Make mine music melody time blu ray 2022 dmc

blackcauldron85 wrote:I've watched only the Pecos Bill section so far, and while it sounded fine to me, I'm not an audiophile and we just have a plain sound bar... So I don't know how it would hold up for someone knowledgeable about audio...

I know what it would sound like, but it is rather difficult to explain in words. Have you ever listened to a low quality MP3? We're talking an MP3 file with a similarly low bit rate here. The Melody Time Blu-ray should exhibit similar problems.

Outrageous that the original and only DVD release of the film that came out 21 years ago (!!) has Dolby Digital 2.0 audio (dual mono) at 192 kbps, but the new and long-overdue Blu-ray has an unheard-of 96 kbps Dolby Digital 1.0 track ...

I mean, one would actually expect lossless sound on Blu-ray either as PCM, DTS-HD Master Audio or Dolby TrueHD. Simply including a lossy Dolby track is bad enough, but to include an atrociously bad lossy Dolby track!!??

I am aghast at the level of carelessness and outright apathy that plagues Disney releases. Honestly, in some ways this is angering me more than Make Mine Music's censorship, because in the latter's case quite a few signs are pointing to the fact that the censorship on the new Blu-ray was intentional and not an error.

However, in Melody Time's case, this is most certainly an error and completely and utterly inexcusable. More so since Melody Time is a musical film and will be hurt even more by the quality loss than a non-musically oriented film of the same era.

Unfortunately, I think most people aren't realising the travesty here and are content with their Melody Time Blu-rays. I really hope this story picks up steam so that Disney may issue disc replacements, and start selling a corrected release of the film.

I really wish I didn't like these films so I wouldn't care so much about their presentation on home video.

Unfortunately I love them.

blackcauldron85 wrote:I've watched only the Pecos Bill section so far, and while it sounded fine to me, I'm not an audiophile and we just have a plain sound bar... So I don't know how it would hold up for someone knowledgeable about audio...

I know what it would sound like, but it is rather difficult to explain in words. Have you ever listened to a low quality MP3? We're talking an MP3 file with a similarly low bit rate here. The Melody Time Blu-ray should exhibit similar problems.

Outrageous that the original and only DVD release of the film that came out 21 years ago (!!) has Dolby Digital 2.0 audio (dual mono) at 192 kbps, but the new and long-overdue Blu-ray has an unheard-of 96 kbps Dolby Digital 1.0 track ...

I mean, one would actually expect lossless sound on Blu-ray either as PCM, DTS-HD Master Audio or Dolby TrueHD. Simply including a lossy Dolby track is bad enough, but to include an atrociously bad lossy Dolby track!!??

I am aghast at the level of carelessness and outright apathy that plagues Disney releases. Honestly, in some ways this is angering me more than Make Mine Music's censorship, because in the latter's case quite a few signs are pointing to the fact that the censorship on the new Blu-ray was intentional and not an error.

However, in Melody Time's case, this is most certainly an error and completely and utterly inexcusable. More so since Melody Time is a musical film and will be hurt even more by the quality loss than a non-musically oriented film of the same era.

Unfortunately, I think most people aren't realising the travesty here and are content with their Melody Time Blu-rays. I really hope this story picks up steam so that Disney may issue disc replacements, and start selling a corrected release of the film.

I really wish I didn't like these films so I wouldn't care so much about their presentation on home video.

Unfortunately I love them.


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