Small ball on left side of neck


You’ve found a lump on your neck. It’s likely no one is excited about this prospect but is it cause for immediate concern? Fortunately, the answer is usually “no,” but there are some occasions when growth demands more investigation. The trouble is, which is which?

There are certain signs associated with both harmless and potentially dangerous lumps, and today we discuss some of the differences. The safest course of action is to have any unusual growth examined by a physician at your most convenient Lakeshore Ear, Nose, and Throat Center. There’s no substitute for peace of mind.

Lumps that are likely harmless

If the lump appears as a result of a specific event, such as a sports injury or overuse, there’s a good chance it’s simply a soft tissue injury that’s easy to treat at home. The time-tested RICE method — rest, ice, compression, and elevation — will usually make quick work of such a bump.

Other types of benign lumps often share some similar characteristics. Usually, they’re soft and mobile. They will move and change shape when you touch them. They’re fairly shallow, residing just below the skin in the fat layer. They’ll sometimes grow bigger and become painful with activity, but they’ll also subside with rest.

Lumps requiring a closer look

Cancerous lumps are typically hard and often pain-free in the early stages, starting up deeper in the body. Lumps that are associated with growths or sores in your mouth are also worrisome, as is any lump accompanying throat problems, such as hoarseness or trouble swallowing. Generally, any lump that’s painless is more ominous than those accompanied by pain.

Lumps at the back of the neck

The location on the neck may also give you a clue about a lump’s underlying cause.

When you lump occurring around the hairline at the back of your neck, it’s likely connected to a hair follicle or sebaceous gland problem. Most of these lumps have pimple-like qualities. Ingrown hairs are commonly a problem at sites where you regularly remove hair, such as the nape of your neck, perhaps. These can also occur under the chin for men.

Boils are also common at the hairline, particularly if the area is subjected to lots of friction and sweat, such as from an item of athletic clothing. Larger bumps could be sebaceous cysts, which can grow to large sizes when left untreated.

Lumps along the sides of the neck may be enlarged lymph nodes, the most common source of neck lumps. Usually, these accompany nearby infections, from colds or throat infections most often, but the lymph nodes can be directly infected themselves or enlarged due to infections elsewhere in the body. While cancer can cause enlarged lymph nodes, this is much less common than lumps resulting from infection.

Treating the infection causing the enlarged lymph nodes will typically make the lumps disappear. Time and warm compresses can also help if your lump is due to having a cold.

Once again, if you’re worried about a lump, contact Lakeshore Ear, Nose and Throat Center. Our team of experts can rule out or treat any serious causes of unusual neck lumps.

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The skin on the back of the neck by the hairline comes into contact with many things that can irritate it, including shampoo, residual detergent on clothing, sweat, and hair care products. This area of skin is also subject to friction from the hair and clothes. As a result, lumps, bumps, and other skin problems are relatively common here.

A lump can be alarming, especially if it is not within sight. However, many different conditions can cause a swollen lump on the back of the neck, including benign causes, such as acne and irritation. One cause sometimes leads to another. For example, a boil on the back of the neck can cause the lymph nodes to swell.

The most common causes of a lump on the neck include the following:

The lymph nodes are the body’s drainage system. They help the immune system get rid of bacteria, viruses, and dead cells. Lymph nodes sometimes swell, especially if the body is fighting an infection.

Several lymph nodes run along the back of the neck on either side of the spine. There are also lymph nodes behind each ear. A tender lump that is about the size of a marble and moves slightly when a person touches it may be a swollen lymph node.

Sometimes, lymph nodes swell when there is an infection nearby. Therefore, a swollen lymph node in the neck might be a sign of an ear infection or an infected cyst. Lymph nodes can also swell for no obvious reason. As long as the swelling disappears, there is no reason to worry.

Although it is rare, swollen lymph nodes can sometimes signal a more serious problem, such as cancer. People should see a doctor if the swelling does not disappear after a few weeks.

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Acne, including blackheads, pimples, and deep cystic acne, can cause lumps and swellings on the back of the neck.

Acne develops when sweat, bacteria, and oil block the pores. Although hormonal changes during adolescence often trigger acne, it can appear at any age.

The neck is a common site for acne. Hair care products, sweat, and clothing can all irritate the back of the neck, making acne worse.

A wide variety of over-the-counter (OTC) remedies may help, as may switching shampoos, keeping the neck clean and dry, and keeping the hair off the neck.

If acne is severe, very painful, or does not respond to home remedies, a dermatologist may prescribe a stronger medication.

