Purina pro plan focus adult small breed dry dog food

Give your small dog specialized nutrition with a taste he will love with Purina Pro Plan FOCUS adult small breed formula dry dog food. Real meat helps provide the essential building blocks for the protein needs within your dog's body. This formula is high in protein, including chicken as the first ingredient, to meet the unique needs of your active small dog. Calcium, phosphorus and other minerals help to maintain his strong teeth and bones, so you can enjoy daily walks and games of fetch together. This super premium dog food features bite-sized kibble that's nutrient dense to meet your dog's needs, and the natural prebiotic fiber sourced from wheat bran helps to promote his digestive health. Show your little dog he's the center of your world, and watch as he enjoys every crunchy bite of this Purina Pro Plan FOCUS recipe designed to meet his nutritional needs.

Provide your small dog with big taste and the nutrition he needs to be his best with Purina Pro Plan FOCUS adult small breed formula dry dog food. This super premium dog food is formulated with an optimal protein to fat ratio that helps dogs maintain an ideal body condition, and also includes vitamin A and linoleic acid, an omega-6 fatty acid that helps support skin and coat health. Purina Pro Plan highly digestible dry formulas promote nutrient bioavailability to deliver optimal nutrient absorption throughout your dog's body. Fill his bowl with this delicious recipe, knowing that he's getting 100% complete and balanced nutrition for small adult dogs weighing under 20 pounds. Give your canine companion added variety at mealtime by exploring our complete line of Purina Pro Plan wet dog foods, and let him enjoy new taste and texture combinations to keep him excited about the foods you put in his dish. Purina Pro Plan dog food is backed by more than 85 years of research and the expertise of over 400 scientists, including nutritionists, veterinarians and behaviorists. Every high-quality ingredient is carefully chosen for a specific nutritional or functional purpose, so your dog gets a meal designed to meet his unique needs. Purina Pro Plan was the first dry dog food brand to use and be founded on the idea of using real meat as the #1 ingredient. Each batch is proudly manufactured by Purina in company-owned facilities in the United States. Our staff works to ensure quality in everything we do, so your dog gets the safe, delicious and nutritious foods you expect from a trusted brand committed to quality. Offer up Purina Pro Plan FOCUS adult small breed formula dry dog food and help your small dog reach his big potential.


Chicken, Brewers Rice, Corn Gluten Meal, Poultry By-Product Meal (Natural Source Of Glucosamine), Whole Grain Corn, Animal Fat Preserved With Mixed-Tocopherols (Form Of Vitamin E), Corn Germ Meal, Fish Meal (Natural Source Of Glucosamine), Animal Digest, Wheat Bran, Potassium Chloride, Salt, Dried Egg Product, Calcium Phosphate, Vitamin E Supplement, L-Lysine Monohydrochloride, Choline Chloride, Zinc Sulfate, Ferrous Sulfate, L-Ascorbyl-2-Polyphosphate (Source Of Vitamin C), Manganese Sulfate, Niacin, Calcium Carbonate, Vitamin A Supplement, Calcium Pantothenate, Copper Sulfate, Thiamine Mononitrate, Riboflavin Supplement, Vitamin B-12 Supplement, Pyridoxine Hydrochloride, Garlic Oil, Folic Acid, Vitamin D-3 Supplement, Calcium Iodate, Biotin, Menadione Sodium Bisulfite Complex (Source Of Vitamin K Activity), Sodium Selenite.

Guaranteed Analysis

NutrientGuaranteed Units
Crude Protein 29.0% min
Crude Fat 17.0% min
Crude Fiber 3.0% max
Moisture 12.0% max
Linoleic Acid 1.5% min
Calcium 1.0% min
Phosphorus 0.8% min
Selenium 0.3 mg/kg min
Vitamin A 15,000 IU/kg min
Vitamin E 460 IU/kg min
Ascorbic Acid (Vitamin C) 70 mg/kg min
Glucosamine 400 ppm min

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Blue Buffalo Life Protection Formula Small Breed Chicken and Brown Rice Dry Dog Food for Adult Dogs, Whole Grain, 5 lb. Bag

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Is Purina Pro Plan good for small dog?

In fact, toy breeds and small breed dogs have unique energy needs that require focused nutrition. That's why Pro Plan Toy Breed and Small Breed dog foods offer advanced nutrition optimized for highly active small dogs, with features like high protein, a smaller, easier-to-chew kibble size, and more.

Do vets recommend Purina Pro Plan for dogs?

Yes, Purina Pro Plan is good for dogs. Backed by 400+ Purina scientists, including nutritionists, behaviorists, and veterinarians, Pro Plan dog food formulas offer advanced nutrition and the highest quality ingredients to nourish your dog's best life. Pro Plan is recommended by veterinarians.

Is Pro Plan focus good for dogs?

Overall, Purina Pro Plan is better for dogs than cheaper brands of dry kibble that draw their main ingredients from hard-to-digest corn or have very low levels of protein and a range of artificial food dyes.


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