Bacb professional and ethical compliance code for behavior analysts

Getting Ready for the New BACB EthicsCode. What does it mean for Applied Behavior Analysis? 

In response to cultural and technological changes, the demands of clinical practice change. As all practitioners know, sometimes difficult decisions need to be made, and sometimes the correct path forward is everything but clear. In December of 2020, The Behavior Analyst Certification Board issued the new Ethics Code for Behavior Analysts (BACB, 2020) to help guide the practice of applied behavior analysis.

At ABAC, we think a great deal about professionals and the ever-changing demands of our work. In 2017, I wrote a series of posts for professionals on behaving ethically when using information and communication technology. If you missed them, please give them a read. This is an area of ethical-decision making we all need to give some attention to.

  • Social media and client confidentiality: Are you violating your ethics code? (January 27, 2017)
  • Asking for and giving treatment recommendations online: Don’t do it  (February 3, 2017)
  • Is sharing a photograph or video of a client or student online unethical (March 10, 2017)

The new BACB ethics code updates many sections of the code relevant to the topics discussed in these posts from 2017, I will write a series of posts that complement the originals by providing commentary on the updates and how they do—or perhaps do not—reflect best professional practice.

Is This Version of the Ethics Code Better Than the Last One?

The previous version of the ethics code for applied behavior analysts titled Professional and Ethical Compliance Code for Behavior Analysts (BACB, 2014) went into effect on January 1, 2016. While this code offered a number of improvements, including consolidating the two previous documents and moving from providing guidelines to providing a code, it came under the scrutiny of many for a number of reasons.

Personally, I have explicitly stated my “wish” for a preamble or mission at the beginning of the code to help guide the professionals of our field and help those from other fields better understand what we do and what we stand for. I have also stated my concern with the strict nature of some aspects of the code—gift-giving, for instance—that diminished the ability of professionals to make informed decisions and interact with clients and consumers in a way that would be beneficial.

I do not recall if I’ve explicitly stated my discomfort with the term “ethical compliance.” In my view, the term suggests there are right and wrong choices, rather than acknowledging that ethical decision-making occurs along a continuum and is always influenced by a great number of factors.

The new 2022 ethics code addresses my concerns (which were the concerns of many), and I urge you to sit down with both the most recent version and the one that has been in effect since 2016. Leading up to 2022, plenty of discussions will be needed about the changes and what they mean in the context of professional practice. In fact, the BACB even has a podcast discussing the new document. My goal over the next month or so will be to focus on the areas I’ve spent years talking and writing about: ethical online behavior.

I look forward, as always to hearing your feedback about this and other posts.

Happy New Year!



Behavior Analyst Certification Board (2014). BACB professional and ethical compliance code for behavior analysts. Retrieved from //

Behavior Analyst Certification Board (2020). Ethics code for behavior analysts. Littleton, CO: Author

DRAFT: This module has unpublished changes.

Professional and Ethical Compliance Code for Behavior Analysts

Course: SPE 567-Ethics Applied Behavior Analysis

Artifact: Team Case Studies #3

     The course, SPE 567:Ethics of Applied Behavior Analysis focused on the BACB’s Professional Disciplinary and Ethical Standards and Guidelines for Responsible Conduct for Behavior Analysts. The course required group meetings every week. The group meetings discussed various scenarios and correlated them to the compliance codes of professional disciplinary and ethical standards and guideline for responsible conduct. The artifact that was chosen presented scenarios entailed a behavior analyst asking testimonials from the caregivers of multiple clients. The scenario was a violation of numerous ethical guidelines. This situation taught students to correlate the scanario with Professional and Ethical Compliance Code for Behavior Analysts 2.06a (Maintaining Confidentiality). Code 2.06a states that, "Behavior analysts must have the responsibility and take precautions to protect the confidentiality of those with whom they work or consult (BACB, 2012)…” When behavior analysts engage in asking clients for testimonials, they violate this code. In addition, the artifact aligns with Code 8.06 (Testimonials and Advertising). This code stresses the importance of not asking or using testimonials from current clients. Former clients must classify whether they were solicited or unsolicited if they give a testimonial. This includes giving a precise statement of the relationship between the behavior analyst and the person who submits the testimonial. In my personal experience, I have heard of situations like this happening. In order to avoid this situation overall, I maintain a professional relationship with my clients and do not ask for anything in return. It is important to remember that you are working with these individuals as your job and must always maintain confidentiality of the client. When parents ask me if they can provide testimonials, I direct them to my area manager and reassure them that it is not permitted for them to give a testimonial as a current client. I believe that I have mastered these compliance codes due to the fact that I exhibit and understand the guidelines as a behavior analyst.

Course: SPE 565-Behavior Change Systems

Artifact: Team Summary #3

     The course, SPE 565 concentrated on observing behavior change systems. The team meeting consisted of reading articles and discussing which ethical guidelines align with the article. The article by Baer D. M. (2005) examined unsuccessful reinforcement as a non-example of ABA. The artifact correlates with Compliance Code 1.01 (Reliance on Scientific Knowledge). The code stated behavior analysts must always rely on scientific evidence when creating a treatment plan for the need of a client. The affidavits contained misinterpretations of applied behavior analysis. Behavior analysts must correctly represent ABA and know the boundaries of competence. The artifact also related to Code 1.02a. The code requires "all behavior analysts provide services, teach, and conduct research only within the boundaries of their competence…” Baer emphasized that behavior analysts must have already have proper reinforcement for the client’s need in order to not reinforce maladaptive behaviors. Additionally, the artifact aligns with Code 4.10 (Avoiding Harmful Reinforcers). It is necessary for behavior analysts to limit the use of harmful reinforcers that may be harmful to the development and health of the client. I have mastered these compliance codes because I understand the importance of scientific knowledge and avoiding harmful reinforcers with my clients. For example, when conducting a parent training and also creating an intervention, it is necessary to consider all scientific knowledge such as the principles of ABA as well as minimize harmful reinforcers that may be harmful to the client. 

What is the professional and ethical compliance code for behavior analysts?

The four core principles are that behavior analysts should: benefit others; treat others with compassion, dignity, and respect; behave with integrity; and ensure their own competence. Behavior analysts are expected to be knowledgeable about and comply.

What is the purpose of the new Ethics Code for behavior analysts?

The new Ethics Code. Effective January 1, 2022, the BACB's new code for Behavior Analysts is "aimed to produce a more efficient and readable code, facilitate code enforcement, and articulate its guiding principles -- all with an eye toward improved consumer protection."

Which of the following activities are covered by the Ethics Code for behavior analysts?

Which of the following activities are covered by the Ethics Code for Behavior Analysts? protecting the rights and welfare of clients above all others.

How many sections are there in the Ethics Code for behavior analysts?

The Code includes 10 sections relevant to professional and ethical behavior of behavior analysts, along with a glossary of terms. Effective January 1, 2016, all BACB applicants, certificants, and registrants will be required to adhere to the Code.


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