When does pain go away after wisdom tooth extraction

Wisdom tooth extraction is a routine procedure that often takes between 15 to 45 minutes. During the procedure, the dentist will first inject the site with local anaesthesia. Next, dental tools are used to elevate and grasp the tooth. The tooth is then moved back and forth until the ligaments holding it in place are broken and it can be pulled out.

Wisdom tooth surgery

In cases where the wisdom tooth is impacted or particularly difficult to extract, wisdom tooth surgery may be necessary. This surgical procedure can be performed painlessly with local anaesthesia.

During wisdom teeth surgery, the dental surgeon makes a small incision to expose the tooth and surrounding bone. Several cuts may then be used to remove bone tissue and make the tooth easier to remove by splitting it into parts. Finally, the dentist will clean the area and stitch it up.

While you can get back to your normal, day-to-day routine after just a few days, it will take up to 2 weeks to fully heal and recover from a wisdom tooth extraction at Jackson Family Dentistry. 

Wondering what to expect after Dr. Ben Heffter or Dr. Pako Major removes your wisdom teeth? Read on, and we’ll provide you with a quick overview of the healing and recovery timeline.

Immediately After Surgery

Right after surgery, you’ll have gauze packs placed over your surgical sites to absorb blood. As blood clots form in your mouth, you may need to swap these a few times if they become soaked with blood. 

You will likely experience some pain or discomfort after your numbing and sedation wear off. You should drink plenty of clear liquids and eat a diet of liquid foods like milk, broth and thin soups, yogurt, and other such foods that don’t require chewing.

In addition, don’t use a straw or spit forcefully for at least 2-3 days. This could dislodge your blood clots. You can brush your teeth normally, but do not brush the extraction sites. Use a prescription oral rinse or salt water rinse to keep your extraction sites clean. 

1-3 Days After Surgery

During this time, you should avoid heavy exercise and exertion. After about 2-3 days, you can usually start eating slightly more solid foods like mashed potatoes, applesauce, pudding, and jello. 

Pain and discomfort tend to peak and then fade within 1-3 days after surgery. You may notice other symptoms like bruising, swelling, and inflammation around the extraction sites. This is normal.

3 Days To 1 Week After Surgery

The 3-7 days after your surgery will be when most of your pain, discomfort, and other symptoms will begin to fade. After a week, you will be able to eat more solid foods, but you should still avoid very tough and crunchy foods. You can eat things like pasta and rice.

You can also start brushing the extraction sites very gently after a week. Brush your other teeth normally, then gently brush the site to remove any food or other debris.

2 Weeks After Surgery 

About 2 weeks after surgery, your extraction site should feel almost completely normal. It may not look fully healed and it may be tender and sensitive to the touch, but otherwise, it should not interfere with your daily life at all.

You can go back to eating pretty much all of your favorite foods, and brushing and flossing your teeth normally. It will still take a bit longer for the underlying extraction site to fully heal, but this process will continue without you having to do anything special to care for your mouth.

Need Your Wisdom Teeth Removed In Jackson? Contact Us Today!

Having your wisdom teeth removed can be intimidating. But at Jackson Family Dentistry, Drs. Heffter and Major use the latest techniques and technology to simplify the process, and we offer sedation dentistry to keep you comfortable throughout your appointment. 

Contact us online or give us a call at (262) 677-3003 to schedule a consultation with Drs. Heffter and Major right away, and find out if your wisdom teeth need to be extracted.

Knowing what to expect following wisdom teeth removal can help ensure a smoother, faster recovery. The skilled surgeons at Innovative Oral Surgery & Dental Implants are happy to answer all of your questions about the recovery process following wisdom teeth extraction. Depending on your individual case, it may take anywhere from one to two weeks to fully recover, though most patients are back to their normal routine within 5-6 days.

