Where can i find my google saved passwords

Sometimes, you need to log in to a website from a different browser or device, but can’t remember your password. Luckily, if you’ve previously allowed Chrome to save it for Autofill, you can easily recover it on Windows 10, macOS, Chrome OS, or Linux.

First, open Chrome. In the upper-right corner of any window, click the three vertical dots. In the menu that appears, click “Settings.”

On the “Settings” screen, scroll down to the “Autofill” section and click “Passwords.”

On the “Passwords” screen, you’ll see a section labeled “Saved Passwords.” Each entry includes the website name, your username, and an obscured password. To see a password for a particular entry, click the Eye icon next to it.

Windows or macOS will ask you to authenticate your user account before the password is displayed. Type the username and password you use to log in to your computer, and then click “OK.”

After you type your system account information, your saved password will be revealed.

Memorize it, but resist the temptation to write it on a Post-it and stick it to your monitor.

If you regularly have trouble remembering your passwords, you might want to try a password manager.

RELATED: Why You Should Use a Password Manager, and How to Get Started


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Google's password manager provides the convenience to create, store, and use our many account credentials. You can preview these credentials in your Google password list, allowing you to log in to accounts on other browsers or devices.

We'll show you how to find your Google password list, demonstrate why you'd want to avoid saving passwords to Chrome and recommend a more secure password management solution.

TeamPassword is a secure password manager that offers better security and convenience than Google Chrome or other browsers. Sign up for a 14-day free trial to explore our robust password manager with your team!

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What is a Google Password List?

A Google password list is where Chrome saves all of your account credentials. You can scroll through every saved password, preview passwords, edit or delete credentials.

Most people use the Google password list to preview passwords to log into accounts using another browser or device. For example, if you reset your Facebook password using Chrome, the browser will save the new credentials for you—that's assuming you have Chrome's Offer to save passwords feature activated.

If you need to log into Facebook on your phone(but don't remember the new credentials), you'll need to go to your Google password list to find the new password you saved.

How to Enable Google's Password Manager and View My Google Password List?

Here is a step-by-step guide to finding your Google password list and enabling Chrome to save your passwords using the browser's built-in password manager. 

  1. Make sure you sign into the Chrome browser using your Google account to start. 
  2. Click the menu icon (three vertical dots) to the right of your profile pic and select Settings.
  3. Click Passwords in the menu—you are now in your Google password list, where you can preview, edit, and delete passwords.
  4. If you want to enable Google's password manager, make sure the toggle is on (illuminated blue) for Offer to save passwords.

You can read more about saving passwords to Chrome here.

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The Risks of Saving Passwords in the Browser

Saving passwords to the browser is easy and convenient. But, many people don't fully understand the cybersecurity risks these "password managers" pose.

Firstly, browser password managers are unencrypted. In the event of a data breach, hackers can preview and steal your passwords. A dedicated password manager features advanced password encryption mitigating the risks of a data breach.

While convenient, Google's password list poses a significant cybersecurity risk—you can export your entire password list with a couple of clicks.

If a criminal hacks or steals your device, they can export all of your passwords. In fact, anyone can download your Google password list to a USB drive while you're away or distracted from your PC in a coffee shop, coworking office, or other public space.

Browsers also limit passwords to a maximum of 12-15 characters. A password manager allows you to create passwords from 12-32 characters, meaning more robust credential capability. You can also choose the character types you want—uppercase, lowercase, symbols, and numbers.

You can see the risk this poses to your company if an employee saves passwords in a browser!

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How is a Password Manager Browser Extension Different?

Most password managers use browser extensions, but how is this different from saving passwords to a browser?

Firstly, a password manager doesn't save your passwords in the browser; it simply uses the browser extension like a key to authenticate you. For example, TeamPassword saves your encrypted credentials on a secure server, not in its browser extension!

A password manager browser extension requires a separate sign-in. If someone hacks your browser (or Google account), they'll need different credentials to sign in to the password manager. 

TeamPassword features two-factor authentication (2FA), so even if someone steals your credentials, the second authentication method prevents them from logging in!

Lastly, browser password managers don't provide secure credential sharing functionality (in fact, many of the best password managers don't have this capability), so you can't share passwords safely with team members.

If you're a freelancer or small business looking for better password security, then you'll need a password manager like TeamPassword.

