Do you need a computer science degree to be a software engineer

Do you need a computer science degree to be a software engineer

It’s a question that pops up again and again: Do you need a formal degree in computer science (CS) to become a developer?

The short answer is “no”: Although a degree in CS or a related discipline always looks good on a résumé or CV, many tech companies care more about your actual skills than whatever fancy piece of paper you earned in school; at the most recent American Workforce Policy Advisory Board Meeting, for instance, Apple CEO Tim Cook noted that about half of Apple employees don’t have a degree, and the company is “proud of that.” 

The longer answer: It’s complicated. It’s true that a formal education can help you learn many of the core concepts you’ll need for a successful career in software development. Developers seem to recognize this, which is why 62.4 percent of those who attended an undergraduate program majored in computer science, computer engineering, or software engineering (according to the latest Stack Overflow Developer Survey).

Some 8.2 percent of that same undergraduate “pool” majored in another engineering discipline (such as civil or mechanical engineering), and 6.9 percent majored in information systems, information technology, or system administration. Even fewer (4.5 percent) majored in web development or web design.

Some 45.3 percent of respondents told Stack Overflow that they’d earned a bachelor’s degree, while 12.2 percent had attended some university/college, and 3.4 percent had earned an associate’s degree. A significant number (22.7 percent) had secured a master’s degree, but relatively few had obtained either a professional degree (1.4 percent) or doctorate (2.8 percent).

“Worldwide, about three-fourths of professional developer respondents have the equivalent of a bachelor’s degree or higher, consistent with what we’ve found in previous years,” read the note accompanying Stack Overflow’s data. “However, it is not that rare to find accomplished professional developers who have not completed a degree.”

The big question is whether schools are actually teaching the skills that tech pros need to succeed once they enter the workforce, and on that front, things seem more in doubt. For instance, HackerRank’s annual developer survey found that college graduates weren’t being taught the languages and frameworks employers need; 32 percent of its respondents relied entirely on university to teach them what they needed to know, while 27 percent reported being self-taught. (An even higher number, 38 percent, combined schooling and self-learning.)

Meanwhile, another study from DigitalOcean pointed out that tech bootcamp graduates feel far more prepared for the ‘real world’ than college degree holders (61 percent to 36 percent, respectively).

And Stack Overflow’s survey reported a staggering 85 percent of developers teaching themselves new languages, frameworks, and tools without taking a formal course of any sort.

In other words, a CS degree is always useful (some jobs demand it, even if more companies are relaxing their educational requirements in favor of candidates demonstrating they have the right skills). But if you know how to code effectively, a lack of a degree shouldn’t be a total impediment to landing a job.

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You don’t necessarily need a specific type of degree to become a Software Engineer – and a software engineering degree is certainly not a requirement – but most Software Developers and Engineers have at least a bachelor’s degree.

According to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, the best fields for anyone interested in becoming a Software Engineer are computer science, computer engineering, and software engineering, but any other bachelor’s degree programs related to computer systems or computer software should be enough to begin a software engineering career (of course, a master’s degree will always help you stand out in a job hunt, and many Software Engineers do have one).

But only four percent of the bachelor’s degrees conferred in the U.S. are in computer science, so there are many people pursuing work in software development with a different educational background.

And even a master’s degree in computer science might not be enough for an entry-level software engineering job if it isn’t paired with other technical training. Specifically, almost all jobs in software development require an understanding of computer programming, and very few formal degree programs will help you get any degree of offer programming experience.

To gain those real world skills essential to any job in software development, aspiring Software Engineers typically have to augment their formal education with online learning, tutorials, coding bootcamps, and more. As new programming languages and tools are introduced, Software Engineers are expected to continue pursuing these kinds of online education opportunities.

Is It Possible to Become a Developer Without a Degree?

It is possible to become a developer without a degree, but to get a job without at least a bachelor’s degree you would have to be able to demonstrate exceptional programming skills along with a proven track record in development.

Just as in a related field like web development or software development, your portfolio of projects will provide a lot of insight into who you are and that can sometimes be enough to persuade companies when looking at aspiring Software Developers that other job criteria (like a bachelor’s degree) aren’t quite as important.

Similarly, if you have valuable experience in fields related to software engineering, that could matter more than your educational background. Specifically, a background in software design, web development, project management, or other information technology roles could have better prepared you for software engineering jobs than any degree programs would have.

Can I become a software engineer without a computer science degree?

No matter whether you have a CS degree or not, you can become a software engineer. And to become one, you must have basic knowledge of computers like how it works, how to connect Internet, short commands on keyboards (like Ctrl+C, Ctrl+V, Ctrl+X, etc), and many more.

What degrees we need to become a software engineer?

Most employers prefer or require software engineers to hold at least a bachelor's degree in a relevant discipline like software engineering, computer science, information technology, or computer and information systems.

Is software engineering a computer science degree?

Computer science and software engineering degree programs differ in their approach to computer software. Software engineering takes a more technical approach while computer science takes a more abstract, theoretical approach.