Command and conquer kanes wrath out of memory

Fixed D3D Error Out of memory!!! (Groups : Tiberium Essence Fans : Forum : TE Support : Fixed D3D Error Out of memory!!!) Locked
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Command and conquer kanes wrath out of memory


Feb 18 2014 Anchor

FOR the ppl which is getting D3D OUT OF MEMORY ERROR check my solition:Here you go guys this is how did i fixed my own D3D out of memory problem in the first of all do this steps before the start.
1-)Update your Graphic driver.
2-)İnstall latest DirectX from microsoft's site.Step 1-)Then lets consentirate the solition.Before everything first go to your install direction to where you installed your C&C3 game then copy your 'Autorun' file in to your game folder.
Step 2-)İnside that Autorun file there is called autorun.cfg open it with a notepad then change the path which is called 'DirectXverison=DirectX9.0c' to DirectXverison=0 save it and close.
Step 3-)Copy and paste your DirecTX folder from your Game DVD in to your game installed folder C://blablablalba/Tiberium Wars than rename that folder to DirectX9.0c.
Step 4-)The last step Start your game everytime from that autorun folder which we created inside your game folder than choose TE 1.6 from there.İf you are still getting D3D error this changes what we done is giving you one more possibility;Open any skirmish round , make a save game after 3 minutes if it crashs run the game again and load the game from that file you will see you will never get crash anymore ! Share this solition the everyone pls

Command and conquer kanes wrath out of memory


Jun 13 2014 Anchor

My fix was to remove saved replays. This stopped the crashes. It seems that the game starts to crash if you exceed a certain amount of saved replays.

Command and conquer kanes wrath out of memory


Jun 10 2015 Anchor

how does this work on the origin digital copy?

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This is my simple tutorial on how to fix the C&C 3 WORLD BUILDER "out of memory", "game crash" problems once and for all.

This fix will also help solve performance issues with lagging while making your map for the most part*


Hello my friends, I believe I have a very effective yet simple solution to your problems with World builder crashing with the error "GAME CRASH" ---> "OUT OF MEMORY".

Hopefully you'll never have to see this Crash message ever again.

Command and conquer kanes wrath out of memory

Follow these 4 steps below (you may need to reinstall WB before doing this for best results but then again maybe not).

#1. Open World Builder (do not load any maps)

#2. Once in World Builder go to


(even if World Builder is crashing try to complete these steps and ignore the "Game Crash" notification windows that pop up).

#3. Once in


click on the little arrow at the bottom of


and hold it until you get to the end of the list.

Command and conquer kanes wrath out of memory

#4. Click on Set LOD, THEN SET IT TO--->


, I repeat VERY LOW. After setting your LOD to VERY LOW quit World Builder and restart it for best results.

Command and conquer kanes wrath out of memory

Feel free to load up your maps after these 4 steps have been fully completed.

This fix dramatically decreases World Builder's RAM usage. The visual quality of your map will look very poor while making your map on a low LOD setting but once you play your map in C&C 3 the visual quality of the entire map will be high quality as it should be so don't worry about that.

This should solve/fix up to 75% of the "out of memory" World Builder crashing problems for most of you. This World builder fix worked 110% for me and my brother on two different computers with no problems to date. I was experiencing the same exact problems that most of you are having and was frustrated to say the least.

It may still crash on the Regular low LOD setting that is why I highly suggested a "VERY LOW" LOD setting, just so you know.

When I was looking for a fix to the "out of memory", "game crash" problems I found nothing on hundreds of threads in every C&C forum out there. I could only find endless posts and threads desperately asking for a solution but with no solution in sight, so when I found this simple fix I knew I had to share it in detail with the world. Mapping C&C 3 is way too much fun to hold back from the C&C community.

This fix should work for both "Tiberium Wars" and "Kane's Wrath" World Builders.

Please make sure you have at least 3 (aka 2.75 usable) GIGs of RAM. I run World Builder with my Dual Core (Win 7) ACER on a very low LOD setting and my RAM clocks at around 65% to 71% at the max with World Builder on. Yes, I have 3 (aka 2.75 usable) GIGs of RAM.

Hope this helps, it helped my brother & I who were experiencing the same problems forever with World Builder.

I get the feeling this fix may actually work for the Red Alert 3 World Builder as well, I can't confirm that though.

Now get mapping!