Grocery store jobs for 15 year olds

You have researched the laws in your state and if required, obtained a work permit (for information on work permits in your state click here). You are now ready to start your job search. As you think about where you would like to work, you also wonder where you can work. There is a grocery store not far from your house; can you work at a grocery store as a 15 year-old?

You can work at a grocery store at the age of 15, though which ones you can work with will depend on the individual store.

This blog post will cover:

  • Options for 15 year-olds looking to work in a grocery store
  • How to get hired at a grocery store at age 15
  • Other employment options for 15 year-olds

Options for 15 year-olds looking to Work in a Grocery Store

Working at a grocery store is a great entry level opportunity for teenagers. As there are a variety of jobs that need to be done at a grocery store, there is plenty of opportunity for learning and growth. Grocery stores are typically staffed with employees of all ages, providing an opportunity to work with a diverse group of people.

You may find it difficult to find a grocery store willing to hire 15 year-olds, as many hire starting at age 16 and some not until age 18. Think about the grocery stores in your surrounding area and which ones you are interested in working at. You can then call those stores and ask them what the minimum age for employment is for their store. If a work permit is required in your state, make sure to frame your question along the lines of:

“Does your store hire 15 year-olds with a work permit?”

Try to not get down if you are told “no”. This is part of the job search process.

You may also wonder what types of jobs are available in grocery stores for 15 year-olds. Stores that hire 15 year-olds will most likely hire them for the position of “bagger”. These are the most entry level positions at the grocery store. Baggers are responsible for bagging the customer’s groceries as they are purchased. The bagger may also answer customer questions and look for items for those in the store.

Other jobs, like stock clerk and cashier, are more likely to be available to you once you turn 16.

Remember that it is important to have an idea of the child labor laws and work permit requirements in the state where you live prior to beginning your job search. Click here for more information on child labor laws and work permit requirements in your state.

How to get hired at a Grocery Store at the age of 15

In order to get hired at a grocery store, you will have to submit an application. This can usually be done online or in person. Should you find that a grocery store that you want to work at is open to hiring 15 year-olds, it is a good idea to go to the store in person.

Remember that grocery stores receive a lot of applications for employment and going to the store to apply will give you the opportunity to make a good impression. Make sure to dress well; nice pants and a button-down shirt for example. If you can print and complete the application at home, go ahead and do so.

Upon entering the store, request to speak with a manager. A good person to ask this of is the person at the customer service desk. Take your application with you and introduce yourself. If a manager is not available, you can leave your application and resume with the person at the customer service desk. You will want to ask them the name of the manager and when the best time is to contact them to follow up on your application. If you were not able to print an application, go ahead and ask for one.

If a manager comes to meet you, introduce yourself. You can present your application and let them know you are interested in being employed at the store. Some managers may ask you a few questions right there. Many times they will tell you they will keep your application on file. While you have the opportunity to speak with the manager, ask if there are any current openings, as well as when the best time would be for you to follow up with them. Get the name of the manager so that you can follow up with the person who has met you.

If you happen to have timed it where there are immediate openings, the manager will now know that the person behind your application presents and communicates well. This will help you stand out from other applicants, who the manager has yet to meet.

If you find that there is no immediate opening, your effort was still successful. Making a positive impression on a hiring manager and obtaining information about who to contact and when to follow up is key to your job search and may lead to your getting an interview down the road.

For more information on applying for a job in person, click here.

Other Employment Options for 15 Year-Olds

While it may be difficult to get a job at a grocery store when you are 15 years-old, that does not mean there are not plenty of opportunities to earn money available to you.

Online jobs are a great option to consider when you are 15. There are numerous opportunities to generate income from your home computer. Here are a few great options:

Creating Websites or Blogs

You don’t have to be a professional web designer to create websites and blogs. With a little effort you can create your own site or blog or build them for others who pay you for it. There are pre-designed templates that you can utilize and build on. It does not cost much to get started; the main investment is your time.

