Best way to get rid of warts on feet

A wart can seemingly come out of nowhere and your first instinct might be to do a Google search to find some quick and easy home remedies. Instead of finding something simple, you find weird ideas like using pineapple juice, bleach, baking powder, basil, apple cider vinegar or even toothpaste on your wart.

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Then come the instructions like rubbing the wart with the inside of a banana peel, burning your wart with a hot match or poking it with a needle. (Hint: don’t do any of these!)

But what actually works?

Dermatologist Melissa Piliang, MD, shares three wart home remedies that actually work and tips for reducing your risk of getting them.

1. Sandpaper and duct tape

A combination of sandpaper and duct tape is one wart removal remedy that is more likely to work than others, so get ready to head to your local hardware store.

“Keep the wart covered with duct tape 24 hours a day,” says Dr. Piliang. “If the tape falls off, you need to quickly replace it. The skin underneath will become wet, pale and wrinkled, and warts dislike that. Keep it on for two to three weeks, and if the wart looks smaller, then continue using the duct tape until it goes away.”

Once the wart is white and soft, you can gently rub it with sandpaper to remove the outer layer. Then, replace the duct tape and repeat every few days or once a week. Throw away the sandpaper after each use.

The use of duct tape may not work for everyone, but because it’s safe and easy to do at home, it’s worth the effort, she adds.

2. Cryotherapy

Cryotherapy is a cold treatment that is used to treat arthritis, muscle pain, inflammation and skin lesions. Cryotherapy can be used to freeze off a wart using liquid nitrogen and can only be performed by a doctor.

“Since cryotherapy may require multiple sessions to be effective, I suggest following cryotherapy with a salicylic acid treatment when the area heals,” says Dr. Piliang.

Talk to your doctor to schedule a cryotherapy session for your wart.

3. Double up on products

To help boost results, Dr. Piliang suggests combining duct tape with over-the-counter wart treatments.

“It’s always reasonable to try over-the-counter options like salicylic acid gel, liquid or pads,” Dr. Piliang says. “You can also use salicylic acid and then cover the area with duct tape.”

After removing the duct tape covering the wart, soak the area in water. Then, exfoliate with a pumice stone, emery board or fine-grade sandpaper. Not only is sandpaper inexpensive, you can also cut it into small pieces and throw them away after each use.

Over-the-counter products must be used daily and might require weeks or even months of treatment to go away completely. When choosing salicylic acid, keep in mind that higher percentages (20 to 40%) are most effective.

4. Reduce your risk of getting warts

Warts are caused by the human papillomavirus (HPV) and can spread to other areas on your body. It can also be passed from person to person.

“Be very careful when shaving,” says Dr. Piliang. “If you have a wart, shaving over it can spread it to other areas.”

To prevent warts from spreading, don’t pick or scratch at them. Don’t touch someone else’s wart. Don’t be barefoot in public showers and locker rooms and keep foot warts as dry as possible. Since HPV thrives in humid environments, it’s crucial to frequently wash items such as towels and clothing that come in contact with the wart to prevent spread.

Common in children of all ages, warts often go away in a few months, with or without treatment. Adults are more likely to need treatment to get rid of warts. It might take repeated treatments over the course of several months, but don’t give up — getting rid of warts will keep the virus from spreading.

If you’ve tried endless home remedies for a few months and haven’t seen results, it’s time ​to go see a doctor.

On this page

  • What are warts?
  • What are the symptoms of warts?
  • What causes warts?
  • When should I see my doctor?
  • How are warts treated?
  • Can warts be prevented?
  • Related information on Australian websites

What are warts?

Warts are small, harmless lumps of skin caused by a virus known as the human papillomavirus (HPV). A wart will usually have a flesh coloured appearance and the skin forming the wart will be rough. Warts are common in school-aged children but can happen at any age.

What are the symptoms of warts?

The appearance of a wart depends on its type. There are several different types of warts:

  • Common warts (verruca vulgaris) — these are small, raised areas of skin, usually round, with a rough surface of skin often looking like the top of a cauliflower. These warts often appear on the hands, elbows and knees.
  • Plane or flat warts — these are flat warts that are usually yellow in colour and appear on the hands and face. They are most common in children and can often spread and group together.
  • Plantar warts — these are warts that appear on the feet, usually on the sole, heel or toes. The weight of the body causes the wart to be pushed into the skin so a plantar wart will usually not be raised like other warts and may even cause some discomfort when walking. You may notice a white area of skin with a tiny black dot or dots in the centre.
  • Filiform warts — these are long, thin warts that usually appear on the eyelids, armpits or neck.
  • Mosaic warts — these grow in clusters and are most common on the hands and feet.
  • Subungual or periungual warts — these are warts that form under or around the cuticle.
  • Mucosal warts — these can appear on the lips, inside the cheeks and nose, the airway and in genital areas.

