How to ask for a professional letter of recommendation

Applying for a new job can feel like a highway without any exits.

Filling out an application, creating an outstanding resume, and nailing an interview. Exhaustion is understandable. Somewhere along the process of being hired by your new employer, it’s likely you’ll find yourself needing a letter of recommendation from a past supervisor.

A recommendation letter acts as your professional character witness. It’s a testimonial from a trustworthy source about your work ethic, skills, and reliability. The goal is advocacy; to have one more person saying you’re more than qualified for the job position.

Who to Ask for a Letter of Recommendation

Recommenders fall into two categories: professional and personal references. When applying for a new job, it’s strongly preferred that references be professional. Even though your best friend may have a lot of great things to say on your behalf, it’s best to keep it to individuals who can attest to your work skills.

Although you should steer clear of family and friends, ‘professional references’ doesn’t necessarily mean only your last boss. A character reference can come from anyone who knows you in a professional atmosphere. For example:

  • A professor that you really clicked with in a related subject

  • An academic advisor

  • A supervisor at an organization you volunteered with

  • An administrator at an internship

The person you choose to request a recommendation from should be someone who’s worked with you directly and can attest to your experience. A recommendation letter from a company superintendent who you barely spoke to, or a job that you haven’t worked at in 8 years may not add value to your application.

Before sending out your request, you should take a moment to evaluate what this person is going to say about you. They may be perfect on paper, but if they have negative comments or simply nothing positive to add, it could seriously hinder your resume. Request a letter of recommendation from a person who knows your work and will emphasize your strengths.

How to Ask for a Letter of Recommendation via Email

Once you’ve decided the perfect professional reference to ask, it’s time to figure out how to go about requesting a letter of recommendation.

  1. Give advanced notice. Before you write a word of your email, refer back to that infamous saying, ‘timing is everything’. Turns out, everything includes requesting recommendation letters.

    Give your referees as much notice as possible to write you a killer recommendation before your application deadline. Aside from being more considerate, giving advance notice also gives your recommender more time to make sure they incorporate all of your great qualities.

  2. Use a concise subject line. The subject line is the first thing your referee will see in their myriad of emails. Get to the point, and let them know who you are. For instance:

    Letter of Recommendation Request for Sally Jones
    Reference Letter for Sally Jones

  3. Paragraph 1 – remind them of who you are. Whether you’re requesting a reference letter from your former supervisor or a college professor, they’re busy and have worked with a lot of different people. Re-introduce yourself. Remind them of who you are and how you knew each other.

    When requesting a letter from a former teacher, it may be helpful to include the semester and exact course you took with them. If your recommendation is coming from a former employer or volunteer supervisor, tell them which location, when you worked there, and what your position was.

    Don’t be afraid to make note of some of your accomplishments in your time working with them, in a humble and appreciative way. You can even attach a previous assignment that went particularly well. Let them know how much you enjoyed your time working with the company, or being in their class. It’s helpful to give a refresher, especially if it’s been a while.

  4. Paragraph 2 – politely make your request and be aware of tone. By the end of your first paragraph, it’s been established who you are to the recommender.

    The second paragraph should be about putting your request out on the table. Asking for your recommendation letter should be direct, but friendly. Mention the opportunity that you’re submitting the letter for, and explain how their input would be valuable.

    You went through a list of past advisors, professors, and bosses before deciding to reach out to them. Tell them why you want a letter from them, specifically.

    While you’re saying all these things, though, make sure it’s coming from a genuine place. Keep away from language that seems inauthentic or obnoxiously praising. Be real with them and keep it professional. Think about how you would feel reading the request if you were the recommender.

    Make sure to address how they can deliver the letter of recommendation once they’re finished.

  5. Keep it short and thank them. This may sound like a lot of information and reminding to do, but try to be as succinct as possible. A sentence or two for every point you want to get across will probably do the trick.

    Be sure to express your gratitude. Thank them for the experience in their class or job and everything you learned. Close your letter by thanking them for considering your request, and sealing it with a professional sign-off.

How to Ask for a Letter of Recommendation via Email Template

Dear [Recipient Name],

I’m writing to request a letter of recommendation from you regarding the time I spent working with you at [Company Name]. Between [Date] to [Date], I worked under your supervision as a [Job Title] at the [Company Branch Name/Location].

I’m in the process of applying for a [Job Title] position. I believe that your insight on my [skill 1] and [skill 2] could improve my chances of being offered a job. Your opinion is very valuable to me because of [reason you value recipient’s opinion].

If you can find the time to write me a recommendation and can speak to my [skill 3], I’d greatly appreciate the recommendation. I’d be happy to send you any additional information you need.

