Does getting a chiropractic adjustment make you taller

Here is my latest Near Perfect Minute!  Read it or watch it.  Enjoy!

I had a really cool question that came up recently and I wanted to address it because it’s something that I have heard several times over the years.  The question is “will chiropractic make me taller?”

I can remember 25 years ago, my niece Alice,  she was six years old and she just wanted to grow taller and faster.  She was small for her age, already self-conscious about it, and she wanted to grow up. She heard about all the things we do in the office and all of the things that chiropractic can do for you because your body functions better when there is no interference to the nervous system.  She thought, “Hey, maybe I’ll be taller because I’m functioning better.”  I was very sad to have to disappoint her, but chiropractic is not going to make you grow taller than your genes predicate. It just doesn’t work that way.   I told her to blame her short parents.

However, for most of us who are past the growing phase of life, chiropractic really can have a major positive impact on our posture… and height.  Think about someone who’s standing hunched over versus someone who’s standing up nice and straight.  Chiropractic will facilitate you standing up straighter, will help correct the curves in your spine, and will help you adopt this “power posture”.  It’s really interesting how the literature shows that this power posture actually makes you feel better, it makes you more confident.  Plus, all the health benefits of having your spine in line, having no subluxation.  Not having irritation to the nervous system affects your whole body.

Another benefit of a good upright, standing tall posture is that it creates room in the chest cavity, giving your lungs more space to expand.  When that happens, you can breathe deeper and get more oxygen in your body.  Good oxygen levels are essential for life and health.

Many of us have acquired bad technology habits.  We’re always looking down at our phone, tablet or gaming console.  I routinely see young adults in their late teens and twenties who have massive postural distortions.  This type of problems, in that age group, rarely happened when I started practice over 30 years ago.  These bad habits contributes to that hunched over posture.  Head forward.  Shoulders rolling in.  Over time, that posture will create stress on the spine that leads to dysfunction.  The range of problems associated with that extends from cosmetics-it just doesn’t look good- to reduced lung capacity, reduced longevity, body and back pain, tension and stress on the structure.  I see a lot of early signs of arthritis that result from these distortions.

Can chiropractic make you taller?  If you spend a lot of time on the computer, sitting, or driving, then yes, chiropractic will probably help you stand taller.   Here is the plan; First, schedule your technology time She was struggling with her posture.   Second; Get adjusted regularly.  A good friend of mine started setting aside 10 minutes twice a day for Facebook and social media.  And started getting her spine checked several times per week.  She broke the cycle of constantly having to stay on top of everything in her feed.  And her bad posture.  Now, she stands tall.

So, can chiropractic make you taller?  For most of us, the answer is yes.  A combination of adjustments as part of a rehab program that includes specific exercises and activity management will result in better posture and looking taller!

Now, let inject some common sense in this conversation…  Should you attend to your posture sooner or later?  Obviously, the younger you start, the greater the magnitude of possible changes and the resilience of the results!

As always, please reach out if you have any question!

Dr. Jean-Marc Slak

As always, we look forward to seeing you!

Call 781-273-0099 for your appointment.

Does getting a chiropractic adjustment make you taller

While chiropractic care has become very popular over the past few years, many common misconceptions remain. Few people even consider going to the chiropractor until they have an injury or unexpected back pain. 

But there’s so much more to chiropractic care than you might think. Chiropractic adjustments can relieve pain, reduce inflammation, improve daily performance, and enhance your overall health. Some patients even find that they feel taller after their spinal adjustment. 

This begs the question – can you get taller by going to a chiropractor? 

Chiropractors get this question all the time, and the answer is more complicated than you’d think. Today, we’re getting to the bottom of this question once and for all. 

What Chiropractic Adjustments Can Do

Can you get taller by going to a chiropractor? Yes and no. While adult bodies can’t actually grow with chiropractic adjustments, it’s possible to feel — and even look — taller. 

The secret lies in the way a chiropractic adjustment works. A combination of spinal adjustment, posture changes, and specialized treatment can leave you walking out of a session feeling taller, lighter, and more confident. 

Let’s dig deeper into how this process works. Here are some of the things a chiropractor can do with an adjustment and how it might play a role in your height.  

Spinal Alignment

Have you ever been told to stop slouching and stand up straighter? Many people suffer from poor posture. In addition to aches and pains, poor posture can make you appear shorter than you are. 

You could develop a spinal misalignment over time due to how you carry yourself. This misalignment can occur in the connective joints, muscles, and spinal ligaments — shortening and compressing your spinal region. All of this can lead to a visible change in height as your disordered posture leaves you with a slouched appearance. 

That’s why some people walk out of a chiropractor’s office and magically appear a few inches taller. In reality, the process of spinal alignment has corrected a painful slouch.  

What is the actual process of spinal alignment? Using non-surgical methods, a chiropractor can work on your back to straighten your spine, correct your posture, and ease discomfort. Along with the realignment of the spine, you might receive exercises designed to help strengthen your stance. When your spine is misaligned, your muscles and connective tissues can become strained. The right exercises can help your whole body feel straight and balanced, not just your spine. 

Realigning the spine can straighten out and stretch your spinal bones, as well as the soft tissue around them. This allows you to appear an inch or two inches taller than before the alignment. 

The relief of a spinal alignment can also help patients feel taller. After restoring the natural function and balance of the spine, they can walk and move with the confidence of a balanced posture. 

Does getting a chiropractic adjustment make you taller

The health of your spine goes far beyond just your posture. From back injuries to spinal deformities, deeper conditions could be causing your pain and discomfort. 

When you go to a chiropractor, they may order imaging like an x-ray to investigate the root cause of your pain. With this x-ray, they can better diagnose an injury or condition and develop an effective treatment plan. 

Getting to the bottom of your pain with imaging can help you heal faster. Ultimately, it can restore your spinal health and get you back to feeling confident when you walk, sit, and move. 

Specialized Treatment

A great chiropractor will do more than just look at your spine. They take a holistic approach, examining your body in its complexity and treating you accordingly. 

Using a range of different specialized treatments, the right chiropractor can get to the root of your pain and resolve it naturally. At Reinhardt Chiropractic and Wellness, we use a combination of joint adjustments, massage, exercise, ultrasound therapy, nutritional advice, and weight loss management to leave patients feeling more confident in their spinal health. 

When you leave your appointment, you might not be physically taller. But you’ll feel stronger, taller, and pain-free. 

So, Can a Chiropractor Make You Taller?

In short, no. A chiropractor can’t make you physically taller.

With all that being said, a chiropractor can still influence your overall height. When you ease discomfort, address pain points, and improve your spinal alignment, you might be able to fulfill the potential of your natural height. Due to posture problems or other spinal conditions, you might not be experiencing the full extent of your body’s spinal length or the inches granted by optimal posture right now. With the right holistic treatments, that could change. 

Whether or not you notice a physical difference in your height, a chiropractor can certainly make you feel taller. When you work with chiropractors like those at Reinhardt Chiropractic and Wellness, you might find yourself standing straighter and moving with greater ease — and confidence.

Looking and Feeling Your Best With Reinhardt Chiropractic 

When it comes to chiropractic care, it’s not always about the inches you can “grow” through a spinal adjustment. The real benefit of going to a chiropractor is that you can leave feeling your absolute best. 

Correcting chiropractic problems, whether it’s posture problems or a more profound unaddressed complication, can help you stand up straight and use the full length of your spine. And best of all, you’ll leave feeling more confident than before — ready to stand up tall and take on the day. 

Ready to see what a chiropractic session can do for you? Learn more about our chiropractic care, or get started and book a session with us today.