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A sebaceous cyst is a nodule under the skin that contains the protein keratin. These cysts can grow very large. Most are painless, but if they become infected, they may resemble large pimples. Cysts may come and go, or they may continually grow larger.

Some cysts come to a head or ooze when a person squeezes them. However, popping a cyst will not cure it, and doing this can cause an infection. In most cases, a doctor can use a simple procedure to remove a cyst in their office.

If the cyst is painful or red, it is important to see a doctor as this is a sign of infection. Warm compresses and OTC pain medication can also help.

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A red and painful bump might be a boil . Boils are local infections, which means that there is an infection in the boil but not the surrounding skin. Cysts, acne, and blocked hair follicles can become infected and turn into boils.

Squeezing a boil can cause the infection to become worse or spread. Instead, people should try applying warm compresses and keeping the area clean.

A person should see a doctor if fever develops or if the boil is very painful or does not go away on its own in a few days. The doctor may drain the boil or prescribe antibiotics.

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In most cases, moles appear during childhood, but new moles can grow at any age. If the lump feels fleshy and is on the skin rather than underneath it or in the muscle, it might be a mole.

Moles themselves are not a problem, but some moles can become cancerous. A person can use a mirror to look at the mole or ask someone else to check it.

Use the ABCDE acronym to check for signs of skin cancer:

  • A: asymmetrical mole
  • B: uneven or irregular border
  • C: uneven color or unusual shades, such as blue and red
  • D: diameter greater than 6 millimeters (about the size of a pencil eraser)
  • E: evolving and changing over time

Anyone concerned about their moles should consider scheduling an annual mole check with a dermatologist to ensure that they are all healthy.

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Many substances can irritate the back of the neck.

Shampoo, hair care products, detergent on clothing, and sunscreen may cause skin irritation or allergic reactions. Friction from clothing also sometimes irritates the neck and causes a rash.

If the lump is small and itchy or there are dry patches on the neck, this could indicate irritated skin or an allergic reaction.

A person may find that it helps to change detergents, keep the neck clean, keep the hair off the neck, and reduce the number of products that they use on the skin and hair.

If these actions are not effective, a doctor may want to test for allergies and examine the rash to ensure that something else did not cause it.

Injured or tense muscles can form knots. These tight bands of muscle tissue may be as small as a pea or as large as a baseball. In most cases, they are only palpable underneath the skin and will not cause a visible lump or bump above the skin.

The neck is a common site for muscle pain and tension. Spending consecutive days being hunched over a desk and looking at a computer can irritate the muscles that connect the head to the neck at the hairline. Muscle knots, also called myofascial trigger points, are a sign that the muscles are tense. However, they do not indicate a serious health problem.

A lump is likely to be a muscle knot if:

  • it is in a band of muscle rather than above a bone or on the skin
  • pushing on it causes muscle pain or tension in either the knot or the surrounding area

Massage can help with muscle knots. Gentle neck stretches, frequent breaks, and good posture can also be beneficial and may prevent muscle knots from forming.

It is easy for a person to panic if they feel a lump on the back of the neck. However, most lumps are relatively harmless and very few are real emergencies. If the lump does not hurt and there are no other symptoms, it is usually okay to wait a few days to see a doctor. If the bump does not go away, a person should see a doctor.

Even if the cause is something serious, such as an infection or cancer, early treatment significantly increases the likelihood of a positive outcome. People should not allow fear and anxiety to deter them from seeking medical care.

Is it normal to have a little ball in your neck?

The good news is that neck lumps are common and most often harmless. They can come in different sizes and textures, and they're usually non-cancerous. But there are a few types of lumps that could be a sign of a more serious condition, and you can't detect these through simple home evaluations.

Why do I have a ball on the left side of my neck?

Lumps along the sides of the neck may be enlarged lymph nodes, the most common source of neck lumps. Usually, these accompany nearby infections, from colds or throat infections most often, but the lymph nodes can be directly infected themselves or enlarged due to infections elsewhere in the body.

What is pea

Also referred to as “swollen glands”, lymph nodes are pea-sized lumps of tissue that contain white blood cells. When enlarged they can be felt or seen as raised lumps underneath the skin, most commonly in the neck, the armpits, or in the groin area.

What does a small ball on your neck mean?

Pearly penile papules These are small flesh-coloured lumps normally found on the head of the penis. They usually go all the way around the penis head in 1 or 2 rows. These lumps are normal. They're not sexually transmitted or caused by bad hygiene. They do not cause symptoms and do not require treatment.


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