What causes warts?

You can get the HPV virus from direct contact with the skin from another person who has the virus or indirectly through contaminated surfaces such as swimming pools or gymnasiums. HPV infects the cells in the outer layer of the skin, causing them to grow and form a wart. It can take up to a year for the wart to appear for the first time.

Genital warts are caused by a different family type of HPV. These are sexually transmitted and can cause cervical and vulval cancer. Ordinary skin warts do not cause cancer.

When should I see my doctor

Most warts will go away without treatment in time. In children, without treatment, half of all warts disappear within 6 months and almost all (9 in 10) will go away within 2 years. It can take longer in adults.

It is a good idea to show the wart to your doctor if:

  • the wart is bothering you or painrful
  • you have warts of the face, feet or genitals
  • the wart looks infected (red, swollen and warm)
  • you have multiple warts or the warts are spreading
  • you have reduced immunity
  • you are pregnant or planning a pregnancy

How are warts treated?

Many people choose not to treat warts because treatment can be uncomfortable.

There are several ways to treat warts, including those you can do yourself and treatments done by a doctor. If you choose to treat a wart, it’s important to stick with the treatment until the wart is gone.

If you are pregnant or planning pregnancy, you may need to avoid certain treatments, so talk to doctor before starting treatment.

Treatments at home

Cover the wart

Covering the wart with strong, waterproof tape may help it to clear up. It can also stop the wart from spreading.

Liquid or gel

A common method of treating warts involves applying a liquid or gel containing salicylic acid or lactic acid (wart paint) to the wart.

You can buy wart liquid or gel at your local pharmacy and put them on at home. Your doctor can give you a prescription for stronger solutions.

To use wart gels or liquids, you need to prepare the wart first:

  • soak the area around the wart in warm water for 5 to 10 minutes (having a shower makes this easy)
  • rub the wart with a nail file, emery board, pumice stone or even sandpaper
  • put the gel or liquid on the wart, making sure you avoid the healthy skin around it
  • let the gel or liquid dry and cover the area with sticking plaster

You usually need to use wart liquid or gel every day, and it can take many weeks to work.

Talk to your pharmacist about which wart treatment is suitable for you. Always follow the directions on the packaging for the use of wart treatments, and ask your pharmacist if you have any questions.

Never use wart paints on the face.

Doctor treatment options


Freezing a wart (known as cryotherapy) needs to be carried out by a healthcare professional. It works by exposing the wart to a very cold liquid, such as liquid nitrogen or sprays. This freezes the wart and destroys its skin cells. Salicylic acid can also be used to destroy the wart.

Burning and laser

Burning, surgical removal and laser wart removal treatments are done under local anaesthetic. These treatments are done less commonly because they can leave scars.


This involves treatments that encourage the immune system to recognise and destroy the skin cells that are infected with the wart virus. This treatment takes time and can be very itchy.

Can warts be prevented?

There are steps you can take to prevent warts from spreading.

  • If you have a plantar (on the bottom of the feet) wart, you need to change your socks daily.
  • Do not share towels with another person. If you have a plantar wart you should avoid sharing any footwear including socks.
  • If you have a plantar wart make sure you clean out the bottom of your shower or bath after use.
  • Wash your hands if they come into direct contact with your wart, such as when you apply any treatments.
  • Never pick, scratch or bite a wart.
  • Do not share any medicines or remedies used to treat your wart. This includes emery boards and pumice stones.
  • If you have a plantar wart and go swimming you should cover it up and wear thongs in communal areas. Do not go barefoot in public areas.

How do you get rid of a wart on your foot overnight?

Here is the process:.
Dilute two parts ACV with one-part water..
Soak the cotton ball in the solution..
Put the cotton ball on the wart directly..
Cover the area with a tape or bandage for several hours (probably overnight).
Remove and discard the cotton ball and bandage..
Repeat the process until the wart breaks off..

What causes warts on feet?

Plantar warts are caused by an infection with HPV in the outer layer of skin on the soles of the feet. The warts develop when the virus enters through tiny cuts, breaks or weak spots on the bottom of the foot. If left untreated, warts can last from a few months to 2 years in children, and several years in in adults.

What is the fastest way to get rid of a plantar wart at home?

Salicylic acid and liquid nitrogen are the most common treatments. Both require multiple treatments over several weeks to get rid of the wart or warts. Salicylic acid is available over the counter. You can use it at home.

How do you get rid of warts on your feet at home?

Apple cider vinegar It's thought to work like salicylic acid, a common wart treatment that peels away infected skin, eventually removing the wart. Vinegar also has natural antimicrobial properties that may help fight HPV, but more studies are necessary. To try it, mix 2-parts apple cider vinegar and 1-part water.