Bump on the inside of my lip

Oral Mucous Cyst

An oral mucous cyst, also called a mucocele, is a harmless swollen spot. It's a good idea to get it checked out, though, especially if it's bothersome.

Oral Mucous Cyst Symptoms

There are two types. Mucoceles show up on the inside of your lower lips, your gums, the roof of your mouth, or under your tongue. Those on the floor of the mouth are called ranulas. These are rare, but because they’re larger, they can cause more problems with speech, chewing, and swallowing.

Mucoceles may have these traits:

  • Moveable and painless
  • Soft, round, dome-shaped
  • Pearly or semi-clear surface or bluish in color
  • 2-10 millimeters in diameter

Oral Mucous Cyst Causes

Where does an oral cyst come from? It centers on a small salivary gland, which makes saliva in your mouth.

Here's what happens:

Your saliva moves from a salivary gland through tiny tubes (ducts) into your mouth. One of these ducts can become damaged or blocked. This most often happens if you repeatedly bite or suck on your lower lip or cheek.

Getting hit in the face could also disrupt the duct. Remember that "head-on collision" in your pickup game of basketball last month? Maybe that was the original culprit.

What happens once the duct damage is done? Mucus seeps out, pools, becomes walled off, and causes a cyst-like swelling. A similar buildup happens when the duct has become blocked.

A few other common causes include:

  • A tear in a salivary gland: A bump or injury could cause swelling or inflammation to the salivary gland and lead to mucus buildup.
  • Piercings: Cysts can form because of an infection, especially with lip piercing. You should have any piercings done by a professional to assure clean, sterile instruments and avoid infections.
  • Damage caused by your teeth: Not taking care of your teeth can lead to a buildup of bacteria. That bacteria can block salivary glands and lead to cysts.

Oral Mucous Cyst Diagnosis

Your doctor might be able to tell that you have a mucocele just by looking at it. If not, they may recommend one of these:

  • Biopsy: Your doctor will take a tiny sample of the cyst and send it to a lab for a closer look.
  • Ultrasound: This uses sound waves to show images of the inside of the cyst on a computer screen.
  • Computerized tomography (CT) scan: This is a series of X-rays taken at different angles; put together, they give your doctor a more detailed image of the cyst.

Oral Mucous Cyst Treatment

Mucoceles often go away without treatment. But sometimes they enlarge. Don't try to open them or treat them yourself. See your doctor, your child's pediatrician, or your dentist for expert advice.

These are the two types of treatment a doctor or dentist most commonly uses:

Removing the gland. The dentist or doctor may use a scalpel or laser to remove the salivary gland. Local anesthesia numbs the pain.

Helping a new duct to form. Called marsupialization, this technique helps a new duct form and helps saliva leave the salivary gland.

The dentist or doctor:

  • Disinfects the area
  • Puts a stitch through the mucocele and ties a knot
  • Gently presses out saliva
  • Removes the stitch after about a week

Other types of treatment that may bring down swelling or prevent the need for surgery include steroid shots and medications applied to the surface of the mucocele.

Oral Mucous Cyst Outlook

Mucocele cysts are more unpleasant than harmful, but you still should see a specialist to take care of them. They can return after removal, and there may be pain in areas where they’re removed.

Be aware when cysts may pop up, and try to avoid the temptation to suck on your cheek or bite on your lip when they do appear. If you notice a cyst or a mass in your mouth or have trouble swallowing or talking, call your doctor to set up the right course of treatment.

Beating mouth cancer is so dependent on diagnosing it at an early stage.

If it is caught early, the chances of surviving mouth cancer are nine out of ten – those odds are pretty good, and that’s why early detection is so important.

Sadly, far too many mouth cancers are not spotted early enough.

Mouth Cancer Action Month promotes the message ‘If in doubt, get checked out’. We encourage everybody to be mouthaware and pay more attention to what’s going on inside the mouth. Most importantly, if you notice anything out of the ordinary, it is essential that you tell your dentist or doctor immediately.

Checking for mouth cancer

As mouth cancer can strike in a number of places, including the lips, tongue, gums and cheeks, and given that early detection is so crucial for survival, it’s extremely important that we all know what to look out for.

Three signs and symptoms not to ignore are:

  • Mouth ulcers which do not heal in three weeks.
  • Red and white patches in the mouth.
  • Unusual lumps or swellings in the mouth or head and neck area.

When checking for signs of mouth cancer you should follow the following routine:

Head and neck

Check if both sides look the same and search for any lumps, bumps or swellings that are only on one side of the face. Feel and press along the sides and front of your neck being alert to any tenderness or lumps to the touch.


Pull down your lower lip and look inside for any sores or changes in colour. Use your thumb and forefinger to feel the lip for any unusual lumps, bumps or changes in texture. Repeat this on the upper lip.


Use your finger to pull out your cheek so that they can see inside. Look for red, white or dark patches.

Then place your index finger inside your cheek, with your opposing thumb on the outside gently squeeze and roll the cheek to check for any lumps, tenderness or ulcers, repeat this action on the other cheek.

Roof of the mouth

With your head tilted back and mouth open wide, your dentist will look to see if there are any lumps or if there is any change in colour. They will run their finger on the roof of your mouth to feel for any lumps.


Examine your tongue, looking at the surface for any changes in colour or texture.

Stick out your tongue or move it from one side to another, again looking for any swelling, change in colour or ulcers. Finally, take a look at the underside of the tongue by placing the tip of your tongue on the roof of your mouth.

Floor of the mouth

Look at the floor of the mouth for changes in colour that are different than normal. Press your finger along the floor of your mouth and underside of your tongue to feel for any unusual lumps, swellings or ulcers.

If you find anything unusual in any of these areas, or are unsure of anything, visit your dentist or doctor as soon as possible.


  • Mouth cancer: Signs and symptoms poster (JPEG)

  • Mouth cancer: Self examination poster (JPEG)

  • Mouth cancer: Risk factors poster (JPEG)

How can mouth cancer be detected early?

Mouth cancer can often be spotted in its early stages by your dentist during a thorough mouth examination. This happens during your routine dental check-up.

In the below video, Oral Health Foundation Trustee, Dr Ben Atkins, talks through what to expect from a visual mouth cancer check.

Useful links:

  • About mouth cancer
  • Types of mouth cancer
  • Supporting Mouth Cancer Action Month

How long does bump inside lip last?

Self-Care Guidelines. Many mucoceles will go away on their own in 3–6 weeks. Mucus-retention cysts often last longer. Avoid the habit of chewing or sucking on the lips or cheek when these lesions are present.

How do you get rid of a bump on the inside of your lip?

Laser treatment. The cyst can be cut from the skin using a laser..
Cryotherapy. By freezing the cyst, it can be easily removed..
Surgery. In more serious cases, the cyst can be surgically removed. The gland that caused the cyst is often taken out also..

How do you get a bump on your inner lip?

A mucocele is a small, painless, blister-like lesion that occurs on the inner lips or floor of the mouth. The blister is usually filled with clear fluid and is caused by damage to the inner, wetter skin of the lip or mouth (mucosal surface).

Are inner lip bumps normal?

1 Fordyce spots These benign, small, white bumps can appear inside the mouth or on the outside of the lips. They can appear as a singular bump or as a cluster of bumps. Although there's no known cause for their appearance, they're completely normal and pose no cause for concern.

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