Thank you again for all your help,
[Your Full Name]

How to Ask a Professor for a Letter of Recommendation via Email Sample

Subject Line: Letter of Recommendation Request for Sally Jones

Sally Jones
867 N Front St
San Francisco, CA, 94103

September 2, 2020

Mr. Thomas Allen
Golden Gate University
4128 College Dr.
San Francisco, CA, 94103

Dear Professor Allen,

My name is Sally Jones. I was your student in Business Marketing 101 for the Fall 2019 Semester. You may remember me from my final paper, “Ethics in Marketing”, which I’ve attached below for your consideration. I thoroughly enjoyed my time in your class, so much that it inspired me to begin a career in marketing after graduation.

I am contacting you today to request a letter of recommendation on my behalf. I am currently in the early process of applying for a position as Junior Marketer at Chance Financial. I feel your input on my strengths and work in your class would be helpful in making me an ideal candidate.

If you decide to write the recommendation, the final version can be sent to:

Thank you for taking the time to read my email, consider my request, and for everything I learned in your course.


Sally Jones

How to Ask a Former Boss for a Letter of Recommendation via Email Sample

Subject Line: Professional Recommendation for Sally Jones

Sally Jones
867 N Front St
San Francisco, CA, 94103

September 2, 2020

Mr. Andrew Baxter
Branch Manager
Lexington Clothing Co.
899 Lexington Ave.
San Francisco, CA, 94103

Dear Andrew,

I’m reaching out to request a letter of recommendation from you regarding the time I spent working at Lexington Clothing Company. Between 2015 to 2018, I worked under your supervision as a retail salesperson at the Northern Branch.

I’m in the process of applying for a few different sales positions. I believe that your insight on my work ethic and reliability could improve my chances of being offered a job. Your opinion is very valuable to me because of how long we worked together and how much I learned under your supervision.

If you can find the time to write me a recommendation and can speak to my skills as a salesperson, I’d greatly appreciate the recommendation. I’d be happy to send you any additional information you need.

Thank you again for all your help.


Sally Jones

How to Ask a Supervisor for a Letter of Recommendation via Email Sample

Subject Line: Letter of Recommendation for Sally Jones

Sally Jones
867 N Front St
San Francisco, CA, 94103

September 2, 2020

Mrs. Lydia Green
Volunteer Manager
415 Elk Dr.
San Francisco, CA, 94103

Dear Lydia,

My name is Sally Jones. I volunteered at the San Francisco ASPCA on Elk Dr. under your supervision about three years ago. I volunteered as an animal caretaker from 2015 to 2017.

I am emailing you to request a letter of recommendation. I’m applying to the School of Veterinary Medicine for the Fall of 2021. This is an amazing opportunity to pursue my dreams of becoming a veterinarian. I feel you would be the perfect person to write me a letter of recommendation because you know firsthand how important animals are to me. Your perspective can be a really important part of my admission.

Please let me know what you decide. Recommendation letters are accepted through the university website:

I really appreciate having your guidance while volunteering with the ASPCA. Thank you for taking the time to consider my request.


Sally Jones

How to Ask for a Letter of Recommendation via Email Tips

  • Follow up. After sending your query, follow up with the recommender after a reasonable amount of time. Keep in contact before they submit the reference, and follow up again after it’s been submitted.

    Thank them throughout the process for the effort of writing a letter for you. Remember, they took valuable time out of their schedule to accommodate your success or increase your chances of getting a job.

  • Don’t ask for too much. If you’re asking someone to serve as a reference, it’s best to avoid also asking for a recommendation letter. It’s a lot to ask of one person, and having a reference and recommendation letter from the same person makes each count for a little less.

  • Choose an impressive person (that you actually know). We know you’re tempted to go for the highest-up person you ever said “hello” to, but it’s always better to select someone who knows you well over someone with an impressive title who can’t do more than write you a generic recommendation letter.

  • Make it easy for them. Imagine you received an email out of the blue asking you to write a few hundred words on a topic. Your first reaction would probably be a bit of stress; “I don’t know what to write” would likely be your biggest concern, and it’ll be the same concern of your potential recommender.

    With that in mind, make their job easy. Don’t include all of this in the initial email you send, but, if they agree, be prepared to send them another email outlining exactly what you’d like them to write about. Distill the job description down into important skills and qualities you’d like highlighted and send them a copy of your resume and cover letter.

    You might think it’s a little shady to provide the content of what’s supposed to be an objective opinion. Don’t worry about it — your recommender will thank you for the outline, and you’ll end up with a more compelling recommendation letter.

