Cyst pimples on private parts female home remedies

You've probably spotted a zit somewhere other than your face before (hello, bacne) but have you ever found pimples on your vagina? It happens to the best of us — and with sweaty yoga pants, wet bathing suits, harsh bikini waxes, and friction-inducing clothes, it's no wonder we experience the occasional break out of acne down there.

“Bumps in the vaginal area can sometimes be normal if they’ve been there for a relatively long time and haven’t been painful, grown in size, or spread over the area,” says Jessica Shepherd, M.D., an OB/GYN and women's health expert based in Chicago. “Bumps to consider abnormal are ones that are relatively new after a sexual encounter or a new partner, are painful, or have pus or some type of discharge from them.” If yours don’t fit into any of those categories, they may just be regular pimples. Still, those can be just as pesky — which is why we’ve asked the experts to weigh in and share their wisdom to put your mind at ease. Read on to learn about the causes, treatments, and ways to prevent vaginal acne.

Know that vaginal acne can be normal and occur on its own

First things first: don't freak out over a zit down there. Pimples on your vagina can be totally, totally normal. "[The vaginal area] has sweat glands and hair follicles that are prone to buildup, just like any other of the body," explains gynecologist and author of She-ology Sherry Ross, M.D.. A pimple here or there is completely to be expected.

Understand the causes of vaginal acne

This phenomenon is actually called vulva acne (though vaginal acne has a certain ring to it), and there are a number of different reasons why it might occur.

Sweat is one of the leading causes of genital pimples.

If you love to workout, you may be more prone to it. “I would say I see vulvar acne most commonly in avid exercisers where there can be more friction to the vulva, such as in spinning classes,” says Catherine Goodstein, M.D., an obstetrician and gynecologist at Carnegie Hill OB/GYN in New York City. “Extreme sweating combined with excess sebum production and tight exercise clothing can produce pimples.”

The products you use might be a contributing factor.

“Body washes that use harsh ingredients and have the wrong pH can aggravate the skin" says Dr. Shepherd. “It’s important to look at what you’re using in the shower, as some products aren’t pH-balanced and can use irritating ingredients.” A healthy vaginal pH is between 3.8 and 4.5, so your best bet is to look for a product within the same range. Stacy Marie Chimento, M.D., a board-certified dermatologist based in Florida advises, “Alkaline bar soaps can destroy healthy bacteria. Fragrance free soaps are the best as well as water based wipes. Try Honey Pot Sensitive Wash and Good Clean Love Rebalance pH Balanced Wipes.” Steer clear of alkaline products with a pH greater than 7 as they can “disrupt the natural vaginal flora which contains good acidic bacteria (lactobacilli). Disruption of this pH balance can lead to overgrowth of yeast or other unwanted bacteria,” Dr. Chimento explains.

Genetics and hormones may also cause particularly painful bumps.

If you’re in extreme discomfort and have deep, painful lesions filled with pus that look like blackheads, you may have a less common dermatological disorder of the vulva called hidradenitis suppurativa. “There seems to be a genetic predisposition to these lesions, and obesity is a risk factor,” explains Dr. Goodstein. “There’s also believed to be a hormonal component, as patients with this [condition] seem to do better when their hormones are regulated by birth control pills.” Hidradenitis suppurativa can be treated with antibiotics or steroids, so if you think you might have it, make an appointment with your OB/GYN to discuss.

How to treat and prevent vaginal acne

Although bumps on your vagina are much more hidden than the ones on other body parts (like your face), that doesn't mean they don't deserve the same level of care. "A healthy vagina needs the same hygienic attention as any other part of your body similar to the way we care for our face," says Dr. Shepherd. Fortunately, there are a few different ways to prevent pimples on your vagina and relieve discomfort from existing bumps.

Keep your vaginal area as dry as possible.

Make sure you change out of any moist or sweaty clothes after a workout. (The same applies to wet bathing suits, too.)

Be careful with hair removal. If you opt to get rid of some or all of your pubic hair, it's important to do it the right way. "[To prevent vaginal acne,] it’s helpful to get rid of hair that’s causing ingrowns in the bikini line, which can lead to painful pimples," says Dr. Michele Farber of Schweiger Dermatology. She stresses the importance of gentle shaving practices, such as using shaving cream instead of plain soap and water and opting for laser hair removal for someone who has consistent issues with vulvar acne. Dr. Chimento explains, “By reducing the number of hair follicles, you reduce the risk of ingrown hairs which can lead to inflammatory acne.” If you’re planning on waxing, be sure the area is clean beforehand, and exfoliate afterwards to avoid ingrown hairs. Another important rule of thumb? "Any tool that is used on your body daily needs to be cleaned regularly," says Dr. Ross. "The bathroom can be a reservoir for bacteria, so it is absolutely necessary to clean or replace bathroom items weekly."

