Doctors can estimate __________ using x-rays of epiphyses.

Which of the following statements represents the Cephalocaudal pattern?

a. Maturation occurs first near the body then to the extremities.

b. Maturation occurs in order upward from toes to head.

c. Maturation of fine motor is first and gross motor comes last.

d. Maturation occurs in order downward from head to toe.

Maturation occurs in order downward from head to toe.

the proximodistal pattern

a. Maturation occurs first near the body then to the extremities.

b. Maturation occurs in order upward from toes to head.

c. Maturation of fine motor is first and gross motor comes last.

d. Maturation occurs in order downward from head to toe.

Maturation occurs first near the body then to the extremities.

The best estimate of physical maturity is _________ which can be estimated by X-rays to measure the number of epiphyses and the extent to which they are fused.

a. Fat to muscle ratio

b. Bone pliability

c. Chronological age

d. Skeletal age

Which of the following describes the limitation of using NIRS (near infra-red spectroscopy) on infants?

a. Infants and young children move to much making the scan unreliable.

b. Interpretation is difficult, changes could simply represent hunger or fatigue.

c. It uses radioactive dye and therefore cannot be done as many times as needed.

d. All of the above.

Interpretation is difficult, changes could simply represent hunger or fatigue.

The _________ lobe, will become responsible thinking, inhibition of impulses, and use of memory. This area is elaborated at about 12 months.

a. Occipital

b. Temporal

c. Prefrontal

d. Parietal

The overproduction of dendrites and synapses creates brain _________, areas which are uncommitted and available for acquiring motor, cognitive, and social skills.

a. Discontinuity

b. Plasticity

c. Deprivation

d. Rigidity

The ability of a child to be coordinated at using both hands to stack blocks relies on myelination of the ________________ so the left and right hemispheres can communicate with each other.

a. Spinal cord

b. Cerebellum

c. Corpus Callosum

d. Auditory nerve

A child who is left handed demonstrates ___________________, the tendency of one hemisphere to be more responsible for a task than the other hemisphere

a. intelligence

b. plasticity

c. lateralization

d. egocentrism

The term Experience Expectant reflects the importance of ___________ in cortical maturation.

a. Learning

b. Nature

c. Environment

d. Nurture

Alexia was born with cataracts in both eyes, which of the following is the best advice?

a. Corrective surgery will only be helpful in adulthood when her eyes are fully mature.

b. Corrective surgery during the first six months will permanently impair her vision.

c. Delaying corrective surgery until after 12 months reduces recovery of visual skills.

d. Corrective surgery at any point in childhood will produce adequate visual development

Delaying corrective surgery until after 12 months reduces recovery of visual skills.

Which of the following most closely describes an infant’s sleep states?

a. Sleep about 8 hours per day and awake for the remaining 16 hours.

b. Sleep about 10hrs per day and two thirds of that time is REM sleep.

c. Sleep about 13hrs per day but almost none of that is REM sleep.

d. Sleep about 17hrs per day and about half of that time is REM sleep

Sleep about 17hrs per day and about half of that time is REM sleep

Breastfeeding is recommended because it is easier to digest and

a. produces a better muscle to fat ratio.

b. reduces risk of poor jaw development.

c. correlates with later puberty

d. all of the above

Joseph is 20 months old and was recently weaned. He has an unbalanced diet very low in protein, his belly is enlarged, he has swollen feet, a skin rash, and thinning hair. Joseph most likely has

a. marasmus

b. obesity

c. kwashiorkor

d. growth faltering

Classical conditioning

a. helps infants anticipate what is about to happen next.

b. plays a vital role in the formation of social relationships.

c. emerges only after newborn reflexes have begun to wane.

d. enables the infant to establish cause- effect connections.

helps infants anticipate what is about to happen next.

Operant conditioning.

a. helps infants anticipate what is about to happen next.

b. plays a vital role in the formation of social relationships.

c. emerges only after newborn reflexes have begun to wane.

d. enables the infant to establish cause- effect connections.

enables the infant to establish cause- effect connections.