If this sounds interesting to you, offer to create your first few websites for minimal cost or even for free. You can then use these websites as example of your work and get good references from those that you built the sites for. Having a portfolio and clients will help you get future jobs from businesses. The ability to create websites is a skill that will be appreciated by future employers as well.

You can also create a website and/or blog for yourself. Pick an area that you are interested in and build your site around that interest. For example, if you really enjoy playing video games, you can create a site dedicated to that. You can review new games that come out, offer advice on how to play a game, etc. You can learn about how to drive traffic to your site, and there are ways that you can earn money by doing so.

Online Freelance Writing

Completing writing jobs online is another option to earn money while working the hours fit your schedule. Freelance sites like and allow you to build a profile and apply online for short and long term writing jobs. A lot of the jobs involve creating content for existing websites and blogs. These jobs offer you the chance to earn money doing something you enjoy while learning about a variety of topics.

They pay for writing articles online varies. Sometimes clients pay per word, other times per article. It is a good idea to start with a low rate and increase it as you gain experience. If you are easy to work with and produce a quality product, you will have no trouble obtaining business.


If you are fluent in multiple languages, you can earn money by translating documents or articles. offers translating opportunities. You can apply for those that appeal to you and that you feel comfortable you can do well. As with the writing jobs, you can increase your rate as you gain more experience. As you get comfortable you can create your own website and market your translation services online.

Sell Items on ebay

You can make money selling things you no longer need while clearing some space in your home. You can also ask friends or relatives if they would like you to sell anything of theirs and negotiate a commission.

These are just a few of the jobs that you can do online. For more information and opportunities, click here.

If you would prefer to work outside of your house and away from your computer screen, there are plenty of options of side jobs for you to consider.


Tutoring allows you to set your own schedule and tutor the topics you choose. Working with younger children and teenagers and helping them learn can be very rewarding. This will be great work experience for your future and tutoring will be a great way to earn additional money after high school as well. When setting rates, start around $10 per hour. You can always negotiate an increase as the child shows improvement at school.

You can also offer homework help services for elementary school kids. Many parents would love to have someone spend an hour with their children one or two days per week to help with homework.

Running Errands

Many adults are extremely busy working full-time jobs and trying to maintain their household. You can offer to run errands using your bike or walking to stores. There are many things you can help with; grocery shopping, going to the post office, doing the household’s holiday shopping, etc. Charging around $10 per hour would be appropriate. Keep in mind, if you provide excellent service, your clients will refer you to their friends.

Pet Sitting/Dog Walking

When leaving town, pet owners worry about their pets and will be happy to pay you to feed and spend time with them. You can negotiate payment per visit, as well as what the client would like the visit to entail.

Dog owners may also be interested in hiring you to walk their dog while they are at work. You can charge a rate per walk and come to an agreement on the length of time the walk will be.

For more information on side jobs for 15 year-olds, click here.

While it is possible to get a job at a grocery store at 15 years-old, you might find it challenging. The jobs that are available will depend on the grocery stores that are in your area. Persistent follow up will help you to stand out and be offered an interview should a position become available. If you have a difficult time getting a job at a grocery store, keep in mind that there are plenty of other opportunities for you to earn money at the age of 15.

So, what do you think about whether 15 year olds can work at a grocery store?  Do you agree with what was said above?  Comment below to let us know!

Does King Soopers hire at 14?

Facts About Working at King Soopers Hiring Age: 16 years old (How old do you have to be to work at King Soopers?)

Where can a 15 year old work in Texas?

A child who is age 14 or 15 may be employed in the following occupations in retail, food service, and gasoline service establishments:.
Office and clerical work (including operation of office machines).
Cashiering, selling, modeling, art work, work in advertising departments, window trimming and comparative shopping..

Do I need a resume for grocery store?

Although people say that you don't need a resume to apply for a grocery store clerk or cashier position, it would be better to have one significantly since it improves the chances of being hired in popular grocery stores.

How do I get a job in a supermarket?

You can typically go to a store and ask for an application, which you then fill out and return to the store. Many supermarket employees start out as cashiers. Many supermarket jobs can also be applied for online, especially at larger supermarkets that wish to reduce redundant or unnecessary paperwork.