Coffee ice cream in doughnut cone

I believe they sell these in Tampa. It's soft serve coffee ice cream with a shot of espresso in a glazed donut cone. Can someone on the Jersey Shore please do this? I will be th… 

I believe they sell these in Tampa. It’s soft serve coffee ice cream with a shot of espresso in a glazed donut cone. Can someone on the Jersey Shore please do this? I will be the first person on line. I believe they sell these in Tampa. It's soft serve coffee ice cream with a …

I believe they sell these in Tampa. It’s soft serve coffee ice cream with a shot of espresso in a glazed donut cone. Can someone on the Jersey Shore please do this? I will be the first person on line. I believe they sell these in Tampa. It's soft serve coffee ice cream with a …

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Coffee ice cream in doughnut cone

level 1

I don’t like that there’s no napkin

level 2

I think a napkin would just adhere itself to the doughnut

level 2

I think the bigger issue is that this is like.. a week’s worth of pure sugar.

level 1

My fingers are sticky just looking at that picture

level 2

sometimes you hafta dive in knowing it's a meal that requires a shower

level 2

Everyone in this thread acting like touching a donut bare handed is crazy... how do you normally eat a donut? Fork and knife? I've never in my live seen someone eat a donut any other way than picking it up and taking a bite.

level 2

Try pulling your pants up.

level 1

And you can use the syringes later for fun coffee enema parties

level 2

mmm are these jitters from the caffeine or the thrill?

level 2

I’ve seen this show where this couple was addicted to giving themselves coffee enemas everyday. Super weird.

level 2

Why later? It's loaded, let's go!

About Community

A place to lambast idiotic methods of serving food, or any other epicurean inanity worthy of ridicule.

Now THIS is worth being fat for.

If you know know I love food and coffee with an undying passion.

Listen to Nicole Murray middays on 94.3 The Point and download our free 94.3 The Point app.

So when I saw THIS while scrolling on Facebook,  my jaw dropped. It came from the Facebook Page titled Coffee. Mom. Repeat.

This is coffee ice cream in a doughnut ice cream cone. And you see that syringe sticking out of the ice cream? IT IS A SHOT OF ESPRESSO!!

You guys.....I need this in my life. Desperately.

So I immediately got to work to find out where I can order this beautiful creature for myself.

I am having trouble finding where I can get this.

There is one page that says you can get it in Australia. One page says you can get it in Tampa. I was also lead to The Doughnut Bar but I am not 1000% sure that this place offers it because I don't see anything on their page about it.


How are you going to put this delicious dish in front of me but not tell me how I can get it?!

Cruel. Just cruel.

So now I am asking the masses.

Do you know where I can get this? I don't care if it is not at the Jersey Shore. I don't care if I have to leave the state. I don't care IF I HAVE TO LEAVE THE COUNTRY!

Coffee ice cream in doughnut cone

We are finding this dish.

I thank you in advance for your help in enabling my coffee and ice cream addiction.

So email me at with the goods.

Thank you again to the Coffee. Mom. Repeat. Facebook Page for bringing this into my life.

The Most Flavorful Coffee in Monmouth County

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Julie Devereaux June 17th, 2021

Talk about your food porn. Check out this crazy ice cream treat from a store in Australia!

No words needed.

Will someone pleeeeeeease do this around here??!!

NEW Caramel Doughnut Cone w/ Salted Caramel Syringe 🍦💉 Serving in the City ✌🏼

Posted by The Doughnut Bar on Wednesday, February 8, 2017

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coffee,coffee ice cream,espresso,food porn,glazed donut,soft serve