To assess recognition memory researchers show the infant an object, wait until he stops looking then show a new object and observe how quickly the infant shifts attention to the new object. This reflects

a. Information Processing theory

b. Operant Conditioning theory

c. Social Learning theory

d. Classical conditioning theory

Information Processing theory

What inborn mechanism been proposed to account for infant’s imitation of adult facial expression?

a. Accommodation

b. Lateralization

c. Mirror neurons

d. Conditioning

Which statement summarizes the research / results of the Meltzoff and Moore study of infant imitation?

a. Proved social learning theory because infants reliably imitated adult expressions.

b. Tested if infants will copy an adult social expression but results did not replicate.

c. It was unethical, infants were shown and imitated inappropriate behaviors.

d. Proved infants are not interested in the behaviors of the adults around them.

Tested if infants will copy an adult social expression but results did not replicate.

Jill is running ahead and her father calls out: “Not so fast, stay where I can see you.” Jill slows down and says: “Okay, watch me now.” and starts walking on her tip toes. According to age norms, Jill is likely

a. 9 months

b. 12 months

c. 16 months

d. 24 months

According to Dr. Thelen’s Dynamic systems theory, motor skills will appear based on?

a. Neural maturation and muscle capability.

b. Task availability and environmental support.

c. Individual motivation and goals

d. All of the above.

Statistical Learning capacity refers to

a. Number of trials infant needs to get it right.

b. Analyzing a sound stream for invariant repetitive patterns.

c. Attentive to the light/dark boundaries of visual stimuli.

d. Integrating, combining the input from multiple sensory systems.

Analyzing a sound stream for invariant repetitive patterns.

Franz discovered infants have contrast sensitivity. This means the infant

a. Matures in direct relation to amount of practice.

b. Deliberately focuses on light/dark boundaries in visual stimuli.

c. Accurately combines input from multiple sensory systems.

d. Analyzes sounds for invariant repetitive patterns.

Deliberately focuses on light/dark boundaries in visual stimuli.

The Gibson’s propose that infants discover affordances, _________________ that the situation offers.

a. Intermodal constants

b. Action possibilities

c. Contrast sensitivities

d. Sensitive periods

The major contributor to developmental change for children between 2 to 6 years is

a. play

b. study

c. practice

d. parents

Between 2 to 6 years the brain increases to 90% of adult weight through ___________which enables faster and more complex interconnected thought.

a. Perseveration

b. Assimilation

c. Myelination

d. Regeneration

Improvements in sustained, controlled attention are due to maturation of the

a. Cerebellum

b. Hippocampus

c. Reticular formation.

d. Hypothalamus

the brain structure that with maturation and practice leads to improvements in physical coordination.

a. Cerebellum

b. Hippocampus

c. Reticular formation.

d. Hypothalamus

the brain structure that with maturation and language leads to improvements in short term memory.

a. Cerebellum

b. Hippocampus

c. Reticular formation.

d. Hypothalamus

If as a toddler James was wary of the dog because he could not remember playing with that dog before, then with maturation of the ______________ we would expect an older James be less afraid.

a. Hippocampus

b. Hypothalamus

c. Reticular formation

d. Amygdala

the brain structure that would signal fear in response to the dog’s facial expression.

a. Hippocampus

b. Hypothalamus

c. Reticular formation

d. Amygdala

the brain structure that would release stress hormones intensifying a toddler’s fear.

a. Hippocampus

b. Hypothalamus

c. Reticular formation

d. Amygdala

Given that there is a dramatic increase in left-hemisphere connectedness and activity, it is not surprising that skill in _______________ develops at the fastest pace during early childhood.

a. giving directions

b. drawing pictures

c. shape recognition

d. using language

Answers _ , _ , _ are all activities that tend to be lateralized in the right hemisphere.

a. giving directions

b. drawing pictures

c. shape recognition

d. using language

giving directions

drawing pictures

shape recognition

Which of the following statements is true about sleep in relation to physical growth?

a. Sleep is when the growth hormones are released in body and brain.

b. Sleep stimulates synapses, physical activity when awake stimulates growth.

c. Sleep increases release of cortisol causing increases in neural maturation.

d. Sleep is not related to physical growth but improves reflex reaction time.

Sleep is when the growth hormones are released in body and brain.

