Does creatine make your dick bigger

  • #1

I'm 22 but I look like a 15 year old and I don't have a lot of facial hair and almost no body hair. I suspect I haven't completely finished puberty. I'm planning on taking creative to raise shot levels and make my penis thicker. Wish me luck.

  • #2

i'm 22 but i look like a 15 year old and i don't have a lot of facial hair and almost no body hair. I suspect i haven't completely finished puberty. I'm planning on taking creative to raise shot levels and make my penis thicker. Wish me luck.

creatine i meant creatine.


Sr. Admin, ΦWizardΦ, White Tiger Award 2015

  • #3

Side effects posted at WebMD -

Although most healthy people can take it with no problem, creatine can, in rare cases, have adverse effects, particularly when used in excess. Side effects can include:

Weight gain
Breathing difficulty
Kidney problems
Nausea, vomiting
Stomach upset
Certain drugs, including diabetes medications, acetaminophen, and diuretics, can have dangerous interactions with creatine. Taking the stimulants caffeine and ephedra with creatine can increase the risk of side effects.

Creatine isn't recommended for people with kidney or liver disease, or diabetes. Others who should avoid taking it are children under age 18 and women who are pregnant or nursing. Also don't use creatine if you are taking any medication or supplement that could affect your blood sugar, because creatine may also affect blood sugar levels.


Administrator, PE Gym Editor, PEGym Hero; ,

  • #4

How would creatine have any effect on your dick?? Don't overdose/

  • #5

Pegasus,( old thread I know)

By increasing levels of DHT, which is a more androgenic form of test (Testosterone is a pro-hormone for DHT).
Many people have claimed success in penis enlargement with the increase of DHT. DHT can easily be increased by Coffee(increases 5-alpha reductase activity), Green tea and Creatine. I personally use all of these. Now my secret is I cycle them with 1 month on 1 month off. ALWAYS when I do this along with PE I gain about 3-5mm of length over the period of 3 to 4 weeks.Toward the end of my one month cycle the length gains I get arent as drastic as in the beginning of the cycle. Don't get me wrong this doesn't work for everyone. I think the magic age to when DHT has no impact is 30. After this receptors, especially around the genitalia area, decrease dramatically. I'm only 19 myself and I contribute the majority of my gains to the increase of DHT. Thus creatine CAN increase your size. Also Creatine might help you heal faster and help in faster cell division.

I've read from many forums online where people (usually in their early twenties) claim amazing gains and this is the case with myself. I don't advocate DHT gel though as that can cause all sorts of problems since its an outside source of testosterone that your endocrine system doesnt naturally produce

Last edited: Sep 11, 2017


Administrator, PE Gym Editor, PEGym Hero; ,

  • #6

I am unaware of any research supporting creatine increasing hormone levels .

I am aware dht can have negatives.

I am a mod on a dick site and have not heard of" amazing gains" with this method previously.


Senior Member, Member of the Month Dec 2014, Feb

  • #7

Also there is so much creatine use going on that if it would help penis growth it would be all over the internet. It just really doesn't do that.

  • #8

Idk about this... id need to see actual case studies.

I'm a bodybuilder (natty) and use creatine daily... Never heard of anyone actually cycling it tbh. I don't even know people who do a loading phase anymore, but once your muscle stores are saturated you only need to take 3 - 5 grams of creatine monohydrate a day to maintain it. I take this daily and haven't seen any indication of it causing an increase in penis size. Maybe it could help recover after a workout but...

All it does basically is move more water into the muscles,
more water allows more glycogen storage as a passive result which translates into 1-2 extra reps on your exercise.


Senior Member, Member of the Month Dec 2014, Feb

  • #9

Exactly. I'm not saying anything against Creatine, just I don't think it helps penis enlargement. Even actual hormone use doesn't seem to once the receptors are closed.


Administrator, PE Gym Editor, PEGym Hero; ,

  • #10

Idk about this... id need to see actual case studies.

I'm a bodybuilder (natty) and use creatine daily... Never heard of anyone actually cycling it tbh. I don't even know people who do a loading phase anymore, but once your muscle stores are saturated you only need to take 3 - 5 grams of creatine monohydrate a day to maintain it. I take this daily and haven't seen any indication of it causing an increase in penis size. Maybe it could help recover after a workout but...

All it does basically is move more water into the muscles,
more water allows more glycogen storage as a passive result which translates into 1-2 extra reps on your exercise.

Well there is I know a lot of use of green tea and coffee by members onsite. I dare say creatine use is fairly common also anyone else want to weigh in?

So road is claiming gains around three quarters of an inch a year using this in conjunction with pe . It sounds more like a bodybuilding method.

  • #11

Exactly. I'm not saying anything against Creatine, just I don't think it helps penis enlargement. Even actual hormone use doesn't seem to once the receptors are closed.

Yeah. Creatine, coffee and all other things that can raise DHT are very marginal compared to raise that happens when you inject +500 mg test in a week and your testosterone and DHT levels are 10 times higher than normal. And even that doesn't cause growth after puberty. Though if you are low on test and dht, it can cause diminished EQ and loss of size due that. That's what happened to me and when I started trt and my test went from 200 ng/dl to 1000, my EQ went back to normal. I'm on TRT and this is better than having low test, but healthy endocrine system is the best.

