Can meat be frozen thawed and refrozen

Most foods previously frozen, thawed and then cooked can be refrozen as long as they have not been sitting at room temperature for more than two hours. Remember that freezing does not kill bacteria, only prevents the microbes from multiplying. So thawed food will have some bacteria that can multiply at room temperature, meaning that if the food is refrozen, there will be an increase in bacterial count by the time it is thawed again. This becomes a non-issue if the thawed food is reheated to an internal temperature of 75 degrees C.

Thawing should always be done in the refrigerator, not at room temperature. Remember that if you thaw at room temperature, the inside can still be frozen while the outside reaches a temperature where bacteria can multiply. Low moisture products such as breads or cookies can be thawed at room temperature because bacteria have a hard time frolicking without moisture.

Microwave ovens generally have a defrost mode that works well; best to use a glass or ceramic container with a cover that allows steam to escape. Frozen food can also be reheated directly in a regular oven, again making sure the internal temperature reaches 75 degrees C. This usually means heating at 175 degrees C for a time that is longer than the original cooking time for that food.

When refreezing, food should be placed in containers that can be filled to the top as much as possible so that there is a minimum of air space. Unsightly freezer burn occurs when moisture from the food evaporates into the surrounding air space. The less air space, the less likelihood of freezer burn, which is not a health risk, but affects taste. Freezer bags are great because you can squeeze out the air.

Don’t freeze acidic foods such as tomato sauce in aluminum foil or in aluminum containers because aluminum can dissolve and taint the food. Green salads do not freeze well. When water freezes into ice, its volume expands and that destroys cells, mangling the texture. Again, not a health hazard, but a matter of mushiness.

Sarah Rae Smith has lived all across the Midwest and currently calls the bratwurst-laden city of Sheboygan home. She seeks out kitchens that make the best pie and farmers with fresh eggs.

updated May 1, 2019

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Can meat be frozen thawed and refrozen

(Image credit: Joe Lingeman)

Freezing food is a great way to have meals on the go or avoid last-minute trips to the grocery store. It also helps us not to waste food and is, in a sense, an extension of our pantry.

But we’ve all been there: We searched through our freezer and pulled out a few things to thaw in the fridge and promptly forgot about them. Can you put it back in the freezer? Here are five things you should avoid giving a refreeze, and why refreezing in general is a big no-no.

What Happens When You Freeze and Refreeze

Freezing anything ruptures some of the cell walls in the product at hand. It’s why frozen food doesn’t taste quite as good as fresh, and oftentimes why frozen foods aren’t as expensive as their fresh counterparts — especially meat and seafood.

When you freeze, thaw, and refreeze an item, the second thaw will break down even more cells, leaching out moisture and changing the integrity of the product.

The other enemy is bacteria. Frozen and thawed food will develop harmful bacteria faster than fresh. Once the ice crystals from your food are gone, your food starts the clock on developing these nasty buggers.

Freezing and thawing of foods is a big safety concern and there are legal restrictions for the restaurant and grocery industries to help keep us all safe. Applying these same philosophies in our own home ensure the same!

Can meat be frozen thawed and refrozen

How to Make Ice Cream Without Eggs (Image credit: Joe Lingeman)

5 Foods You Shouldn’t Refreeze

Your best bet will always be to cook or utilize what you thawed and, if needed, refreeze the cooked product. That said, you don’t always have time to cook it, so if you’re in a hurry and debating whether or not to throw it back in the freezer, keep in mind these five things that should never, ever be refrozen!

1. Raw Proteins

This includes meat, poultry, and seafood. If they were thawed in a chilled environment that’s less than 42°F (like your refrigerator), then it’s safe to refreeze. But if they thawed on the counter or have an off color or smell, they’re done!

Can meat be frozen thawed and refrozen

(Image credit: Christine Gallary)

Don’t forget that a lot of seafood, especially shrimp, arrive at the grocery store frozen, but are defrosted to be put into the display case. They’ve already gone through a first freeze, so don’t put them in your home freezer for a second freeze!

2. Ice Cream

If you left it out on the counter so it was easier to scoop and then forgot to put it back in the freezer quickly, just drink it as a milkshake or use for a batch of french toast and call it a day, folks. Refrozen ice cream will have a weird, icy texture.

3. Juice Concentrates

Fermentation occurs faster than you think in fruit-based products so you’ll want to enjoy them quickly and definitely don’t try to refreeze them — this goes for blended smoothies, too.

4. Combination Meals

Eat up your casseroles, pot pies, stews, pastas, and the like, or bring it for lunch so it doesn’t go to waste. After all, it’s cooked and ready to go, so it’s the easiest kind of homemade meal to have!

5. Cooked Proteins

Freezing leftover roasted or rotisserie chicken is a great idea, but then you pulled it out for salads a few weeks later and forgot about it in your fridge. Call some friends over and put the chicken on nachos ASAP, because it shouldn’t be refrozen!

Is it OK to freeze thaw and refreeze meat?

The U. S. Dept. of Agriculture (USDA) advises: Once food is thawed in the refrigerator, it is safe to refreeze it without cooking, although there may be a loss of quality due to the moisture lost through thawing.

What meats can be refrozen after thawing?

Raw Proteins This includes meat, poultry, and seafood. If they were thawed in a chilled environment that's less than 42°F (like your refrigerator), then it's safe to refreeze.