How do you post a link on facebook without showing the url

Frequently, people use their Facebook status updates to bring attention to something else on the Internet. It may be an article they found interesting, or an event, a photo album, or anything else they want to publicize. Usually, people add a comment to explain the link; other times, they use the link itself as their status, almost as though they’re saying, “What I’m thinking about right now is this link.”

Posts with links mean you can share something you like with friends without having to create an e-mail list or call up someone to talk about it. At the same time, you’re almost more likely to get someone to strike up a conversation about your content because it’s going out to more people, and you're reaching a greater number of people who may be interested in it.

To post a link, simply follow the instructions for updating a status and copy and paste the link you want into the field where you normally type a status. This automatically expands a preview of what your post will look like, including a preview of the content.

A preview usually contains a headline, a thumbnail photo, and teaser text. Hover over either the headline or teaser text and click to edit what appears in the preview. Use the arrows at the bottom of the preview to change the thumbnail that appears alongside the preview. You can also edit your own comment.

If you delete the URL text from the Share box, it doesn’t actually remove the link from your post. In fact, deleting the link can make your post look cleaner and leave more room for your own thoughts about the link.

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You are here: Home / Facebook Tips / How to Post a Link on Facebook to Get More Clicks

How many ways can you post a link on Facebook?

Here are 7! Why so many?

Facebook experts agree that your Fan Page should vary its postings to include photos, videos, text-only updates, and links.

And if you like to drive Facebook fans to your website – now you can vary the way you post those links! See which get the most clicks.

‘Cause if you don’t post links, you won’t get clicks.

Hyperlinks in Facebook posts

If you type or paste a URL in a Facebook status update or comment – on a personal profile, business page, event, or group – that URL will become a clickable link.

Want to choose your anchor text and hide that URL?

You can’t hide a link to an external URL in a normal Facebook post or comment. This can only be done in Facebook Notes, which support HTML.

There is a clickable post preview image as explained in 1 – 3 below! But not with anchor text.

However, you can @mention a Facebook Page, Group, Event, or friend and link to that page without showing any ugly URL. Only links within Facebook allow this, not external links.

To tag on Facebook, just start typing the name, beginning with a capital letter or the @ symbol.

Once you’ve typed 5 letters, a drop down will appear with tag suggestions. Just click on the one you want.

7 Ways to Post a Website Link on Facebook

1 | Share to Facebook from your website

I highly recommend that once you publish a blog post on your site, you use your site’s Facebook button to share it, and get the social proof rolling.

This method is perfect for sharing a link from another website too!

Find the site’s social share buttons. Click the Facebook “Share.”

Add a caption where you see “Say something about this.”

Try adding a conversation starter – because as your Friends or followers respond, their Friends will also become aware of your link post.

Use the dropdown at top left to choose where you’d like to post.

  • Your Facebook personal profile Timeline, and your FB Friends’ news feeds.
  • Your Facebook Story.
  • A Friend’s Timeline.
  • A Facebook Group where posting links is allowed.
  • A Facebook Event.
  • A Facebook Page you manage.

Then click “Post to Facebook” to share with the link preview image.

You can check it out now by clicking the Share button at the top or bottom of this article!

2 | Post a status update with link

You have several options when posting a link directly on your Fan Page.

Type in some text to give a little context, and add a question to stimulate engagement.

As soon as you type in the URL, Facebook will pull in available images and headline from the linked page. The URL text, images, and title will all link to the web page!

Choose to:

  • Keep all the images in a carousel.
  • Add more images with the + sign.
  • Click images you don’t want. Be sure the blue border disappears.
  • Click “Hide” to remove all images from your Facebook post.

If you prefer, click the small Share Now button with the dropdown to Schedule your Facebook post for later, Backdate, or Save Draft.

Pick your time if scheduling or backdating, and click the blue button in this popup.

Then click the large blue button at the very bottom (words will vary depending on which option you chose).

3 | Variation: Delete the URL in the text after the link preview appears, for a cleaner post.

Here’s how it looks in the news feed. Both the image and the title below are clickable links to the website.

Not getting a large clickable link image when you post with methods 1– 3?

4 | Post a text-only status update with link

Some Fan Page admins have reported that text-only status updates have been getting more reach, so they’re posting links without any preview or image at all.

Want to test this for yourself? Try it and keep an eye on your Facebook Insights.

Simply follow the instructions under method 2 above, then above the images, “Hide” to remove all images from your Facebook post.

Of course, this also works if the article you wish to share doesn’t have an image.

5 | Variation: Some companies are integrating arrows ( –> ) into their posts. They report that using an arrow to point to their link –> // works pretty well. Sort of a subtle call-to-action!

NOTE: When posting text links, be aware that studies have shown shortened URLs have a lower CTR (click-thru rate) than full URLs, as many people are hesitant to click them. Recommended: use the full URL on Facebook so users know where they’re going when they click.

6 | Post a Facebook photo with link in caption

This is my favorite! You can commandeer more space in the news feed with an image that’s square or even tall.

Do you make Pin images for Pinterest? This is the perfect way to repurpose them.

Some Fan Page admins report that this method gets the most engagement (Likes, comments, shares), but that the previous methods get more clicks to your website. This is likely because the image is more eye-catching, but FBers aren’t used to looking for a clickable link in a photo post.

Test this method on your own Page and see how it works!

Go to Create Post at the top of your Fan Page and type a bit about your blog post. Do not include the URL yet, but you could include READ where you’ll add it later.

Click the Photo/Video button and upload your photo.

Now insert the URL.

Click Share Now (or choose to schedule).

Here’s how it looks! Awesome, right?

7 | Variation: Post your photo and status update, then add the link in the first comment.

The only problem with this method: unless you have a small fan base, your link comment will quickly be buried.

But worth a try – several Fan Pages recommend using this method, so it must work for them.

8 | Bonus tip

If you’re celebrating, be sure to add that in your post!

How Many Ways Can YOU Post a Link on Facebook?

I recommend trying at least of few of these, and checking your Facebook Insights to see which get the most engagement and/or clicks.

Different link posts types get more clicks for different audiences. Try a few kinds and see which your audience responds to.

Have you tried several of these, and found one that works best?

Which ways will you try to post a link on Facebook?

How do I hide a URL on Facebook?

Click the "X" icon to the right of the "Link" heading in the upper right corner of the link window to hide the link.


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