Automate the boring stuff with python 2nd edition pdf github

:information_source: :information_source: I have shifted updates to this Python learning resource collection to which is better organized and includes a handy search feature.

Check out Getting Started from Python official website for installation, IDEs, text editors and other details.

:hash: Table of Contents

  • Courses — online text
  • Courses — online video/interactive
  • Books
  • Docs and Cheat-Sheets
    • Tips and Tricks
  • Practice sites
  • Python Projects
  • In-depth analysis/tutorial of single concept
  • Handy tools
  • Further Reading
  • Other Python resource lists
  • Development Environment
  • Forums

Courses — online text

For beginners to programming and Python

  • Automate the Boring Stuff with Python
    • also visit inventwithpython for more stuff from this author
  • Think Python
    • also freely available as pdf
    • How to Think Like a Computer Scientist: Interactive Edition is inspired by Think Python
  • A Whirlwind Tour of Python

For intermediate and advanced users

  • Practical Python Programming
  • Official Python docs tutorial
  • Intermediate Python

Quick Guides

  • learnxinyminutes — Python3
  • Python Notes
  • realpython — First Steps With Python

Courses — online video/interactive

  • udemy — automatetheboringstuff
    • first 15 videos on youtube
  • calmcode — various topics for beginners to advanced users
  • coursera — getting started with Python
  • edx — Introduction to Computer Science and Programming Using Python
  • pythonprogramming — various topics for beginners to advanced users
  • youtube — Corey Schafer — various topics for beginners to advanced users


  • Effective Python
  • Fluent Python
    • Fluent Python, 2nd Edition
  • Python Crash Course
  • Python Cookbook
  • Python for Kids
  • Book lists
    • pythonbooks — Discover the best books in every Python book category
    • free programming books — Python

Docs and Cheat-Sheets

  • Python 3 official docs
  • Python Crash Course cheatsheet
  • Comprehensive Python cheatsheet
  • Scientific Python cheatsheet

Tips and Tricks

  • 40 handy tricks — published in 2014, so some of the tricks might have newer solutions
  • Python tips and features on Stackoverflow — thread locked in 2012
  • Exploring and understanding Python through surprising snippets
  • Transforming Code into Beautiful, Idiomatic Python which is based on this video

Practice sites

  • exercism — beginner friendly
  • practicepython — beginner friendly
  • edabit — beginner friendly
  • Auto-Graded Course with Solutions — beginner friendly
  • codewars
  • adventofcode
  • projecteuler
  • hackerrank
  • /r/dailyprogrammer
  • Gamification
    • checkio
    • codingame
    • codecombat

Python Projects

  • Projects on various topics with solutions
  • Project based learning
  • rosettacode
  • pytudes by Peter Norvig

In-depth analysis/tutorial of single concept

  • See this illustration for features like generators, collections, itertools, decorators, etc in action
  • Collections
    • offical doc
  • Decorators
    • what is decorator?
    • intro to decorators
    • decorator library
    • decorator — stackoverflow
  • Lists
    • slice notations and assignments
    • list comprehensions
    • Comprehensions in Python the Jedi way
    • how to copy 1-D and multi-D lists
  • Iterables, Generators, Yield, Itertools
    • What is the function of the yield keyword?
    • yield and Generators Explained
    • Generators and Generator Expressions
    • itertools module
  • lambda — what it is and when to use
  • OOP
    • why is it useful
    • magic methods
    • intro to classes and inheritance
    • class attributes
    • official doc on classes
  • Python Virtual Environments
  • Regular Expressions:
    • docs.python: re module and docs.python: Regular Expression HOWTO
    • Python re(gex)? — my book on regular expressions
    • rexegg — tutorials, tricks and more
    • regular-expressions — tutorials and tools
    • regexone — interactive tutorial, also has a quick reference
    • stackoverflow: comprehensive list of regex FAQ and stackoverflow: regex overview
    • regex101 — visual aid and online testing tool for regular expressions, select flavor as Python before use
    • debuggex — railroad diagrams for regular expressions, select flavor as Python before use
  • string formatting
  • working with binary data
  • Python Q&A on stackoverflow
  • Python packaging guide
  • profiling Python code for performance
  • Visualize code execution — also has example codes and ability to share sessions
  • CodeSkulptor — runs Python programs in your browser, including GUI and has many demos
  • Thonny — Python IDE for beginners, lots of handy features like viewing variables, debugger, step through, highlight syntax errors, name completion, etc

Further Reading

  • Data Science
    • Intro to Python using Data Analysis
    • Python Data Science Handbook
    • data science ipython notebooks
    • Python-xy
    • datacamp — course
    • Open Source Society — Path to a free self-taught education in Data Science
    • Intro to Data Science with Python
  • GUI, Game and Web
    • gui development tutorials
    • kivy crash course
    • remi module — create platform independent GUI with Python (by converting to HTML)
    • Bokeh — Python interactive visualization library
    • django, djangogirls and flask
    • static website generators pelican and Cactus
    • anvil — drag & drop web-app builder
    • web product — a complete functional web app with a database and user support
    • web scraping
  • Testing and TDD
    • Test-Driven Development with Python — focussed on web-development
    • learn Python via TDD
    • defensive programming
    • pycontracts
    • is unit testing worth the effort
  • Style guide
    • PEP 0008
    • Google — pyguide
    • elements of python style
  • The Hitchhiker’s Guide to Python!
  • Python 3 Module of the Week
  • Problem solving with Algorithms and Data Structures
  • realpython — blog
  • Create beautiful command-line interfaces with Python
  • collection of design patterns and idioms
  • curated videos on Python
  • github — trending Python projects and top devs and repos to follow
  • A gallery of interesting IPython Notebooks
  • One-liners: #1, #2, #3

Other Python resource lists

  • wiki from /r/learnpython
  • github — awesome-python
  • github — pycrumbs
  • github — pythonidae
  • stackoverflow
  • zeef — alan richmond
  • zeef — luis solis
  • messybytes
  • EDU-SIG: Python in Education

Development Environment

  • pycharm
  • spyder — scientific environment
  • Jupyter — web application that allows you to create and share documents that contain live code, equations, visualizations and explanatory text
  • Vim — customizing .vimrc for Python and python-mode


Read instructions provided by respective forums before asking a question. Try solving it yourself before asking — searching online, manual, ask a colleague, etc.

  • /r/learnpython — very friendly for newbies
  • python-forum
  • /r/Python/ — general Python discussion
  • stackoverflow