How much does captain americas shield weigh

Have you ever wondered how much it cost for Steve Rogers to become Captain America? According to a new—and very detailed—infographic, the cost of becoming the greatest American hero comes in at a whopping $55,114,220.

The first step in Rogers’s transformation from Average American Soldier into a super patriotic superhero was Project Rebirth, a scientific experiment that today conservatively cost around $516,000. The uniform is worth an estimated $3,720 (far less than Darth Vader’s costume), a standard issue military firearm runs about $900 and the 2014 Harley-Davidson 750 motorcycle that he rode in both Captain America: The Winter Soldierand Avengers: Age of Ultron costs about $7,500.

The element that puts Captain America‘s accoutrements into the stratospheric price range, though, is his shield. Dr. Myron MacLain made the Captain’s shield out of an iron and vibranium alloy, which is virtually indestructible (that’s why Black Panther’s suit is made out of it, as well). Vibranium is a completely fictional, yet incredibly expensive material. As the infographic points out, in issue 607 of the Fantastic Four, it was priced at $10,000 gram. Considering Captain America’s shield weighs in at 12 pounds, that means it is worth a whopping $54 million (a.k.a. more than the GDP of Tuvalu!). Good thing it’s indestructible, because Captain America would need one heck of a Kickstarter to buy a new one.

While $55,114,220 is a lot of money, considering how many times Captain America has saved the planet from destruction, it’s still a good investment.

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Captain America's only weapon was his shield, a concave disk 2.5 feet in diameter, weighing 12 pounds.

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I assume that it's fairly heavy to account for the amount of force behind it when thrown, although that could be attributed to Cap's super-strength. However, I seem to recall an occasion where a normal human being picked it up.

Is there a stated canon for how heavy Captain America's shield is and does this vary between continuities? (The Marvel Movie Universe, for example, says that the shield made of a lightweight yet durable alloy)

Marvel Boy

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asked May 1, 2013 at 17:18


According to Marvel Universe:

Captain America's only weapon was his shield, a concave disk 2.5 feet in diameter, weighing 12 pounds.

Marvel Wiki lists it as 10 pounds, but since Marvel Universe is run and curated by Marvel employees, I'd trust that figure more.

answered May 1, 2013 at 17:40


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This isn't canon, but this article uses math and physics to figure out that Captain America's shield in the MCU weighs 43.9 pounds.

answered Jul 16, 2014 at 13:59


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Echoing the accepted answer, the (fully canon) Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe (Vol. 1 #3) lists the weight of Captain America's shield as 12 pounds.

Captain America carries but one weapon, his shield. A 2½ foot diameter concave disc weighing 12 pounds...

answered Apr 4, 2021 at 6:42


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Is Vibranium heavy?

Vibranium (also known as Isipho) appears in live-action films set in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. First appearing and named on-screen in Captain America: The First Avenger, Howard Stark states the element is stronger than steel, weighs one third as much, and is completely vibration-absorbent.

How many pounds can Captain America lift?

According to official Marvel Database, Captain America's full limits of strength is lifting up to 1,200 lbs with maximum effort, which gives him the ability to knock out Thunderball who possessed superhuman durability and also lift merge hulk. It's enhanced strength, but not at the superhuman level. Super Solider?

How much does Captain America's shield weigh in kg?

An indestructible concavo-convex metal disc approximately 2.5 feet (0.76 m) in diameter, weighing 12 pounds (5.4 kg), it has remained Captain America's most constant shield over the decades.

How hard does Captain America throw his shield?

Wikipedia lists the diameter of the shield at 0.76 meters. If I scale the video with this value, I can get a few frame of motion. Here is a plot from Tracker that shows the horizontal position of the shield after being thrown by Winter Soldier. This puts the initial shield speed at 19.5 m/s (43.6 mph).


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