If a young child with psychosocial dwarfism is removed from an emotionally inadequate environment,

a. The GH levels continue to remain low and dwarfism is permanent.

b. The GH levels increase slightly and catch-up growth is minimal.

c. The GH levels do not reach normal until the child is post-puberty.

d. The GH levels quickly return to normal and the child grows rapidly.

The GH levels quickly return to normal and the child grows rapidly.

Which statement accurately captures the relationship between early diet and physical development?

a. Poor diets during critical periods can result in permanent deficiencies.

b. Poor diets in childhood increase the risk of chronic illness in adulthood.

c. Poor diets caused by conditioned eating habits are resistant to change.

d. All of the above are true.

All of the above are true.

Brianna, age 4, eats only tater tots and chicken nuggets. According to Pavlov’s Classical Conditioning theory, to encourage their daughter to eat new foods, Brianna’s parents should?

a. Serve her the new food with no other choices, she has to eat it or go hungry.

b. Serve both and thus associate the new food with food she already likes.

c. Give her a positive reinforcement if she eats some of the new food.

d. Give reasons for the new food choice consistent with Brianna’s point of view.

Serve both and thus associate the new food with food she already likes.

Brianna, age 4, eats only tater tots and chicken nuggets. According to Skinner’s Operant Conditioning theory, to encourage their daughter to eat new foods, Brianna’s parents should?

a. Serve her the new food with no other choices, she has to eat it or go hungry.

b. Serve both and thus associate the new food with food she already likes.

c. Give her a positive reinforcement if she eats some of the new food.

d. Give reasons for the new food choice consistent with Brianna’s point of view.

Give her a positive reinforcement if she eats some of the new food.

Brianna, age 4, eats only tater tots and chicken nuggets. According to Cognitive Developmental theory, to encourage their daughter to eat new foods, Brianna’s parents should?

a. Serve her the new food with no other choices, she has to eat it or go hungry.

b. Serve both and thus associate the new food with food she already likes.

c. Give her a positive reinforcement if she eats some of the new food.

d. Give reasons for the new food choice consistent with Brianna’s point of view.

Give reasons for the new food choice consistent with Brianna’s point of view.

According to ______________ children learn by observing so if you want to change your child’s eating habits you must do the same and change yours.

a. Piaget

b. Bandura

c. Bronfenbrenner

d. Erikson

Three-year-old Billy experienced repeated otitis media during his first year of preschool. Like other children who experience frequent otitis media, he may have trouble

a. Attending to what others are saying.

b. Seeing the posters on the wall.

c. Holding, coloring with markers.

d. All of the above.

Attending to what others are saying.

Billy would have trouble with _______ if he had damage to his motor cortex in the frontal lobe

a. Attending to what others are saying.

b. Seeing the posters on the wall.

c. Holding, coloring with markers.

d. All of the above.

Holding, coloring with markers.

Billy would have trouble with _______ if he had myopia or damage to his occipital lobe.

a. Attending to what others are saying.

b. Seeing the posters on the wall.

c. Holding, coloring with markers.

d. All of the above.

Seeing the posters on the wall.

Injury control theory proposes that childhood injuries

a. are typically accidental and usually cannot be prevented.

b. occur within a complex ecological system and can often be prevented.

c. are less common in the United States than in other industrialized nations.

d. occur infrequently and should be less of a concern than otitus-media and myopia.

occur within a complex ecological system and can often be prevented.

Early childhood progress in fine motor skill maturation is most apparent in _____________

a. Balance and walking

b. Self-help skills and drawing

c. Jumping and lifting

d. Intermodal integration

Self-help skills and drawing

Harvey has just turned three years old and so he can probably

a. Gallop and skip with one foot.

b. Copy some numbers and simple words.

c. Use a fork effectively

d. Zip and unzip large zippers.

e. Ride a bicycle with training wheels.

Zip and unzip large zippers.

Harvey has just turned four / five years old and so he can probably

a. Gallop and skip with one foot.

b. Copy some numbers and simple words.

c. Use a fork effectively

d. Zip and unzip large zippers.

e. Ride a bicycle with training wheels.

Gallop and skip with one foot.

