Follow up email after verbal job offer sample

Updated on September 21, 2022


Sam Edwards / Getty Images

When you receive a job offer, it's appropriate to send a thank-you letter. Even if you’ve already accepted the job offer verbally, sending a letter allows you to formally confirm the new position. It’s also a good way to start your professional relationship on the right foot. 

Even if you decline a job offer, it’s always wise to send a follow-up with your thanks for the opportunity. It gives you a chance to be gracious and leaves open the possibility of a future relationship with the company.

Key Takeaways

  • Send a thank-you letter whenever you receive a job offer, even if you must decline the opportunity. 
  • If you accept the job offer, use your letter to clarify any details about the specifics of the role, in addition to extending your thanks. 
  • Always be gracious and professional in your communications with an employer so that you leave a good impression.

Why Send a Job Offer Thank-You Letter?

The main purpose of the letter is to express gratitude for the offer. It allows you to state your intentions to accept or decline the offer in writing and also allows you to clarify the terms of your agreement.


If you’re accepting the position, think of the job offer thank-you letter as your first interaction with the company as an employee, and aim to make a good impression.

If you don’t plan on accepting the job, use the letter to very politely decline the role. After all, you might want to apply to another job at the company in the future, so it’s a smart idea to maintain a good relationship with the employer.

Information You Should Include in Your Letter

The content of your letter will differ slightly depending on whether you choose to accept or decline the offer. In either circumstance, the most important thing to include in your letter is your appreciation for the offer.

If you accept the job, you may also want to include:

  • The terms of the offer. While this letter isn’t a legal document, it can be helpful for both you and the employer to clarify the terms. Include your start date, the job title, and any other terms that seem relevant. 
  • Your contact information. Including your phone number, email address, etc., ensures that the employer can get in touch with you if they have any last-minute information about start times or documents to bring with you. 
  • Any questions about specifics. For example, you may need clarification on salary, benefits, or the official start date.


If you’re not taking the job, you don’t have to provide specific details about your reasons.

This is not the place to negotiate a counteroffer. You'll want to say “thank you” for the offer, and you can also use the space to express your desire to keep in touch, leaving an opening for future association.

How To Send Your Letter

You can send the thank-you letter as an email or a hard copy through the mail. 

If you send your letter as an email:

  • Paste the letter into the body of the email or send it as an attachment. 
  • Choose an appropriate subject line. Put your name and the words “thank you” in the subject line of the message: “First Name Last Name – Thank You.”
  • Include your contact details in your signature.

If you send your letter through the mail: 

  • Write your letter in business letter format. 
  • Use an appropriate salutation, e.g., “Dear Mr. Jones.”
  • Choose a professional close, e.g., “Best regards.” 

Regardless of how you send it, be sure to thoroughly proofread your message, so you appear professional and polished. Edit it carefully for spelling, grammatical, and formatting errors. Double-check the spelling of the name of the person who offered you the job as well.

Job Offer Thank You Letter and Email Samples

Download the job offer thank you letter template (compatible with Google Docs and Word Online) or see below for more examples.

The Balance

Sample Job Offer Thank You Letter #1: Letter Format

Rachel Applicant
123 Main Street
Anytown, CA 12345

August 1, 2022

Harold Lee
Suburb Elementary School
123 Business Rd.
Business City, NY 54321

Dear Mr. Lee,

Thank you so much for hiring me for the teaching assistant position. I appreciate the time you took to interview me, and I am very glad to become a part of the staff at Suburb Elementary School.

I am ready to meet the students on September 1st and can’t wait to begin planning sessions with Jane Smith on August 12th to help get her classroom and curriculum set for the new year.

Please let me know if these dates are still correct or if anything changes.

I look forward to starting my position and, once again, I'd like to thank you for this great opportunity.


Signature (hard copy letter)

Rachel Applicant

Sample Job Offer Letter Thank You #2: Email Format

Subject: Thank You – Jane Smith

Thank you for hiring me for the retail sales position. I’m thrilled to be joining the sales team of the premier jewelry store in the city. I’m looking forward to meeting the rest of the staff and to beginning training for the position on Monday, July 10th.

Please let me know if there’s anything special I need to bring to my first day of work. I look forward to starting. Thank you so much for the opportunity.


Jane Smith

Sample Job Offer Thank You Letter #3: Email Format

Subject: Angela Garcia – Thank You

Dear Ms. Lee,

Thank you so much for offering me the job as an administrative assistant. It was a pleasure meeting you and your staff at my last interview. I am sorry to let you know that I will not be accepting the position at XYZ Company at this time.

While the opportunity at XYZ is very exciting, I must make a different choice at this time. I look forward to keeping in touch with you and hope that we will associate in the future.

Once again, thank you so much for this opportunity.


Angela Garcia 

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

How soon after a job interview should I send a thank-you note?

Send a thank-you note as soon as possible after a job interview—ideally, within 24 hours. Sending a thank-you email can ensure that the hiring manager receives your message quickly. 

How do I negotiate a salary counteroffer?

When negotiating a counteroffer, start by doing your research to determine appropriate salary ranges for the role. Send a polite and professional email to the hiring manager communicating your request and emphasizing your research and skills. Alternatively, you can also request a meeting to discuss compensation and make your case then.  

Should I follow

Send a follow-up note asking for a timeframe If it's been over 48 hours and you still haven't received a formal offer, contact the hiring manager to express your enthusiasm about the offer and to ask about the status. Keep your note short and to the point, and be specific about what you're asking.

How do you politely follow

Write a follow-up email directly to the hiring manager Use a clear subject line, for example: Following up on a job application for [position title]. Be polite and humble in the body of your message. Say you're still interested and reiterate why you're the perfect fit. Keep the resume follow-up email short.

How long does it take to get written offer after verbal?

Request a written offer If you haven't received a written offer within 48 hours of the verbal offer, make a special request. Ask for a written offer that details the compensation and benefits package. Before you sign the written offer, pay attention to the verbiage.

Should I send thank you email after verbal job offer?

Even if you've already accepted the job offer verbally, sending a letter allows you to formally confirm the new position. It's also a good way to start your professional relationship on the right foot. Even if you decline a job offer, it's always wise to send a follow-up with your thanks for the opportunity.