Can you work for two mortgage companies at the same time

Periodically we receive an enquiry from someone who has more than one job and wants to know what their chances are in getting mortgages with multiple jobs.

This could be a combination of two employed positions or one employed and one self employed position. Or perhaps a zero hours job or even more than two jobs.

How these incomes are ultimately viewed by mortgage lenders and the evidence needed by those lenders can vary so I will go through this in more detail from a generic point of view below which should hopefully help to answer your questions.

It is important to bare in mind these are just generic and if your circumstances are different, it is still worth a chat to see what we can do in your specific circumstances.

Multiple Employed jobs

Many Mortgage lenders will accept two positions and use 100% of the income received from both jobs.

So if we assume that lenders will lend 4.5x income and you have one job earning £15,000 and another earning £5,000 then it would give you a combined income of £20,000 and a loan of £90,000.

Mixture of Employment types

Where you have two jobs, one of which is employed and the other is self employed it gets a little more complicated.

The employed position would be something similar to the above in that you should be able to get around 4.5x income (subject to the finer details).

The self employed position however is where it starts to get more complex. As a general rule, most mortgage lenders would need you to have been self employed for 2 years and have two lots of accounts/self assessments.

They would typically average out the last 2 years and apply the same sort of income multiple.

If we assume your first years trading was £10,000 income and the second year was £20,000 that would give you an average of £15,000. Which if multiplied by 4.5x income, gives you a loan amount of £67,500.

Now if we assume you have an employed position of £15,000 and we are using the average from your self employed position (also £15,000) that gives you an income of £30,000 which then means you could potentially get a mortgage of around £135,000.

If we found a lender who would lend based on the latest years income from the self employed position, that would be £20,000 plus £15,000 (£35,000) and multiplied that by 4.5x it would give you a mortgage of £157,500.

Potential Issues for multiple jobs

Where you have more than one job, many lenders will apply a “sense check”, by that it means “does it make sense”.

Is it feasible that both jobs can and will remain in the future? Lenders are looking at things like the number of hours worked, how much travelling is involved and so on.

The key consideration is that a mortgage lender is looking to see that your circumstances are for the long term in making their decision.

If you have a full time job and then say do an extra shift or two in a bar/pub, that would be a lot more likely to proceed long term than 2 x 40 hour a week jobs for instance.

If you do need to use income from multiple jobs, then do please get in touch to discuss your specific circumstances in getting a mortgage with multiple jobs.

The examples given above are just for illustration purposes. We may be able to go above 4.5x income, use latest years accounts, use more than two jobs and so on.

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It’s hard to know whether you are getting the best deal if you’re not shopping around for your mortgage. 

To keep homeownership as affordable as possible in today’s competitive housing market, homebuyers will need to shop rates among different lenders. Having a great credit score and income will not necessarily guarantee you will get the best rate. In fact, two similarly qualified borrowers could see as much as a 0.5% difference in rates among different lenders, a difference that could result in thousands of dollars of savings over the life of the loan, according to the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau.

When you compare and have multiple offers under your belt, you can potentially negotiate lower rates. In short: Shopping for multiple mortgage lenders helps find you the best deal on your mortgage.

So what is the right answer when it comes to shopping for multiple mortgage lenders? How many should you try? Here’s everything you need to know about how many mortgage lenders you should apply to when buying a home. 

Should You Apply to Multiple Lenders? 

No one would blame you for wanting to keep it simple and applying for only one mortgage at one lender. But applying for multiple lenders can have some real benefits: Saving you lots of money and making sure you end up with the right fit. You just have to do it right.

A study by Freddie Mac in 2018 shows borrowers who didn’t shop around paid more when compared to those that did. According to the study, for a $250,000 mortgage, a homebuyer who received one extra quote saved an average of $1,435 and borrowers who got at least five quotes stood to save the most over the life of the loan.

When deciding how many mortgage lenders to reach out to, there is no perfect number. Some experts recommend at least two or three options.

Before you even start looking for lenders, you’ll want to figure out what type of mortgage is right for you. There are many factors that go into choosing the right type of mortgage. 

How long do you plan to live there? What is your future earning potential? These types of questions can help you decide which mortgage is right for you. 

For some buyers, a conventional fixed rate mortgage makes the most sense, as it’s the most common type of mortgage. Conventional loans have strict lending requirements and lower fees. For others, a government-issued loan like an FHA or VA loan might be a better fit. Either way, not all lenders offer all types of loans, so decide on your loan type first.