Use a fork effectively

Harvey has just turned five / six years old and so he can probably

a. Gallop and skip with one foot.

b. Copy some numbers and simple words.

c. Use a fork effectively

d. Zip and unzip large zippers.

e. Ride a bicycle with training wheels.

Copy some numbers and simple words.

Ride a bicycle with training wheels.

For this age group, direct instruction in __________ is most likely to improve gross-motor development.

a. throwing

b. running

c. dancing

d. tumbling

Secular trends in physical growth involve changes in growth rates

a. from one bio- region to another.

b. caused by evolutionary selection factors.

c. brought about by chromosomal mutations.

d. caused by differences in generational experiences.

caused by differences in generational experiences.

Joey is in middle childhood and likely to grow out of his ________ more quickly than his ________.

a. hats; shoes

b. jeans; jackets

c. shirts; jeans

d. jackets; shoes

Antwon’s permanent teeth are coming in but his mom thinks they are too large. Your advice would be?

a. It is very common, 85% of all children have malocclusions.

b. It is rare, only 10% of all children have malocclusions.

c. It is normal, in 67% of children jaw and chin grow to accommodate teeth.

d. It is unusual and the large teeth should be removed so the rest may come in.

It is normal, in 67% of children jaw and chin grow to accommodate teeth.

Milo’s neurotransmitters are not present in appropriate balances and he loses motor control at times. The doctor has determined that this is caused by a cortical seizure. Milo may suffer from

a. malocclusion

b. autism

c. epilepsy

d. cerebral palsy

__________________are considered a possible cause of changes in brain functioning during middle childhood because increases in these affect brain organization and behavior in many animal species.

a. Androgens

b. Cortisol

c. Serotonin

d. Acetylcholine

Rita’s BMI, body mass index, is in the 95% range this means

a. somewhat overweight

b. categorized as obese

c. normal weight

d. seriously underweight

Which of the following factors are related to obesity in childhood?

a. Stress and not getting enough sleep

b. Preterm and low birth weight

c. Time taken to chew one’s food.

d. All of the above

Pax suffers from malnutrition and stunted growth, in a stressful situation he will?

a. have a normal fear response

b. have a reduced fear response.

c. have a greater fear response

d. pay no attention to the event

have a greater fear response

Which of the following represents the Behaviorist approaches that is most likely to be successful in reducing obesity?

a. Address the context, eat together as a family and limit television viewing.

b. Positively reinforce physical activity at home and in school.

c. Explain the reasons healthy food is good and snack food is not as good.

d. Encourage a child to feel good that they made the healthy snack choice.

Positively reinforce physical activity at home and in school.

Which of the following represents Maslow’s Self-actualization theory that is most likely to be successful in reducing obesity?

a. Address the context, eat together as a family and limit television viewing.

b. Positively reinforce physical activity at home and in school.

c. Explain the reasons healthy food is good and snack food is not as good.

d. Encourage a child to feel good that they made the healthy snack choice.

Encourage a child to feel good that they made the healthy snack choice.

Which of the following represents Piaget’s Cognitive Developmental theory that is most likely to be successful in reducing obesity?

a. Address the context, eat together as a family and limit television viewing.

b. Positively reinforce physical activity at home and in school.

c. Explain the reasons healthy food is good and snack food is not as good.

d. Encourage a child to feel good that they made the healthy snack choice.

Explain the reasons healthy food is good and snack food is not as good.

Which of the following represents Bronfenbrenners Ecological systems theory that is most likely to be successful in reducing obesity?

a. Address the context, eat together as a family and limit television viewing.

b. Positively reinforce physical activity at home and in school.

c. Explain the reasons healthy food is good and snack food is not as good.

d. Encourage a child to feel good that they made the healthy snack choice.

Address the context, eat together as a family and limit television viewing.

Mr. and Mrs. Falk want to improve their children’s diets. One simple and proven way they can do this is to

a. forbid them from eating fast foods.

b. give them limited spending money.

c. eat together as a family most nights of the week.

d. remove all sugary treats from their home.

eat together as a family most nights of the week.

Given the factors that increase risk of myopia,which child is most likely to have this problem?

a. Travis, who lives in a high-SES household.

b. Devin, whose parents have good eyesight.

c. Chen, who weighed 8 pounds at birth.

d. Hallie, who lives in a low-SES household .

