How to allow others to post on my facebook timeline 2022

One of the main appeals of social media is the ability to share your opinions and thoughts with friends or the general public. Facebook, one of the world’s most popular social media sites, makes sharing with others easy.

If you’ve ever wondered how to make a post shareable on Facebook, or are having trouble doing so, read on. We’ll show you everything that you need to know.

If you’re posting something on your Facebook wall and want others to share it, you’ll need to ensure that the actual post is shareable first. For your friends to share your post, you must make it Public. To do so, follow these steps:

  1. On your Facebook Home page, click the ‘What’s on your mind?’ space.
  2. Click on the dropdown menu under your Facebook profile name.
  3. Click Public so the post can be shared by anyone on or off the Facebook site.
  4. Once done, click on Post to show the message on your wall.

Now, others can share the post. You can make it private again by clicking on one of the other options in the menu. If you choose to make the post private again, it will be private for anyone who shared it too. All that will remain is a post stating that the original poster removed the post.

How to Make a Facebook Post Shareable After Posting – Web Browser

If you’ve already made a post but haven’t changed the security settings yet, don’t fret. You can still edit the security settings of older posts. To do this, follow these steps:

  1. On your post history, find the one that you wish to share with others.
  2. Click on the Security icon beneath your profile name, right beside the date of the post.
  3. A menu of the security settings should appear. Choose Public to make the post shareable.
  4. Once you’ve clicked on your choice, the change will be automatically applied to the post. People who have permission can now share the post.

Now, your post is public so your friends can put it on their timelines too.

How to Make a Post Shareable on the Facebook App

The Facebook app shares many similarities with its web version, and has the same security settings available. To edit the security settings of your post on the mobile app, do the following:

  1. On your Facebook home screen tap on ‘What’s on your mind?‘ space.
  2. Below your profile name, tap on the Security icon to change the settings. The choices are similar as to the ones given on desktop above. Choose Public.
  3. Once done, continue with your message.
  4. Tap on Post on the upper right corner to display the message on your wall.

If you choose to make the post private again in the future, tap the three-dot icon and select Edit Privacy. Then, select Friends or one of the other non-public options. The post will then be removed for everyone who shared the content.

How to Make a Post Shareable for a Facebook Group

If you’re in a Facebook group that’s open to the public, anything you post in that group can be shared by members as long as you set the security settings as Public.

How to Make a Post Shareable on Facebook for a Private Group

If you’re in a private Facebook group, any posts you make within the group won’t be shareable outside of it. If you wish to make a post in your private Facebook Group that can be shared by others, do the following:

  1. Create the post on your own newsfeed / timeline and make sure that the post is sharable to the public.
  2. Click on the Share button on the lower right corner of your post to open the dropdown menu.
  3. Choose Share to a group then select the private group you’re in.
  4. The post should be shared to the private group. Anyone else who wants to share it outside can go to the original post and share it from there.

How to Make a Facebook Post on a Page Shareable

If you wish to share posts on a particular Page, here’s what you need to do:

  1. From your Facebook home page, click on Pages on the top of the left menu.
  2. From the list choose the Page that has the post you wish to share.
  3. Scroll down the Page wall until you find the particular post. Click on Share on the lower right of the post to share it to others. Posts on a Page wall are all set to security level Public by default and can’t be changed. Anyone who has access to a Page has the ability to share a post.

How to Share a Facebook Post Outside of Facebook

If you wish to share Facebook posts outside of Facebook, do the following:

  1. Click on the date of the post that you wish to share.
  2. Copy the URL as indicated on the address box.
  3. Share the link outside Facebook.

Additional FAQs

Here are the answers to more of your questions about Facebook sharing.

Why Can’t People Share My Posts on Facebook?

You probably have security settings that don’t allow public sharing. Refer to the instructions above to change it.

How Do I Change My Sharing Settings on Facebook?

Depending on whether you’re using the web version or mobile version, refer to the instructions as given for each platform above. You can change your settings anytime, even after posting.

How Do I Get People to Share My Facebook Post?

People tend to naturally share posts that they think are funny, witty, or thoughtful. Try to make your posts interesting so that people want to share them.

How Can You Make an Existing Post Sharable on Facebook?

As shown above, simply change the security settings to Public.

How Do I Share a Post on Facebook if There’s No Share Option?

You can’t. If a post has no share button, that means the post has limited its shareability, and you can’t really work around it.

Voicing Out Ideas

Knowing how to make a post shareable on Facebook allows you to voice your opinions to the people you want to reach. Just do be careful about what you share, as once something is on the internet, it has the tendency to stay there.

Do you have opinions or thoughts on what’s been discussed? Share them in the comments section below.

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Why can't friends post on my timeline?

Then make sure your privacy settings allow your friends to post to your timeline. Click the little down-arrow in the top-right corner of any Facebook page, then select Privacy Settings. Find the “Timeline and Tagging” section and click the “Edit Settings” link.

How do I change my settings on Facebook so people can post on my timeline?

Tap in the top right of Facebook. Scroll down and tap Settings. Scroll down to Audience and Visibility and tap Profile and Tagging. Tap Who can post on your profile?

How can I allow people to post on my Facebook page 2022?

TapWho can post on your Page? to choose if Everyone or Only me can post on your Page. Tap Who can see what others post on your Page? to choose if Everyone can see visitor posts or Only me. Tap Allow others to share your posts to their stories? to select On or Off.


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