Try benzoyl peroxide.

As far as bumps go, benzoyl peroxide can be used externally in the bikini area. To treat bumps once they’re there, medicated body washes with benzoyl peroxide can be helpful, says Dr. Farber. If you have sensitive skin, opt for something with benzoyl peroxide 5% or less to prevent irritation. These washes can also be used as maintenance prior to shaving. Just make sure you keep it on the external skin — don't use it directly on the vulva without evaluation from a physician.

Skip the creams and use a warm compress instead.

To help ease the pain and rid yourself of vulva acne, Dr. Goodstein recommends placing warm compresses on the affected area. “Most vulvar acne doesn't recur the way it would on the face,” she explains. “Creams wouldn't work as well because they would rub off on clothing. Your best bet would be applying warm soaks and giving them time to go away.” Warm compresses can also be helpful for those big, cystic suckers. "Try soaking or applying heat to a growing pimple on the vagina for a couple of days first," advises Dr. Ross. "If it doesn’t go away or the pimple is growing in size, you may want to see a health-care provider. If you develop a rash, fever, or pain, you’ll also want to have a professional take a look."

Consider a cortisone shot.

Just as cortisone shots are an option for especially severe facial acne, they can also work on your bikini line. "For more immediate relief, visit your dermatologist for a quick injection of cortisone to calm down a larger lesion," says Dr. Farber.

Do not pop pimples anywhere near your vulva.

It’s the same cautionary rule you're constantly hearing about pimples, but it’s even more important when the bumps are in your vaginal area. According to Dr. Shepherd, popping vaginal pimples can lead to an infection in the area and cause more serious problems.

When in doubt, see an OB/GYN

It can be difficult to differentiate between vaginal acne, ingrown hairs, and something more serious like an STD. As a general rule of thumb, don’t jump to conclusions if you notice bumps down there (especially if you haven’t been sexually active or have been practicing safe sex). Ingrown hairs can cause folliculitis — AKA an inflamed hair follicle that occurs after shaving or waxing — which can look remarkably similar to other body acne, with whiteheads and all. "It can be challenging to know the difference between a vaginal pimple versus an ingrown hair, sebaceous cyst, or wart," says Dr. Ross. "Using a mirror can give you a close-up to try and figure it out — but it can be difficult [to tell]."

Still, if you follow all of the best practices for cleanliness and dryness and you’ve got a zit that won’t quit, talk to an expert. “If genital pimples are recurring and don’t seem to go away, go to your gynecologist to have them evaluated to make sure they are not sign of a sexually transmitted infection (such as genital herpes or warts)," advises Dr. Shephard. Even if the bumps on your vagina turn out to be nothing serious, an OB/GYN can still serve as a great resource for helping to treat your acne. "They can help find ways to help minimize breakouts.”

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Want more from Teen Vogue? Check this out: 

Why do I get cystic pimples down there?

Vaginal pimples occur when the pores in your vulva get clogged. Other conditions that could cause vaginal bumps include ingrown hairs, vulvar cysts, varicose veins, and genital warts. Your healthcare provider can usually diagnose whether a bump is a pimple or something else based on its appearance.

Do vaginal cysts go away?

A Bartholin cyst develops when a blockage occurs in a Bartholin gland in the vagina. This blockage causes a lump that can cause irritation and pain during walking, sitting or sex. Bartholin cysts can resolve on their own over time. If it becomes infected, it may need treated by a healthcare provider.

How do you get rid of a cyst in your pubic area at home?

Sitz baths, which involve a woman soaking in a tub filled with a few inches of warm water several times a day for 3-4 days. This soaking may help a small, infected cyst to burst and drain with no further intervention needed. Marsupialization, for frequently recurring or bothersome cysts.

Is it normal to get cysts down there?

Vaginal inclusion cysts are the most common. These may form due to injury to the vaginal walls during birth process or after surgery. Gartner duct cysts develop on the side walls of the vagina. Gartner duct is present while a baby is developing in the womb.


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