Can you still test positive for chlamydia after treatment

It depends on a few different things; if you and your partner(s):

  • completed medication as instructed;
  • did not have any sex for 7 days from when you started your medication; and
  • have no ongoing or new STI symptoms;

Then it would be safe for you to resume sex with your partner(s).

If you and your partner(s) have not, then it may not be safe for you to resume sex.

If you and your partner(s) did not take all of your medication or had any difficulties taking your medication (such as, missing any doses, side effects, vomiting shortly after taking your medication), you should return to your health care provider to discuss being re-treated.

If you and your partner(s) had sex while taking your medication, then you may be passing gonorrhea/chlamydia to each other, and getting treated again should be discussed with your health care provider. 

If you and your partner(s) have any symptoms after taking all your medication, you should avoid sex and see your health care provider. You may need more testing or medication.

Taking all your medication for gonorrhea and chlamydia is important so, that you do not get any complications, and to prevent passing these infections on to your partner(s).

When taken as instructed by your health care provider, the medications for gonorrhea and chlamydia work very well at getting rid of the infection. 

We do not usually recommend having another test to check if the medication worked, unless you are having symptoms, are pregnant or your health care provided told you to do so. If you need to retest for gonorrhea and chlamydia, then you should do so, at least 4 weeks after you finished your medication.

For anyone who tests positive for gonorrhea and/or chlamydia, it is recommended that you retest in 6 months because people often get the infection again from an untreated or new partner.


  • BCCDC (2019) Gonorrhea Information Sheet

Can you still test positive for chlamydia after treatment

Chlamydia is the most common of the sexually transmitted infections (STI) that are required to be reported to governmental authorities in the United States. While anyone can get the infection, it predominantly affects young women under the age of 25.

It spreads through sexual contact, including vaginal, anal, and oral sex. Regular STI testing is important if you’re sexually active. Depending on your age and risk factors, a chlamydia screening might be part of your routine well-woman exams, or you may request testing if you’ve had unprotected sex.

At Solace Women’s Care in Conroe, Texas, Farly Sejour, MD, and our team offer comprehensive reproductive care and STI testing. Receiving positive test results can leave you wondering what your next steps are, but we’re here to help.

Here’s what to do next if your chlamydia test results came back positive.

Get a treatment plan

When you get your test results, talk to our team about your next steps. Receiving an STI diagnosis can be scary, but don’t be embarrassed to seek treatment. We specialize in treating STIs and reducing your risk of complications. 

If you have chlamydia and you don’t get treated for the infection, it can spread to your reproductive organs and cause pelvic inflammatory disease (PID). Untreated PID may lead to pelvic pain, ectopic pregnancy, or infertility.

Treatment for chlamydia is generally simple and effective. Completing your treatment cures the infection and keeps you from spreading it to your sexual partners.

Take your medication

Chlamydia infections can be cured with antibiotics. Dr. Sejour may prescribe a single dose of antibiotics taken in one day, or a round of antibiotics that you need to take for about a week.

Be sure to take all of your medication as prescribed, and don’t share it with anyone. Completing treatment as prescribed stops the infection from spreading and could reduce your risk of related complications.

Talk to your partner

It’s important to tell your sexual partner(s) when you’ve tested positive for an STI. If you have one, it means they could have it. Any recent sexual partners should be tested for STIs. If they test positive, they’ll need to get treated as well.

It’s important to abstain from sexual intercourse, including vaginal, anal, and oral sex, until your treatment is complete and your doctor says it’s safe to resume sexual activity. In general, expect to abstain from sex for about seven days after starting treatment.

Continue regular STI testing

Treatment is effective for chlamydia, but it doesn’t prevent you from getting it again. Repeat infections are common, even if your partners tested negative or received treatment.

We may recommend getting a chlamydia test again in about three months, but the timeline varies depending on your age, health, and other risk factors. For personalized guidance about STI testing, talk to Dr. Sejour and our team.

Whether you’ve tested positive for chlamydia or you need to schedule an STI screening, we’re here for you. Call 936-441-7100 to book an appointment or send us a message for more information.

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How long will chlamydia test be positive after treatment?

Following antimicrobial treatment with a single dose of azithromycin or seven days of twice-daily doxycycline, residual nucleic acid from noninfectious chlamydia has been shown to be present in nonpregnant women's urine for up to three weeks (16–21 days).

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Chlamydia is a bacterial infection (like strep throat or an ear infection), which means that once you've been treated and tested negative for it (to make sure the antibiotics worked), it's gone.

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Why can't I repeat the chlamydia test after I've taken my treatment to check it worked? You can, but it takes up to 6 weeks for the test to go back to negative after an infection.

Can chlamydia still be there after treatment?

Chlamydial reinfections are very common—as many as 1 in 5 people will have a repeat infection with chlamydia within the first few months after they are treated for their initial infection.