Does increasing your credit line hurt your credit

Let’s Learn About: How a Credit Limit Increase May Affect Your Credit Score

  1. Increasing your credit limit may help your credit score if you keep your credit utilization low

  2. If your lender does a hard inquiry to approve your credit score increase, your score may go down

  3. An increase in income can make you eligible for a credit limit increase

Your credit limit is the maximum balance you can have on your credit card. Increasing your credit limit could help your credit score, leave it unchanged, or lower your score, depending on the circumstances.

Find out what factors could cause you to hurt your credit score, and when it’s the right time to ask for a credit limit increase.

How can increasing your credit limit affect your credit score?

All things being equal, increasing your credit limit will reduce your credit utilization ratio. The credit utilization ratio is the amount you owe as a percentage of your credit limit. A low credit utilization ratio may help your credit score more than a high ratio.

If you increase your credit limit, your spending habits remain about the same, and you continue to make on-time monthly payments, your utilization ratio would go down, and this could impact your credit score.

However, if you increase your spending too much after increasing your credit limit, your credit utilization ratio will increase, and that may negatively impact your credit score.

For example, if you have a $1,000 credit limit and spend $500 before you pay the bill, that’s a 50 percent credit utilization ratio. But if you get a credit limit increase to $2,000 and then spend $1,500 before you pay the bill, your credit utilization ratio will go up to 75 percent.

The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau recommends keeping your credit utilization ratio under 30 percent.

Your credit score may also be affected by a credit limit increase because of a hard inquiry. When a lender obtains a copy of your credit report to decide whether to grant your request for additional credit, this results in a hard inquiry on your credit report. Hard inquiries usually do not have a significant impact on your credit score unless many occur in a short period of time.

When to ask for a credit limit increase

Asking for a credit limit increase at the right time could affect your chances of being approved. Consider these things before requesting a credit limit increase.

  • You Received a Raise: Reporting an income increase could show credit card issuers you have the ability to handle more debt.
  • You Make On-Time Payments: Credit card issuers take into account how reliably you make payments on all of your loans.
  • You Have a Low Credit Utilization Ratio: Using only a small percentage of your available credit shows that you can handle credit responsibly.
  • Your Credit Score Is Good to Excellent: Credit card issuers are more likely to issue additional credit if you have handled your existing credit well.

You can request a credit limit increase on your Discover Card by logging into the Discover Account Center, selecting “Card Services” and then “Credit Line Increase.” Or on your Discover Mobile App, select “Services” and then “Credit Line Increase.”

You can also request a credit line increase by calling the phone number on the back of your Discover card.

What you should consider before requesting a credit limit increase

  • You Applied for a New Line of Credit: Applying for a new line of credit and requesting a credit limit increase can both result in a hard inquiry. Multiple hard inquiries may negatively impact your credit score and potentially show financial hardship.
  • Your Income Has Decreased: If you recently transitioned to a lower-paying job, it could affect being approved for a credit limit increase.
  • Your Credit Isn’t Good: If your credit isn’t good, it may be best to work on improving your credit score before requesting a credit limit increase.

Automatic credit limit increases

Requesting a credit limit increase isn’t the only way to get one. If you have used your credit card responsibly and have made on-time payments, your credit card issuer may automatically increase your credit limit.

Increasing your credit limit is merely an opportunity to spend beyond your means, right? Not necessarily. In fact, increasing your credit limit can have a number of upsides if you manage your credit wisely. For example, it can help you repair your credit, make large purchases efficiently, or use credit to handle a sudden emergency. A higher credit limit can even boost your credit score.

There are at least six key benefits of increasing your credit limit.

Key Takeaways

  • Increasing your credit limit can lower credit utilization, potentially boosting your credit score.
  • A credit score is an important metric lenders use to determine a borrower's ability to repay.
  • A higher credit limit can also be an efficient way to make large purchases and provide a source of emergency funds.
  • If an increase in a credit limit encourages you to spend beyond your means, the mounting debt will likely outweigh any benefits.

1. Lowers Your Credit Utilization

The FICO credit-scoring model will ding your credit score if the amount of credit you've used is close to the total amount of the credit available to you. That's because lenders consider you to be at risk of taking on too much debt, making it more difficult for you to make future payments. Even if these risks don't actually apply to you, that's how the scoring model works, and your credit score can suffer as credit utilization ratios increase.

For example, if you have a $2,000 credit limit and you regularly end up with a monthly balance of around $1,800, you're using 90% of your available credit. Raising your credit limit will reduce the percentage of funds being used, lower the credit utilization ratio, and should improve your credit score.

Credit experts generally recommend keeping your credit utilization ratio at 30% or below.

2. Cheaper and Easier to Get Loans and Additional Credit

If your credit score is higher, you will have a better chance in the future of getting approved for a credit card, car loan, or mortgage. You'll also have a better chance of getting a lower interest rate since your credit score determines whether you'll be offered the best available rate or a higher, risk-adjusted rate.

3. Helps in an Emergency

Having a credit limit well in excess of your usual spending amount gives you a resource if you have a genuine emergency that you can't pay for with cash. Say you're traveling, and you need to change your plans and return home immediately. It probably won't be cheap to change your plane ticket, and it's convenient to pay for a plane ticket with your credit card.

6 Benefits Of Increasing Your Credit Limit

4. Helps You Earn More Rewards

If you consistently pay off your credit card balance in full and on time, but you're not putting all of your expenses on your credit card, it might be time to start. Having a higher credit limit can help you do that and increase the rewards you earn, such as cash back, points, or travel miles. The conventional wisdom says that you shouldn't charge everyday expenses like groceries and gas to your credit card, but that advice only applies if you're carrying a balance—it's designed to help you avoid making a bad problem worse.

On the other hand, if you never carry a credit card balance, paying for recurring expenses on your credit cards won't cost you anything and can help you earn more rewards. Those rewards can actually reduce your spending in other areas by helping you pay for vacations, gifts, clothes, and nights out.

5. Lets You Make Large Purchases Efficiently

You already know that using your credit card to pay for large purchases is convenient and can help you rack up rewards. What you might not know is that your credit card likely includes a number of consumer protections that can come to your rescue if there is a problem with your purchase. For example, Mastercard's protections include extended warranties, price protection, and coverage for damaged or stolen items. American Express offers similar benefits.

Check your credit card agreement to see what protections and restrictions apply to your cards.

6. Helps You Avoid Credit Score Dings

One way to get access to more credit is to get another credit card, but increasing your limit on an existing card might be a better option. According to FICO, opening a new credit card can ding your score. When you open a new account, it shortens the length of your credit history, and a long history often means an improved score. The age of your oldest account, the age of your newest account, and the average age of all your accounts are factored into the length of your credit history. This metric affects around 15% of your score.

Should You Increase Your Credit Limit?

If you know you're likely to spend up to your credit limit no matter how high it is, carrying the higher debt burden will probably outweigh any benefits from increasing your credit limit. Otherwise, consider requesting an increase. Before doing so, make sure that you have an established credit history in good standing.

Is there any downside to increasing credit limit?

Increasing your credit card limits can make you feel richer than you really are and can even lead to impulse spending. This is a big disadvantage because it's easy to spend more than you intended when you're shopping with what seems like an endless amount of (someone else's) money.

Is it good to accept a credit line increase?

An increased credit limit can have a positive impact on your credit score, thanks to something known as credit utilization, which is basically the percentage of available credit you're using. For example, if you have a credit limit of $10,000 with a balance of $3,000, your credit utilization would be 30 percent.