Do you know when someone unfollows you on instagram

Do you suspect somebody committed the cardinal sin of unfollowing you on Instagram?

There's an easy way to check. Let's put on our sleuth trench coats, get out our magnifying glasses, and investigate.

1. Go to the Instagram profile of the person you want to check the follow status.

2. Tap where it says "Following" in the top right corner.

There will be a number above it that shows how many accounts they follow.

Do you know when someone unfollows you on instagram

Find someone's "following" count in the top right of their Instagram profile. Credit: screenshot: instagram

3. On the next screen, tap where it says "Following" with that number next to it.

This will pull up the list of accounts they follow.

If your account comes up in the search results, this person is still following you. Yay!

Do you know when someone unfollows you on instagram

I searched my name in this person's "following" list, and my account showed up. They follow me! Credit: screenshot: instagram

Hey, that's me!

However, if your account does not come up in the search results, that person is not following you. If they were following you before, some point, they unfollowed you. Ouch. Here's an example to see what that'll look like:

Let's say for the sake of this article that Ariana Grande, at some point in time, followed me on Instagram. One day, I decide to go on social media and say that her new album is hot garbage (Gasp! I would never). Now I'm wondering if she unfollowed me because of what I said.

So I go to her profile and search my account in her "following" list like I showed you how to do above. And to my horror and dismay, my account does not come up in the search results.

Do you know when someone unfollows you on instagram

This is what it'll look like if you search your account in somebody's "following" list and they *don't* follow you Credit: screenshot: instagram

"No users found." That'd mean she would have unfollowed me (and I would've deserved it, too).

Anyway, that's how you can tell if somebody unfollowed you on instagram. And to be perfectly clear, in case my hypothetical example gave you the wrong impression, Ariana Grande has no bad albums in her discography and never will.

You didn't come here for pop music commentary but you're getting it. You're welcome!

There may come a time when you’ve found someone you want to unfollow on Instagram.

It could be that you’re simply no longer friends with them, or they’re filling your feed with posts you just don’t care about. Either way, you may find yourself wanting to unfollow them without hurting their feelings, or suffering from any sort of retaliation.

Therefore, you may be wondering – is it possible to unfollow someone on Instagram secretly, without them knowing?

In this article, we’ll cover everything that you need to know!

  • Do People Know When You Unfollow Them On Instagram? Do They Receive A Notification?
  • How Can They Find Out If You Unfollowed Them?
  • Don’t Be Afraid To Block Someone
  • If You Follow Them Back Straight Away, Will Instagram Still Send A Notification?
  • Conclusion
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Do People Know When You Unfollow Them On Instagram? Do They Receive A Notification?

Currently, there is no way for people to know that you’ve unfollowed them on Instagram without them specifically checking.

Instagram does not send any sort of notification when someone unfollows them, and they have no way of knowing which accounts were actually the ones that unfollowed.

Instagram does not provide any sort of lists of unfollowers. Therefore, even if you were to unfollow someone, it’s likely that they’ll have no idea it was you.

So, if you want to unfollow someone, you should feel free to do it without worry!

How Can They Find Out If You Unfollowed Them?

Do you know when someone unfollows you on instagram

Unfortunately, despite the fact that Instagram will not send any sort of notification, it’s still possible for them to discover that you unfollowed them. While they’d have to specifically go looking, it’s still a possibility.

First of all, if they check your profile and view your ‘Following’ list, they will be able to immediately see that they are no longer there. Instagram will always show yourself first if you view someone else’s following list and they’re following you, so this will immediately alert them that you are no longer following your account.

Of course, most people don’t check this sort of thing regularly. However, if you have a history of engaging with their posts or Instagram Stories (such as liking or commenting on them), they may realize if you’ve stopped and go to investigate.

So, if you’re worried this may alert them, you should taper down your engagement slowly before unfollowing.

Additionally, it’s also possible that they may be using a tool that specifically tracks unfollowers. While Instagram has gotten more restrictive with what kind of tools they allow, there may still be software out there that can track unfollows. While these tools are mostly used by businesses, if the person is using one of these they will be able to know you unfollowed them, and perhaps even the exact time this occurred.

Don’t Be Afraid To Block Someone

If you’re worried about stalking or harassment, do not be afraid to block someone after unfollowing them.

If you block someone, they will have no way of knowing whether you actually unfollowed them on purpose, or whether your Instagram account was banned or deleted.

While they could always find out by making a second account and trying to search for your profile, most people won’t go to that much trouble.

Likewise, if you happen to feel unsafe please contact your local law enforcement agency for assistance.

Note: Even if someone discovers you’ve unfollowed them, you can always blame it on a glitch. Instagram also has a button that makes it easy for people to remove their own followers by mistake, so you can always use this as an excuse as well.

If You Follow Them Back Straight Away, Will Instagram Still Send A Notification?

Let’s say you unfollowed someone (either on purpose or by accident), and you followed them back straight away. Will Instagram still send a push notification to their phone?

The answer is yes. Despite how quickly you may follow someone back after unfollowing them, Instagram will still send a notification to their phone stating that you followed them.

Of course, you can always let the person know that you unfollowed them by mistake for a moment, and this will clear up any misunderstandings.


Currently, Instagram does not send any sort of notification when someone unfollows you. Therefore, most people will never know if you unfollow them or not.

However, if someone is determined there are several ways they can find out.

I hope that you’ve found this article helpful. If you have any other questions about Instagram, please ask them using the comment form below.

Wishing you the best,

– James McAllister

Can you tell who unfollowed you on IG?

Instagram doesn't offer any official way to check your unfollows. So, while you can see the Followers count on your profile go down, you won't know who unfollowed you on Instagram.

What happens when someone unfollows you on Instagram?

Unfollowing someone means you will no longer see their content in your feed. If they have a public account then you may still be able to see what they post by visiting their profile directly. If you choose to unfollow someone on Instagram they will not receive a notification saying that you have done this.