown princess of France visiting the Northern most region on a Royal Progress to meet the daughter of the region's High Lord for a potential match.

    Its an AU of my Au Parlay in Reverse. Basically Hermione inadvertently steals the crown princess' heart and gets the ride of her life *wink wink*

  19. TagsSummary

    During a small War Meeting, Albus Dumbledore gets some Bad News

    • Part 1 of The Royal Witch
  20. TagsSummary

    Harry Potter is powerful and he knows it.

    So, at 7 years of age, he busts out of the Dursley's residence and is left to fend for himself.

    Gradually, he learns more about his magic, until he finally stumbles upon a wizard in a dark alleyway.

    From then on, he is raised by Sirius Black, who never went to Azkaban. Harry is taught in the ways of an elite pureblood, and is crowned the heir to the ancient and noble house of black.


    This fic is a bit of a 'super harry' fic, as in he's extremely powerful. I have not shown the process of him gaining this power(I wrote this fic a while ago and my writing was. . . subpar) so you may only want to read if you're willing to not look too deep into it.

    Language:EnglishWords: 24,362Chapters:19/19Kudos:155Bookmarks:31Hits:8645

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