Who is demonstrating active listening skills simone tatiana brandon juana

Read this excerpt from Winston Churchill's first address to Parliament:
I have nothing to offer but blood, toil, tears, and sweat… You ask, what is our policy? I will say: It is to wage war, by sea, land and air, with all our might and with all the strength that God can give us; to wage war against a monstrous tyranny, never surpassed in the dark and lamentable catalogue of human crime. That is our policy. You ask, what is our aim? I can answer in one word: It is victory, victory at all costs, victory in spite of all terror, victory, however long and hard the road may be; for without victory, there is no survival.

What rhetorical elements make the speech effective?

a.Churchill lists all the government's actions and war activities to help inspire the British people.

b.Churchill invokes the will of God, giving his cause a religious authority and making the war seem like a sacred duty.

c.Churchill asks questions that are designed to get the audience to agree with him, and he repeats key words and phrases.

d.Churchill lists the sacrifices that will have to be made to win the war and shows war to be honorable and necessary.

e.Churchill uses many adjectives such as dark, lamentable, and monstrous to show that war with Germany is necessary.

A pyrrhic foot is a foot with accented syllable s

Asked by ibn_e1703H @ 17/06/2022 in English viewed by 49 persons

A pyrrhic foot is a ___ foot with ___ accented syllable/s Basic Substitute No One Two Three

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Which detail from the section the view from the bleachers

Asked by ibn_e1703H @ 17/06/2022 in English viewed by 43 persons

Which detail from the section “The view from the Bleachers” BEST shows which team the narrator wants to win the game?

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Which example most clearly describes part of a rhetorical situation

Asked by ibn_e1703H @ 17/06/2022 in English viewed by 44 persons

Which example most clearly describes part of a rhetorical situation? A. Constant logical fallacies that undermine a politician's points B. The president's use of words like liar to smear his …

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What connection does the author draw between fear and animals

Asked by ibn_e1703H @ 17/06/2022 in English viewed by 49 persons

How connection does the author draw between fear and animals?

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Which feature of functional texts is evident in the passage

Asked by ibn_e1703H @ 17/06/2022 in English viewed by 39 persons

Which feature of functional texts is evident in the passage? Information is presented along with clear opinions. Information is organized with text features, such as headings. Information is presented in …

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Which of the following is true about electronic health data

Asked by ibn_e1703H @ 17/06/2022 in English viewed by 36 persons

Which of the following is true about electronic health data? It is less prone to catastrophic loss than paper records. It has more confidentiality risks than paper records,

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How do dogs react when they see gods or goddesses

Asked by ibn_e1703H @ 17/06/2022 in English viewed by 37 persons

How do dogs react when they see gods or goddesses?

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Paraphrase this passage to explain what a hero stands for

Asked by ibn_e1703H @ 16/06/2022 in English viewed by 70 persons

Paraphrase this passage to explain what a hero stands for. There have been a great many different kinds of heroes, for in every age and among every people the hero …

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Which type of speech is most likely to employ idealism

Asked by ibn_e1703H @ 16/06/2022 in English viewed by 36 persons

Which type of speech is most likely to employ idealism? A) a speech to a military battalion on its way into battle B) an address to a foreign country announcing …

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Who is demonstrating active listening skills simone tatiana brandon juana

Asked by ibn_e1703H @ 16/06/2022 in English viewed by 39 persons

Who is demonstrating active listening skills? Simone Tatiana Brandon Juana Read the scenario about a formal discussion. A neighborhood watch association is having a discussion about installing street lamps around …

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What is one way in which irony surprises the reader

Asked by ibn_e1703H @ 16/06/2022 in English viewed by 46 persons

What is one way in which irony surprises the reader? by emphasizing relationships by not fulfilling expectations by not creating a structure by expressing a simile

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Graphic organizers help readers the way that information is connected

Asked by ibn_e1703H @ 16/06/2022 in English viewed by 43 persons

Graphic organizers help readers ___ that way the information is connected

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Who is the featured character in an earth diver story

Asked by ibn_e1703H @ 16/06/2022 in English viewed by 31 persons

Who is the featured character in an earth diver story? A) a character who dives into water and brings up a small amount of mud or sand B) a character …

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Match each literary movement with the elements that characterize it.

Asked by ibn_e1703H @ 16/06/2022 in English viewed by 29 persons

Match each literary movement with the elements that characterize it. Romanticism- and Realism- : focus on social issues, beauty of nature, supernatural creatures, use of everyday characters.

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One way to reduce waste in a shop is to

Asked by ibn_e1703H @ 13/06/2022 in English viewed by 35 persons

.One way to reduce waste in a shop is to _____________. Purchase only what you need Buy in bulk Donate unwanted materials All of the above

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Which element of a story is most clearly a motif

Asked by ibn_e1703H @ 13/06/2022 in English viewed by 54 persons

Which element of a story is most clearly a motif? A. A detailed description of a wheat field in fall B. A long reply one character gives to another C. …

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What was peculiar about emily dickinson's life as she aged

Asked by ibn_e1703H @ 13/06/2022 in English viewed by 50 persons

7. What was peculiar about Emily Dickinson's life as she aged? She had many love affairs. She became obsessed with death. She chose not to leave her house. She renounced …

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Why do you think words were invented for technical things

Asked by ibn_e1703H @ 13/06/2022 in English viewed by 46 persons

Why do you think words were invented for technical things?

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How do you know that helios's cattle will be slain

Asked by ibn_e1703H @ 13/06/2022 in English viewed by 34 persons

How do you know that Helios's cattle will be slain? the odyssey

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Which example best states an argument rather than an explanation

Asked by ibn_e1703H @ 12/06/2022 in English viewed by 33 persons

Which example best states an argument rather than an explanation? A. The story of Odysseus is a tale of many battles in which the hero and his men slaughter armies …

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