  • Be clear about your timeline. Don’t be vague about when you need the letter. Unless it’s a general recommendation letter that you’d just like to keep in your back pocket for when the time arises, there’s probably a deadline involved. Whatever your deadline is, move it up one or two days for your recommender, to give a bit of cushion time if things don’t work out.

  • Be graceful if they decline. Requesting a recommendation letter doesn’t guarantee that you’ll get one. There’s always a possibility that the recommender will be too busy, or simply uninterested, to write a professional recommendation for you.

    Accept it for what it is. Thank them for taking the time to consider it and move on to the next potential person on your list.

    Always have a network of people that you can consider for recommendation letters. There are multiple supervisors out there who have excellent things to say about your skills and will be more than willing to write you a letter of recommendation.

How Often Do Employers Ask for Letters of Recommendation?

Employers don’t often ask for letters of recommendation. Instead, they’ll typically ask for a list of professional references that they can contact if and when necessary.

However, that doesn’t mean that recommendation letters can’t become an excellent part of your job search toolkit. Hiring managers and recruiters like to see recommendation letters, even if they don’t often require them, because they give a greater sense of your past job performance from a third party.

Plus, if you ask for one soon after leaving a company, the person writing your recommendation letter will have all the great information about you fresh in their mind.

Additionally, recommendation letters serve as a great confidence booster when you need a pick-me-up. While most companies want to receive recommendation letters directly from the source, you can ask your recommender to also send you a copy. Read it over before your interview and you’ll feel like a million bucks walking into the room.

Final Thoughts

When submitting a school application, a letter of recommendation will usually be required. Beyond needing a good recommendation for your college applications, though, they can be very helpful in getting your job application pushed to the top of the pile.

While an employer might not always explicitly ask for a recommendation, positive feedback from a previous position will always improve your candidacy.

Why just meet the expectation when you could exceed it?

Submitting a letter of recommendation with your resume sets you apart from the rest of your competition. Its content has the capacity to propel you into landing the job.

How To Ask For Letter of Recommendation Over Email

Kelly Williams
Career Strategist and Owner of Expert Resume Solutions and Security Cleared Careers

Who should I ask?

It is good practice to ask individuals who have supervised or evaluated you in an academic or professional setting. Avoid personal references (family, friends, etc.) unless the target application specifically indicates that would be acceptable.

When should I ask?

Approach your evaluators early on by giving them a minimum of two weeks notice to fulfill your request. By taking this approach you are more likely to receive a favorable response to your request, while also increasing the likelihood of receiving a quality and personalized letter.

How should I ask?

Always try to meet face to face to request a letter of recommendation, but if this is not possible send an email and follow up with a phone call. Be sure to explain why you are asking this individual to write you a letter, and be specific when explaining if there is anything in particular you hope they could cover in the letter. This will help the evaluator focus their comments on what is most relevant for your target opportunity.

How To Ask For Letter of Recommendation Over Email

Jerome Imhoff
Career Coach Resume Writer

It’s important not to underestimate the power of a strong letter of recommendation especially since so many companies are now hesitant to respond to requests for references and often have policies against providing anything more than a verification of employment. I think it’s also helpful to assist the person writing the letter know what you as the job seeker consider important to mention, for example highlighting a special project you contributed to, showcasing your leadership skills, or commending your willingness to go the extra mile for a client.

How To Ask For Letter of Recommendation Over Email

Natausha Slaughter
Career Business Strategist

Choosing the “right” person to write your Letter of Recommendation is vital. This gives insight into the applicant’s ability to communicate and make sound decisions based on the person(s) selected to write a recommendation.

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    • How To Ask For A Letter Of Recommendation
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Never miss an opportunity that’s right for you.

How do you ask for a letter of recommendation via email?

I am writing to ask if you will provide a letter of recommendation for me as I apply to [school and course of study or company and role]. Since my application is due [date], your recommendation needs to be received no later than [date needed].

How do you politely ask for a recommendation letter from a professor?

Make a formal request of your professor (by email or by appointment), asking if he or she would be willing to write a letter or fill out a form on your behalf. Explain the purpose of the recommendation and why you have chosen the professor. Give the professor time to consider your request.

How do you ask for a professional reference?

Always ask before including someone as a reference. Send a polite email or call them on the phone, offering a few details about the request including timelines. After your reference agrees, send them your updated resume and details about the position. Follow up in a timely manner, thanking them for their reference.

Is it unprofessional to ask your boss for a letter of recommendation?

The short answer is yes. It's acceptable to ask your current employer to write you a referral letter for a different job. However, there are some unique points to keep in mind before—and during—the process.


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