Who wins head of household big brother

Hey, fellow, “Big Brother” fans. Happy Friday and weekend. We are back in your faces with another very important Big Brother season 24 update. The latest HOH (Head Of Household) competition was played in the very early morning hours of today, September 9, 2022 and the results are now in.

As we previously reported, Terrance and Michael were evicted during last night’s LIVE, Double Eviction episode and sent off to the jury house. That left only 5 remaining houseguests to play in this latest HOH comp. Actually, it was just 4 houseguests that could play in it because Turner was the outgoing HOH and could not play.


According to the folks over at Big Brother Network, this latest HOH comp was the Black Box comp, which required the houseguests to crawl around in the dark. It was a Horror Fest themed competition.

During it, the houseguests were made to believe someone might be in the house trying to get them. However, no one was really in the house with them. The production crew was just banging on the doors to scare the houseguests.

Apparently, they did a real good job of it when it came to Taylor because she was seen saying that she had to quit the competition from being too spooked out. Anyways, after everything was all played and done, it was Monte who emerged as the winner of this latest HOH competition!

That’s right, guys. Monte is on a roll now. He followed up his veto win from last night with this HOH win. Now, he will be tasked with nominating two houseguests for eviction later on today.


At around 4:58 am pacific time today, September 9, 2022, Monte was seen telling Alyssa that his target is Brittany, and now he’s just looking for a pawn to sit next to her on the chopping block. Monte said, “I’m worried about putting up Taylor or Turner as a pawn.” Alyssa said, “I’ve been up twice in a row, but I’m a team player.” Monte said, “If you hear my name being thrown around, please tell me. It might change my choice.”

At around 5:31 am, Monte told Brittany, “I’m putting Alyssa up, and I’m asking you to be a pawn.” Brittany said, “I really don’t want to be a pawn, but I understand.” Brittany did also pitch to Monte that Turner was the one who took out Michael. So, he needs to think about that.

At around 5:49 am, Monte was seen telling Turner that there is zero chance he’s going on the block this week. At around 6:03 am, Monte told Taylor that he’s conflicted on whether to target Alyssa or Brittany this week, and he just wants to see how this week plays out.

Monte also told Taylor, “Turner has made big moves this week. His resume is huge. So, he is a shield. I don’t want to take him out this week.”

Based on those very early morning, LIVE feed conversations, it sounds like Brittany and Alyssa will definitely be Monte’s initial eviction nominees this week. Again, Monte’s nomination ceremony will be taking place later on today. So, we will definitely be back to deliver the results of it. So, stay tuned for that.


How do you guys feel about Monte winning the latest HOH competition today? Are you happy about it? Are you sad about it? Or do you just not care one way or the other? Let us know in the comments section.

Alright, guys. That’s all the info we have for this latest, “Big Brother” TV show, spoiler report, but definitely stay tuned for more.


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(Image credit: CBS)

Warning! The following contains spoilers from the Big Brother live feeds as of Friday, September 9th. Read at your own risk!

After Michael Bruner’s tremendous winning streak came to an end in the double eviction, Big Brother Season 24 feels like a new game. The game is wide open for another Houseguest to step in and win the game, which made this Head of Household a great resume builder for anyone feeling a little light on accolades in the final weeks of the game. 

So, who won the Head of Household this week and set themselves up just a bit better for the endstage of the game? If you're tracking the events of the game and watching the live feeds with a Paramount+ subscription like we are, then you probably already have an idea about this week’s winner. Let’s dive into who it is, and who they might nominate this week.

(Image credit: CBS)

Monte Taylor Is The Week 10 HOH

Monte Taylor was the driving force in encouraging Matt Turner to take the shot at Michael when he won the veto, and now that he’s won the HoH, Monte has a real chance of making it to the end stages of this game. Of course, his survival to the end might rely on who he chooses to protect this week, and who he decides to send home. Keep in mind this is Monte’s second HOH win, and he made a big move in evicting Nicole Layog that week. This win made his target much larger, so he’ll have to carefully weigh his options. 

(Image credit: CBS)

Who Monte Might Nominate During His HOH

The Final Five Head of Household is sometimes considered one of the worst wins a Houseguest can achieve in Big Brother. In winning this week, the Final Five HOH is often ineligible for the Final Four HOH, which ensures the winner they’ll be participating in the finale. Since he’s ineligible to win and there’s so few people left, Monte will go into that week either as a nominee, or the sole vote who decides who is evicted. Ideally, he’d like to evict the person who will put him at risk, and protect the people who will keep him safe, but who will he align with?

The only person left in the game that Monte doesn’t have a solid pairing with is Brittany Hoopes, but we’re at a stage of the game where alliances and promises only mean so much. Brittany doesn’t have much of a leg to stand on after Michael’s eviction, so she could be easy pickings for eviction, and a way for Monte to maintain all his alliances and better his chances of being in the Final Three. 

With all of that said, Monte was the one who pulled the trigger on evicting Michael, which was the biggest shot of this game. The next biggest move Monte could make in this HOH week is to evict Turner, who has the most competition wins in the house. Monte and Turner have maintained a strong alliance throughout the entire game, so this would be a massive betrayal, but hey, that’s Big Brother! 

Monte also has a pretty good relationship with Taylor as of late, but with her one HOH and numerous eviction survivals, she’s also a strong candidate to win despite her rough start. She might also be a strong target for Monte to consider, especially if he’s hoping to make good to his promise with Turner. 

Alyssa, in my opinion, is at the lowest risk for leaving Big Brother this week. She has zero competition wins, and seems like a prime candidate anyone can win a vote against (her former showmance Kyle might throw her a vote). Of course, no one is truly safe this week, and trusting someone who needs to desperately make a big move to win might be a terrible call. This is truly an exciting week for Big Brother, which isn’t something often said about the final weeks of the game! We’ll just have to wait and see what Monte does, and watch the chaos unfold from there. 

Big Brother airs on CBS (opens in new tab) this Sunday, September 11th at 8:30 p.m. ET but will resume it’s usual schedule of Wednesday at 8:00 p.m. ET and on Thursday at 9:00 p.m. ET the remaining week. This should be a wild week, so be sure to check out what’s happening on the live feeds to see who has the best chance of sticking around for the Final Four.

Mick likes good television, but also reality television. He grew up on Star Wars, DC, Marvel, and pro wrestling and loves to discuss and dissect most of it. He’s been writing online for over a decade and never dreamed he’d be in the position he is today.


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