Once you know what you’re looking for, decide who you want to reach out to. There are digital lenders, as well as big banks and local credit unions. As you’re looking around, don’t just look for the best rate; also consider application or closing costs, and how quickly a lender can close.

“The rate is really just one piece of the puzzle,” says Lucy Randall, director of sales and operations at, a digital mortgage lender. 

Experts agree it’s better consulting with friends, family, financial advisors, or a realtor on a good company to work with. Many times, those are the best referral sources. I would also recommend your bank or credit union as a place to start.”

Pro Tip

There is no sweet spot when shopping for lenders but a good rule of thumb is finding two or three different quotes. Doing this will save you money on the life of your mortgage.

With each lender you choose to work with, you’ll want to start by having a qualifying conversation, Randall said. That means walking through your financial picture with them to make sure they can give you the type of loan you’re seeking.

If all of that checks out, go ahead and request a “pre-approval letter,” which is a document saying the lender is willing to lend you money. That’s when the lender will pull your credit and qualify you for the loan, which gives you a ticket to start seriously shopping for homes.

Home loan comparison calculator

Compare your payment options side-by-side to see which is right for you and your financial situation.

Find the mortgage that’s best for you by comparing the cost of multiple loans over time.

Pros and Cons of Checking With Multiple Lenders

Here are the pros and cons of applying to multiple lenders:


You’ll get the best deal.

Different lenders might be willing to lend you different amounts of money at different interest rates. Let’s say the first lender wants to offer you a 3% interest rate, while the other lender wants to offer you a 3.25% interest rate. Each one will look at your financial situation differently, and make you an offer accordingly. 

By seeking a few different lenders, you can understand the range of home-buying power that you have.

“A lot of people find out they can actually afford a higher-priced home than they thought,” Randall said.

Pit one company against the other for a better rate.

When you shop around, it gives you leverage. Every type of mortgage and lender will have slightly different financial terms. Rates will vary, and so will closing costs or commission fees. You can get a lower interest rate from one company and show it to another company in an effort to bring the rates down. Shopping around at multiple lenders gives you the best chance at keeping costs to a minimum.

“Some lenders can be really expensive rate-wise, but their closing costs might be lower,” Randall said. “It’s really good to get a sense of price and the way that a bunch of different companies price.”

You’ll get to choose the right lender relationship for you.

Different loan officers have different tones, and one mortgage lender could offer different benefits than the other. “Each company has different things that they prioritize,” Randall says. For example, some lenders might be known for a speedy closing, while others might be more willing to walk first-time buyers through a complicated process.

“It’s helpful to get a sense of the way that different loan officers treat you. At the end of the day this is a really stressful process, so you want to be working with somebody or a company that aligns with the way you like to work,” Randall said.

Here is more information on different mortgage lender reviews. 


Applying too many times can hurt your credit score.

Every time you apply for loan approval, a lender is going to check your credit. Some of these amount to a “soft pull,” which doesn’t hurt your credit score, but some lenders use a “hard pull” that’s more likely to have a negative impact.

One way to avoid getting dinged too much is to make all of your inquiries during a 30-day period, which will limit the hit to your credit score. If you do get dinged, keep in mind that it’s only temporary and your score would come back up.

You could get overwhelmed with calls.

Many of the online mortgage platforms will take in your personal information, like your phone number, and share it with multiple lenders. That means you might receive lots of unsolicited calls after filling out just one application.

You could make the process more complicated than it needs to be.

While there are definite benefits to having options, Randall warned that seeking too many opinions can hurt more than it helps.

“You don’t want to have too many cooks in the kitchen,” Randall said. If you end up with too many choices, you might feel paralyzed by the decision.

One way to help navigate loan comparison is to use a mortgage calculator. A calculator will show you how much total interest you actually pay over the life of the loan.

Frequently Asked Questions: FAQ

Is it OK to get preapproved by multiple lenders?

Getting multiple credit checks for the same purpose, such as mortgage preapproval applications, won’t negatively affect your credit score. As long as they are performed within a reasonable timeframe. According to Experian, “FICO considers similar loan-related inquiries that have occurred within 45 days of each other as a single inquiry in the scoring process.”

How many lenders should you reach out to?

A CFPB study shows “interest rates can vary by more than half of one percent, or 50 basis points in mortgage jargon, for similarly qualified borrowers looking for similar types of mortgage loans.” A good base number is getting quotes from at least three lenders, but more is even better. (The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, or CFPB, is the government agency responsible for the oversight of consumer protection within financial markets).


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