Who does kate james work for now

Actualizado 22/05/2022 - 17:58 CDT

Amber Heard's personal assistant was Kate James, and she just brought to light that the story about being a "Sexual violence survivor" was taken from her own experiences as a survivor herself.

Kate James was Amber Heard's personal assistant during some of the time that is being crossed examined, from 2012 to 2015, and her testimony may change the outcome of the decision.

According to the asistant, Depp did not influence the testimony

Sasha Wass who is from Heard's defense team asked James if Depp had made any influence in the decision of giving the "vicious" evidence against her client, to which she was very clear, "Absolutely not."

She continued saying "I'm here for my own reasons ... I'm a sexual violence survivor and that's very, very serious to take that stance if you are not one and I am one. That's the reason I'm here, because I take offense."

David Sherborne is Depp's attorney and he had some questions as well

"Can you explain why you take exception [to Ms. Heard's allegations against Depp]?"

James answered, "Because Ms. Heard referred to a conversation we had about me being violently raped at machete point in Brazil and she used it as her own story."

"She referred directly to a violent rape that occurred to me 26 years ago and she twisted it into her own story and she used it for her own use."

Apparently drunk abusive texts were a common situation

James also mentioned that Heard would regularly send "drunk text messages between the hours of two and four in the morning on a regular basis ... on an almost daily basis." James categorized the messages as being "abusive."

"We have very, very few texts between you and Ms. Heard ... only the ones that Ms. Heard has provided to the defendants," Sherborne questioned.

Heard allegedly deleted the violent messages

James replied with a straight answer: "I was using a phone that was logged into her [Heard's] iCloud account."

She continued, "When she terminated my employment, she deleted all of the texts from the cloud - only texts that were abusive. She saved the ones that weren't."

In court, Amber Heard recounts alleged strangulation by Johnny Depp

The Depp vs Heard trial is reaching its final lap and new things are coming to light so the judge can deliberate who is right and who is wrong.

Amber Heardtook the stand for the second day on Thursday and trashed her ex-assistant, Kate James. The 36-year-old Aquaman actress didn't hold back, hurling accusations against her former employee after Kate claimed Heard spit in her face when she asked for a raise.

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Kate's deposition was played in court last month. She accused Heard of being a heavy drinker who liked to take magic mushrooms, ecstasy, and cocaine. She was employed as the actress' assistant during her marriage to Johnny Depp.

This is key because Kate alleged she never saw any evidence of abuse during their relationship.

Source: Mega

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When Heard got on the stand, she told a different story. Depp's ex-wife described Kate as “difficult, troubled," and "inconsistent.” She also claimed that when it came to booze, Kate was the one who drank heavily.

"Her behavior was horrible,” Heard told the Fairfax County, Virginia, courtroom.

Heard said she had minimal person-to-person interaction with Kate as the actress was hardly ever in Los Angeles. She also claimed they often communicated via email.

If true, that could poke a whole in Kate's deposition.

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Source: Mega

As RadarOnline.com reported, Kate called Heard an annoying employer who constantly needed attention. She alleged that the Pineapple Express actress would often yell at her.

She also recalled a time when Heard allegedly spit in her face after she asked for a raise.

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Kate worked with the actress from 2012-2015 during her marriage to Depp. The Pirates of the Caribbean star, 58, believed that Kate's deposition was crucial since she was present and claimed to have never witnessed violence between the two or evidence of abuse.

Depp sued Heard for $50 million over an op-ed she wrote in 2018, in which she described herself as a domestic abuse survivor.

Source: Mega

The actor accused his ex-wife of fabricating the abuse claims, alleging she damaged his lucrative career with the allegations. Heard countersued Depp for $100 million, claiming he attempted to tarnish her reputation.

When Depp took the stand last week, he told a completely different story. The Fantastic Beasts actor alleged she was the one who abused him.

The trial is expected to last several more weeks.

Who Has Kate James worked for?

She Was Employed By Amber Heard From 2012 - 2015 James was hired by Heard in 2012 and worked for her for three years.

Who is Johnny Depp's assistant?

Johnny Depp's assistant, Stephen Deuters, tells TMZ, the texts that were posted in which he allegedly apologized to Amber Heard for Johnny's violent behavior are heavily doctored ... and he never said Johnny attacked her.

Does Amber Heard have kids?

Oonagh Paige HeardAmber Heard / Childrennull


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