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Secure Password Management With TeamPassword

We built TeamPassword as a secure and affordable password management solution for small businesses and agencies to share passwords safely.

Many agencies still use browser password managers, spreadsheets, chat, or email to store and share passwords. All of these methods are insecure and pose massive cybersecurity risks.

We highly recommend you conduct a thorough security audit for a clear picture of your company's cybersecurity vulnerabilities. A security audit will identify password issues and how to fix them.

If your company isn't using a password manager, then we highly recommend you start! You only have to read about the latest data breaches to learn that most cyberattacks happen due to poor credential practices.

Here's how TeamPassword's security features can help secure your company's digital assets.

Secure Credential Sharing & Authentication

TeamPassword's strongest feature is its ability to share passwords securely. Something your browser cannot do!

Set up groups for different departments, accounts, clients, or teams, for example. Instead of sharing raw passwords, you invite team members to your TeamPassword groups so they can access credentials and log in.

Each team member can also save private credentials in TeamPassword that they don't need to share—like Slack, email, Asana, etc. Passwords they would usually save in the browser!

You can also share access with freelancers and contractors in TeamPassword. Add these individuals to the groups or accounts where they need access, and remove them when the job is done. No need to change credentials every time someone leaves the team!

TeamPassword's Secure Browser Extensions & App

Your employees can log into shared accounts using one of TeamPassword's browser extensions (Chrome, Firefox, Safari) or our mobile app (iOS & Android).

When a team member visits one of your websites or apps, the browser extension will provide the credentials to log in. If you have multiple accounts, you simply click the one you need. 

For example, if your company manages multiple Twitter accounts when a team member lands on the Twitter login, TeamPassword will show a list of available credentials.

Employees can also use the TeamPassword app to log into mobile applications. They open TeamPassword, find the credentials they need, and copy/paste the username and password to log in.

Built-In Password Manager

TeamPassword's built-in password generator lets you create secure, unique passwords with a single click. Copy this new password to the application's password field and save!

TeamPassword will automatically update any new passwords for all users so team members can continue working without disruption.

You can also use TeamPassword's password generator to create unique usernames, adding an extra layer of security to your credentials!

Two-Factor Authentication (2FA)

TeamPassword uses Google Authenticator (iOS & Android) to provide two-factor authentication for each team member's account. 2FA provides a second authentication step, so even if a criminal steals an employee's TeamPassword credentials, they won't get past the second step!

TeamPassword also allows each team member to create backup codes, so they're never locked out of their account—even in the event of a complete system breach!

Keeping Track of TeamPassword Activity

An activity log is another feature browser password managers don't possess. TeamPassword's activity log tracks every action (logins, sharing, new passwords, etc.) so you can monitor or review unauthorized sharing and access.

Additionally, you can set up email notifications for your most sensitive data and accounts. With instant alerts, you can get ahead of security breaches!

How Safe is TeamPassword's Password Manager?

TeamPassword uses state-of-the-art encryption technology to store your company's passwords. We hash, salt, and encrypt data locally on your PC before uploading passwords to our servers.

TeamPassword uses 256-bit AES encryption, trusted by government agencies (including the United States) and global multinational corporations. With this sort of encryption, not even TeamPassword can view your credentials!

Here is a list of TeamPassword's internationally recognized security accreditations:

  • ISO 27001
  • SOC 1 and SOC 2/SSAE 16/ISAE 3402 (Previously SAS 70 Type II)
  • PCI Level 1
  • FISMA Moderate
  • Sarbanes-Oxley (SOX)

TeamPassword also conducts regular security audits and vulnerability sweeps to ensure our systems are malware and virus-free!

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Getting Started With TeamPassword

Try TeamPassword for free for 14 days to see if our password manager meets your company's needs. Here's how to get started in five easy steps:

  1. Sign up for a free TeamPassword trial
  2. Create groups for your different teams
  3. Invite team members (including clients and freelancers) to TeamPassword
  4. Add your company's credentials (you can also bulk import a CSV file or copy/paste using TeamPassword's importer.)
  5. Team members install the TeamPassword browser of their choice and log in to your company accounts—EASY!

Stop employees from saving passwords in the browser and switch to a secure password manager. Create stronger passwords and share credentials securely with TeamPassword!


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