I've tried to search info if test can boost penis growth during natural penis growth in puberty. It appears that if you have normal levels of test and dht in penis growth ages, then rising them even to supraphysiological levels can't change your genetic determined size. But if you have too low hormone levels it can hinder growth. So there is some borderline level and after that it doesn't matter how high levels are. But studies are not very clear as most of them are done with males that have micropenis and rising test levels seems to cause growth to those males.

Unfortunately there is teenagers who abuse testosterone and steroids and I haven't read anything about super penis growth. They will however fuck up their own hormone systems.

Healthy livestyle that supports healthy hormone balance is the way to during puberty. And of course also after that.

  • #12

I may be misinformed but for me(18)and for much of my friends creatine might add a little size to your gains (body wise not Penis related ) but most of the time this is just as a result of more water being stored in the muscle , I haven't really read any significant studies where it increases your blood flow tremendously which is a important aspect in jelqing, I can attest for the coffee and green tea though, I started having a cup of coffee before warming up and a cup of green tea after my workouts , since then and since my increased consumption of both on a daily basis , my sessions have been much better . I think you should just get some arginine or a good nitric oxide pump product . But I'm still new to the pe side of things, the rest is just bodybuilding and powerlifting knowledge.


Administrator, PEGym Hero,"Woofer"

  • #13

It won't work, I've taken so much creatine in my life with for weight lifting that if it worked I'd be hung like Godzilla.

If you decide on taking it make sure you drink a lot of water and you might as well add protein and a gym membership with it.

  • #14

Ok I know its me vs everyone, but I know this PERSONALLY works for me. The science? I still go by the increase of DHT lvls around 56 percent which is huuge. Im also still in puberty and I think the DHT increase has an effect on my unit. I dont care what you think, PE science isnt very clear, so what do we know lol. Creatine in conjugation with PE, has worked very well for me. I`ve noticed quicker healing from workouts, my grip is better, and ofc the DHT increase. Believe what you want, but remember this: whatever you say about a Penis enlargement method, I can come back with a counter-argument which is more science backed. PE itself isn't science backed, so what works for one may not work for another. This for me works, which is the most important thing . Go to a doctor and tell him about tunica tugs and LAS and he will laugh at you like youre laughing at me.

  • #15

Ive been taking creatine for years. Cycle off during the season. Never saw any more gain or less gain after getting off. Most guys who take creatine after getting off lose the water retention so I would imagine it would be the same for your penis, if in fact it were to hold more water because of it.

Creatine increases your ATP, which is what allows you to get those extra couple reps in the gym when you're struggling with resistance. I don't think you can compare the exercise dynamics of weights to something like a jelq.

  • #16

"PE itself isn't science backed"
This is untrue. Some of the greatest technological, science based, inventions were made by lone wolfs, often without the best education, in sheds and houses such as the radio, television, and the AC power system. What made these inventions "scientific", the fact they could been seen, heard, and felt.

Since there is such a great sample group here on PGYM and other places we DO HAVE the info we need to see if something works or not.

Now, you could argue that most PE methods are have not been investigated thoughtfully by well designed, peer-reviewed, studies but that is obvious.

Regarding other things, everybody's body is different. Creatine may give one person penis gains and others no gains.

Creatine increases follistatin and lowers myostatin and this can affect muscle growth. It seems that the heart is protected from this mechanism while skeletal muscles are not. That is why myostatin inhibitors, which creatine is, are being studied to increase muscle size and strength in Muscular dystrophy.



Proven Myostatin inhibitors----EAA (50-70%), Creatine - Professional Muscle

Now remember, if you modify myostatin enough to alter penis growth you could also run into other issues like tendon pain.

Although, there are some Humans and animals born WITHOUT myostatin at all and they have healthy bodies and hearts! so no one really knows.

Combine these with carnitine or acytl L carnitine to ramp up androgen receptors and it just may help recovery/size.

  • #17

Then what exactly is science backed?

- the intellectual and practical activity encompassing the systematic study of the structure and behavior of the physical and natural world through observation and experiment.

Seems we are all engaging in the "intellectual and practical activity encompassing the systematic study of the penis through observation and experiment. Literally marking increases in growth, tracking the rates of gains, identifying unknown and known variables (exercise) as well as having random outliers that deviate from the standard "monster gainers" "fast gainers" "hard gainers" lol

  • #18

Okay by science backed I mean the mainstream science is strongly against PE. Science backed means science backs the argument, pretty self-explanatory. You just defined the word ''science'' lol I mean SCIENCE BACKED. I know the science is there in PE, its just not recognized in the mainstream. You're using that argument vs me; DHT cant increasae penis size cuz that is what the mainstream media says. If you read my post in-depth you would have seen the part where I said that what works for some may not work for others. Thus, the science of PE is not totally accurate and why its not science backed. Also no one knows precisely what makes the penis grow post puberty, if you did, youd be the next billionaire congrats!

Last edited: Sep 12, 2017


Administrator, PE Gym Editor, PEGym Hero; ,

  • #19

I still have not seen any studies where creatine increases dht.

I have not seen any science studies where dht increases penis size .

You want to show any science go ahead, I have not seen any from you.

While there are science studies showing pe works we do not concern ourselves much with it because we have seen it works for ourselves . In like manner while many members have used creatine reports of a pe effect are very rare .
I would like to hear more member report success with it but it doesn't seem to have happened.
But hey if you like using it and it is well know to have a gym effect giving an extra rep to your bench or whatever just keep doing it .
Good to hear you are having pe success.

Last edited: Sep 12, 2017


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