84 kenwood road garden city ny

84 Kenwood Road, Garden City, NY 11530

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Property Overview

Property address84 Kenwood Rd
Garden City, NY 11530
Section, block & lot34-150-378

Property classOne Family Year - Round Residence (210.01)
Zoning districtSubscribe
Land typePrimary site
Year built1940
Square footage2,120
Half bathrooms1

Other Property Characteristics

Village (swiss code)Garden City
School districtGarden City UFSD

Area typeNo locational influence
Fronting typeResidential street

Residential Buildings

Total living areaYear builtStoriesRoomsBathroomsGradeExterior wallStyle
2,120 1940 2 6 3

Dimensions & Interior

Check out in-depth interior info for this property, including square footage breakdown, basement type, number of fireplaces, and more, depending on data availability.

Structure & Climate Control

Find out more details on this property's condition and design, plus info on its heating system and fuel type.

About the Property

What is the year built & the total sq. ft. for 84 Kenwood Road, Garden City, NY 11530?

84 Kenwood Road, Garden City, NY 11530 was built in 1940 and has a total of 2,120 square feet.

What is the assessed value of 84 Kenwood Road, Garden City, NY 11530 and the property tax paid?

Assessed at $1,061, the tax amount paid for 84 Kenwood Road, Garden City, NY 11530 is $21,054.

When was 84 Kenwood Road, Garden City, NY 11530 last sold and what was the last sale price?

84 Kenwood Road, Garden City, NY 11530 was last sold in 1/31/2022 for $1,070,000.

Ownership Information

For property contacts like owners, building management, representatives from permits, tenants and registered voters, please register.

Sales & Property History for 84 Kenwood Road, Garden City

Sales information and other title documents for 84 Kenwood Road, Garden City. Coverage and historic records vary depending on the area the property is located in.

Title Documents for 84 Kenwood Road, Garden City

Get access to sales records for 84 Kenwood Road, Garden City, NY 11530, including buyer and seller information (when available).

Garden City residential market stats

View a detailed real estate market overview of Garden City and check out current trends, home values, types of properties sold and transaction volume.
View the median home sale price in Garden City and compare it to other cities in Nassau County.

Median Sale Price


16% YoY

Median Price/Sqft


8% YoY

Nassau County Median Sale Price


9% YoY

Property Taxes for 84 Kenwood Road, Garden City

Access detailed property tax data for 84 Kenwood Road, Garden City, NY 11530. Tax information included: property tax, market value and assessed value, exemptions, abatements, and assessment history.

Tax year:2022
Base tax:$21,054
Current tax:$17,169

Assessment History for 84 Kenwood Road, Garden City

Here's the assessment & property tax history for 84 Kenwood Road, Garden City, including the evolution of the total tax rate and corresponding property tax.

YearProperty classMarket valueAssessment valueTotal tax rateProperty tax
2022 One Family Year - Round Residence $1,061,000 $1,061 1984.382 $21,054
2021 One Family Year - Round Residence $1,030,000 $1,030 2325.496 $23,953
2020 One Family Year - Round Residence $779,600 $1,949 992.566 $19,345
2019 One Family Year - Round Residence $779,600 $1,949 930.794 $18,141
2018 One Family Year-Round Residence $779,600 $1,949 890.186 $17,350
2017 One Family Year-Round Residence $779,600 $1,949 833.814 $16,251
2016 One Family Year-Round Residence $779,600 $1,949 811.957 $15,825
2015 One Family Year-Round Residence $779,600 $1,949 768.912 $14,986
2014 One Family Year-Round Residence $779,600 $1,949 734.693 $14,319
2013 One Family Year-Round Residence $779,600 $1,949 678.205 $13,218
2012 One Family Year-Round Residence $795,200 $1,988 593.457 $11,798
2011 One Family Year-Round Residence $786,800 $1,967 471.761 $9,280
2010 One Family Year-Round Residence $875,200 $2,188 471.761 $10,322


Here are the neighbors for 84 Kenwood Road, Garden City.

AddressSquare feetPurchase datePurchase price
89 Kingsbury Rd, Garden City 2,441 9/16/2003 $720,000
91 Kingsbury Rd, Garden City 1,200 6/6/2022 $850,000
93 Kingsbury Rd, Garden City 1,750 3/29/2022 $1,199,000
95 Kingsberry Rd, Garden City 1,784 8/19/2002
97 Kingsbury Rd, Garden City 2,367 8/7/2015 $904,500
54 Westbury Rd, Garden City 2,146
79 Kingsbury Rd, Garden City 2,496
87 Kingsbury Rd, Garden City 1,938 11/11/1993 $400,000
80 Kenwood Rd, Garden City 2,153 3/30/2021 $1,224,500
82 Kenwood Rd, Garden City 2,127 10/22/2015 $945,000
86 Kenwood Rd, Garden City 1,868
88 Kenwood Rd, Garden City 1,248 3/10/2017
90 Kenwood Rd, Garden City 2,026
92 Kenwood Rd, Garden City 1,478 2/8/2000 $440,000
94 Kenwood Rd, Garden City 2,502 10/29/1997 $417,500
96 Kenwood Rd, Garden City 2,008 5/12/2008 $675,000
98 Kenwood Rd, Garden City 1,672 7/21/2020 $800,000
100 Kenwood Rd, Garden City 2,664 11/23/1994 $330,000
102 Kenwood Rd, Garden City 2,012 9/25/1996 $445,000
56 Westbury Rd, Garden City 1,344 4/15/2009 $750,000