Travis, who lives in a high-SES household.

Mikkah is 8 years old and experiences nocturnal enuresis. His parents have decided against any type of treatment, feeling that he will “outgrow it.” His parents should know that

a. treatment now has immediate positive psychological consequences.

b. enuresis is not something that a child can outgrow simply with time.

c. doing nothing is actually the most effective treatment for enuresis.

d. the problem is likely to reoccur throughout his life without medical intervention.

treatment now has immediate positive psychological consequences.

When Anne engages in intense exercise, particularly in cold weather or during allergy season, her bronchial tubes contract causing her to cough and have serious breathing difficulties. Anne has

a. enuresis

b. asthma

c. emphysema

d. bronchitis

Correlational data tells us that Donald he is more likely to be a risk-taker if he has parents who

a. are safety-conscious

b. strictly supervise his activities

c. consistently enforce rules

d. use punitive discipline

To promote physical and mental development in middle childhood it is recommended that children have

a. a team sport that they do after school.

b. supervised lessons like dance or gymnastics.

c. at least one hour unstructured play time per day.

d. less physical education to avoid low self-esteem.

at least one hour unstructured play time per day.

he hormonal changes that underlie puberty occur gradually and this maturational period is under way by age

a. 6 -7 years.

b. 8- 9 years.

c. 11- 12 years.

d. 14 -15 years.

Given a relatively stable home life, current views on when and why adolescents are likely to experience stress center on

a. Hormonal imbalances

b. Unconscious sexual desires

c. Phase of life issues

d. None of the above

On the average, girls reach puberty ________ boys.

a. slightly earlier than

b. two years earlier than

c. at the same time as

d. slightly later than

Altogether, adolescents add _____ inches in height and _____ pounds in weight.

a. 6 to 7; 25 to 35

b. 8 to 9; 35 to 50

c. 10 to 11; 50 to 75

d. 12 to 14; 60 to 80

Which of the following athletes is especially likely to continue her activity into adulthood?

a. a softball player

b. a volleyball player

c. a basketball player

d. a cross-country runner

Long term data indicates each generation in the 20th century has experienced puberty a few weeks earlier than the previous generation. This represents a

a. Circadian shift

b. Genetic drift

c. Secular trend

d. None of the above

Julianna is obese and this make her more likely to

a. experience puberty earlier than her friends.

b. enter puberty at the same time as her friends.

c. experience puberty later than other girls her age.

d. develop in a manner more consistent with male puberty.

experience puberty earlier than her friends.

Which portion of the adolescent’s brain contributes to an increased tendency to take risks, to believe that the event is risky for others but nothing bad will happen to them, they can “handle it”?

a. Cerebellum

b. Limbic System

c. Prefrontal Lobe

d. Parietal lobe

Regarding self-control which portion of the adolescent brain is still developing?

a. Cerebellum

b. Limbic System

c. Prefrontal Lobe

d. Parietal lobe

In comparing adolescents to adults, adolescents

a. use their limbic system areas to more effectively estimate ability.

b. use prefrontal association areas to effectively compare risks.

c. are less responsive to excitatory neurotransmitters therefore less attentive.

d. are more responsive to neurotransmitters making any experience more intense.

are more responsive to neurotransmitters making any experience more intense.

Enhanced ________ sensitivity helps explain why young adolescents are so self-conscious about others’ opinions.

a. gray matter

b. oxytocin

c. insulin

d. estrogen

The combination of a sleep “phase delay” and evening activities, phones, and computers has resulted in

a. teenagers who are better able to cope with sleep loss than previous generations.

b. today’s teenagers getting much less sleep than those of previous generations.

c. teenagers who get a better night’s rest than those in previous generations.

d. teenagers who are less likely to rely on sleep rebound on weekends.

today’s teenagers getting much less sleep than those of previous generations.

Sleep deprived adolescents consume caffeine in the form of coffee, tea and soda which has the effect of

a. Reducing intake of calcium

b. Substituting empty calories

c. Decreasing iron absorption

d. All of the above

Research shows that _________________ tend to have lasting adjustment problems in later life.

a. early-maturing boys

b. late-maturing boys

c. late-maturing girls

d. early-maturing girls