Life cycle of a dandelion worksheet

Watching A Dandelion Transformation Indoors

Did you ever think that the white seed heads of dandelions seem to pop up overnight? Well, they do. For a fun science experiment, bring a dandelion inside and observe the life cycle of a dandelion as it transforms before your eyes.

The experiment is simple. Bring a dandelion inside and place it in a small vase of water. Over the next few days, the flower head will dry up and shrivel. For a few days you’ll wonder if it’s going to do anything.

Then you’ll start noticing white tufts around the bottom. Once the transformation starts, it doesn’t take long. Within a few hours time it will transform almost before your eyes.

Once the transformation is complete, you can let your child take it outside and blow the seeds.

There are so many amazing things happening all the time. This is one way to bring one of those happenings indoors where you can see it happen before your eyes.

Other Dandelion Life Cycle Activities:

Make dandelion nature prints.

Observe the stages of a dandelion’s life cycle.

Go outside and see if you can gather a dandelion flower in each stage of development. Line them up and take a photo or make a sketch to create a dandelion growth timeline.

Or you could punch holes in a paper plate and send your child outside to gather all the stages they can find.

Study the different methods of seed dispersal with the following books.

For more nature activities, check out my “Month in Nature” calendars.

This post is part of a 10 Day Learning with Nature Series. If you enjoyed this activity, you might want to take a look at the other posts in the series.

What's the life cycle of a dandelion?

The seeds germinate and begin to grow. Seedlings emerge from the seeds and grow into mature plants. The mature plants will develop flowers on them that produce more seeds. Those seeds are scattered by the wind, animals, and children.

How does a dandelion grow and develop?

The florets develop from the center, blooming into a circular flower head. After flowering for a couple of days, the flower head closes and the seeds develop inside the closed head. As the seeds form, the flower stalk extends higher so that it can reach the breeze.

How many stages does a dandelion have?

There are five distinct visible growing stages of a Dandelion's lifecycle: i) plant, ii) plant flowering, iii) seed head developing, iv) seeds developing and v) seeds been dispersed by wind or other means to commence the cycle again.

What is the seed stage of a dandelion called?

Dandelion Stages During Flowering Dandelion flowers open primarily during daylight hours, and their multiple florets enclose the male and female reproductive parts. Once pollination by bees or other insects has taken place, each fertilized floret produces a seed called an achene.


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