Who won the power of veto on big brother

Big Brother Spoilers: PoV win spreads chaos in the house, houseguest DQ’d from competition

Big Brother Spoilers: PoV win spreads chaos in the house, houseguest DQ’d from competition

By John Powell – GlobalTV.com

HoH Monte and Turner thought they had the game on cruise control but it seems Brittany has thrown a wrench into their plans.

The houseguests were woken up early on Saturday morning to compete in an earlier than normal Power of Veto competition.

It was revealed on the live feeds that Brittany won the Power of Veto and because she did, that guarantees her a spot in the final four.

Since she was nominated by Monte along with Alyssa that means that Monte now must pick between his parachutes, his allies, Taylor and Turner as to who he is going to nominate in Brittany’s place.

That could cause some distension and friction in the ranks.

The competition appears to be an individually timed one that shocked the houseguests. After being woken up they had two minutes to get ready for the competition.

It seems that Monte didn’t make it down to the competition in time and he was disqualified.

“They wanted us to scramble,” said Brittany.

“Congratulations Brittany! You are in the final four!” said Alyssa to Brittany as everyone gathered in the kitchen afterwards.

“You are locked in,” said Monte.

“Middle of the night competition. That is f—–g insane!” said Taylor.

Taylor chatted with Taylor in the storage room afterwards.

“You have had me really scared all week,” Taylor said to Brittany.

“It was hard when Michael left. It felt like everyone distanced themselves from me. I don’t know what to think. I need to talk to everyone,” replied a confused but elated Brittany.

“I wanted to talk to you because everyone was telling me you were throwing me under the bus,” said Taylor.

“Why didn’t you bring that to me?” asked Brittany.

“The things they were saying were things that only I told you,” said Taylor.

Brittany told Taylor that it is seems to her that Taylor elected to believe other people over her.

In the HoH room, Monte and Turner spoke about what a crazy day it has been already in the Big Brother house.

“That was the most f—-d up thing of all time,” said Turner to Monte.

Turner was upset that he screwed up at the end of the competition and lost by a hair to Brittany.

“Me being so close to that win was very defeating,” said Turner.

“How are you feeling? That sucks that you could not play,” Turner asked.

“I am beating myself up about it because I could have definitely made it downstairs in time. I thought I have two minutes. I can pee, put in my contacts and go downstairs. It was two minutes. It wasn’t even a long piss…” said Monte before the feeds switch off their conversation.

When the feeds returned Monte assured Turner that he isn’t going on the block. Taylor is.

“The only thing they are plotting is putting me up,” said Turner about Brittany and Taylor having their separate meeting downstairs.

“..and you are not,” said Monte.

“Thank you, dude,” said Turner.

“I am telling you this as a person and a human, you are not going up,” Monte reiterated.

“Thank you,” said Turner again.

“I just thought about this all morning. I didn’t even go back to sleep. Why would I put you up? I don’t feel those two would make the decision to keep you over Alyssa especially now that you have Michael on your resume. I have also been pondering about this whole girls thing. They say Alyssa brought it up then Brittany is putting it on Taylor. Taylor is putting it on Alyssa. If you are gone, I am done next week,” said Monte.

Big Brother USA airs three times a week on Global TV. It airs Sundays and Wednesdays (8:00-9:00 PM, ET/PT) and Thursdays (9:00-10:00 PM, live ET/delayed PT), featuring the live eviction show hosted by Julie Chen Moonves.

To catch up on the recent episodes click here.


The unexpected happened. The production organized a competition for the surprise veto and the guests had to get up early and start playing to be this week's winner. Here we tell you who got the Power of Veto.

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© @CBSBigBrotherBrittany in Big Brother 2022, Season 24.

Surprise! Big Brother 24organized a totally unexpected Veto competition. The guests were completely asleep when they had to go to the kitchen at six in the morning to listen to the rules, amid big yawns. Everyone had to participate in today's game, as there were only five HGs left standing

Thanks to spoilers, we were able to see how one of them won the game and this was quite unexpected. With only a few still competing, there is no need for a tie or drama around that, so everyone had a fair chance at safety this time. At last, a respite for the guests who have been locked up for ten weeks. 

Remember that you can stream the show live on fuboTV (7 day-free trial) and watch the live feeds on Paramount+, which is offering a one-week free trial to watch all the footage and then the subscription only costs $4.99 per month. There you can watch all the content that CBS can't show on TV, such as fights, romances and everything captured by the four live cameras.

Big Brother 24: Who won the Veto competition?

We saw who won the competition thanks to a comment from Alyssa, as he congratulated her for securing a spot in F4. Brittany was the winner of the Power of Veto for week 10. After talking for a while between them, each went their separate ways and Monte returned to calm again. 

The winner already started planning her strategies. Brittany told Taylor that it seemed appropriate for everyone to welcome her back, after she was sidelined last Friday. Taylor befriended her and promised to tell her everything that was going on. We'll see how long this alliance lasts. 

Obviously Brittany will be saved and Monte is going to have to do a renom. The outcome of the competition changed the HOH's plans drastically and now his choices are Taylor or Turner, but he will most likely opt for the former. Had she won the competition, this could have been really bad for Monte as he could have saved the nomination and put Turner on the block. 

With Brittany winning all plans for her eviction were thrown down and now the guys' plan was disrupted, as they see her as a bigger threat compared to Alyssa. We will probably find out a lot more details during episode 29, airing tomorrow night. 

Who wins power of veto on Big Brother?

It was revealed on the live feeds that Brittany won the Power of Veto and because she did, that guarantees her a spot in the final four.

Who has the most veto wins in Big Brother?

The most lifetime Power of Veto wins: Paul Abrahamian, 9 Janelle Pierzina is right behind him with seven.


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