How to get rid of black spots on your legs

All of us want to get rid of dark spots and scars on your legs? Try these simple home remedies and enjoy silky smooth skin! 

While there is nothing to be ashamed about having scars or dark spots on legs or any part of the body, most of us don’t want to have them. Learning how to embrace everything about our bodies is significant, and so is trying to enhance them. When it comes to legs, they get to deal with more problems, including sunburn, hyperpigmentation, ingrown hair, rashes, and much more.

We put a lot of emphasis on beautifying the upper body parts, but legs get neglected in the process. Most of us realise that even legs need pampering only when we plan to wear shorts or thigh-high slit dresses but this shouldn’t be the case. In order to bestow some love upon your legs and to remove any kind of marks, try these simple home remedies. 

Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple Cider Vinegar has amazing advantages for the body, especially for obese people. Other than natural laxatives, it has great bleaching agents, which can be helpful for the skin to get rid of problems like tanning, and hyperpigmentation. However, this ingredient must be used with a lot of caution. If you have sensitive skin, you might not want to use it. And for people with normal or dry skin, they must not use it in its concentrated form, to avoid skin damage. 


  • Take 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar and mix with 6 tablespoons of water. This will help to dilute it. 
  • Using a small cotton pad, apply it to all the spots and scars on your legs. 
  • Repeat this process daily. Apply nourishing moisturiser after that.

Sugar Scrub

For ages, women around the world are using sugar scrub for various beauty purposes. Depending on the consistency, it can be useful to remove unwanted body hair, dark spots, impurities, and dead cells from the skin pores. The most amazing thing about sugar scrub is that it's a natural humectant, thus it holds the moisture and ensures skin is kept hydrated. If you have sensitive skin, this is the remedy you want to use. 


  • Take 2 tablespoons of sugar and 4 tablespoons of olive oil. 
  • Mix both well. Once done, rub it on your legs in circular motions. Be gentle while doing so. 
  • Wash your legs with normal water. Repeat this every alternate day. 


Horseradish is less popular but an amazing ingredient for skin. It has skin lightening properties and is also effective in dealing with blemishes, blackheads, and acne. To get rid of marks on your legs, follow these simple steps! 


  • Begin by grating one horseradish in a bowl.
  • Add ¼ cup of apple cider vinegar and store it in a jar. 
  • Let the jar sit for about two weeks. Keep shaking the mixture occasionally. 
  • After two weeks, strain the mixture and keep the solution in the refrigerator. 
  • Apply the mixture every day on the dark spots.


Highly beneficial for health, lemons are vitamin C-rich foods. This nutrient and antioxidants in lemon help to reduce skin damage and premature ageing. It also has skin lightening properties and oil reducing agents. Use its juice to bid adieu to dark spots on your legs for good! 


  • Take a bowl and squeeze fresh lemon juice in it. 
  • Using a cotton ball or earbud, apply the juice on the affected areas. 
  • Do this every alternate day for the best results. 

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One of the most hydrating food items, cucumber can do wonders for your skin and health. When it comes to dark spots, it can gently remove blackening on the skin with its benefiting antioxidants and multiple vitamins. 


  • Begin by peeling your cucumber. Grate it and make a paste. 
  • Also, add 2 tablespoons of rose water in it. 
  • Apply the paste on the affected areas and then wash with normal water. 
  • Try this home remedy every day for great results. 

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Your skin and body like you are unique. While we have taken all measures to ensure that the information provided in this article and on our social media channels is credible and expert verified, we recommend you consult a doctor or your dermatologist before trying a home remedy, quick hack or exercise regime. For any feedback or complaint, reach out to us at

What causes black spots on the legs?

Dark spots on your legs can be a result of a variety of things, but there are five main causes for these dark spots on your legs: sunburn, diabetes, Melanoma skin cancer, and post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation, which can occur because of acne scars or a skin injury.

How do I get rid of dark spots on my legs naturally?

Take 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar and mix with 6 tablespoons of water. This will help to dilute it. Using a small cotton pad, apply it to all the spots and scars on your legs. Repeat this process daily.

How do you get rid of dark spots fast?

How to remove dark spots.
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