After Wisdom Teeth Removal

After wisdom teeth removal it’s critical to follow your surgeon’s post-operative instructions, which are designed to minimize discomfort and risk of complications. Many factors will determine your total healing time including your age at the time of extraction, your overall health, severity of the wisdom teeth impaction, the surgical technique used, and your commitment to follow home care instructions after the procedure.

You can expect some degree of discomfort, jaw stiffness, swelling and minor bleeding after getting your wisdom teeth pulled. Should you notice severe pain, excessive bleeding or other unusual symptoms, contact Innovative Oral Surgery & Dental Implants as soon as possible.

Wisdom Teeth Removal Recovery Timeline

Days 1-2: Wisdom tooth extraction is an outpatient procedure and performed using IV anesthesia or general anesthesia. Once you are fully awake, you’ll be ready to go home with a family member, friend or designated driver. On the day of the oral surgery, it’s common to experience some mild to moderate nausea and throbbing in the mouth and jaw. This can be easily managed by taking Tylenol®, ibuprofen, or a prescription pain medication as directed. There will be some minor bleeding around the extraction sites, and some patients will develop light bruising along the outside of the mouth and neck. Inflammation around the cheeks and mouth are the body’s natural reaction to surgery. Expect moderate swelling on the day following surgery. Place ice packs on either side of your cheeks to reduce swelling severity and duration.

Plan to spend your first two days at home, either resting on the sofa or in bed. It’s important to limit physical activity and allow your body to heal. Take care not to irritate the surgical area. Do not rinse vigorously, spit, or use a drinking straw. Try and increase your fluid intake and stick to soft, liquid foods that are high in protein.

Days 3-4: While swelling will peak during this time, the throbbing pain will give way to general soreness. Don’t be alarmed if it’s difficult to open your mouth completely. This will soon subside. Oral hygiene is important to keep the extraction sites clean. Follow your surgeon’s directions and rinse gently with a mouthwash or warm salt water. When brushing your teeth, take care not to disturb the surgical sites, which will be starting to produce collagen—a precursor to new gum tissue. Mild to moderate swelling and bruising may still be present. Avoid strenuous exercise, lifting, or bending, and keep a steady intake of nourishing foods such as yogurt, soup, apple sauce, cottage cheese, and protein shakes.

Days 5-7: By now, most of the swelling, discoloration, and soreness should be minimal. If you were given antibiotics to prevent infection, be sure to finish the entire 7-day course. Most patients are feeling ready to resume normal activities—and exercise—by this time, and after a full week of recovery are ready to transition back to a heartier diet. The sutures will dissolve with time, and you may notice a small piece come out when you rinse. If you develop a fever, or notice continued bleeding, oozing, or signs of pus, call your oral surgeon right away.

Tips to Speed Up Healing After Wisdom Teeth Removal

Every patient is unique, and no two people recover the same after having wisdom teeth pulled. Some will be back to school or work in a few days, while others may stay swollen and sore for weeks. You can help speed up the healing process by following these steps:

  • Allow at least 3 days of solid rest
  • Apply ice packs over the cheeks on the first day (20-minute intervals)
  • Keep your head elevated with an extra pillow
  • Stay hydrated; don’t allow your mouth to dry out
  • Avoid alcohol, smoking, and tobacco products
  • Avoid playing horn instruments for 1 week
  • Take medications as directed
  • Do warm salt water rinses several times daily
  • Stick to a liquid and soft-food diet for 3–5 days
  • Avoid any activity that can dislodge blood clots
  • Steer clear of hot foods, nuts and seeds
  • Gently massage and stretch jaw muscles after day 3

Post Wisdom Teeth Removal

Wisdom tooth removal, like any type of surgery, comes with some risk of complications, including post-op infection, dry socket (when the newly formed blood clot is dislodged from the extraction site), sinus communication and nerve damage. Most of these unexpected results are rare and can be avoided by following our detailed post-op instructions, which will be thoroughly explained during your office visit.

If you have additional questions about wisdom teeth removal recovery, please call our Bucks County offices today.

Additional Resources on Wisdom Teeth Removal Recovery:

National Health Service, Wisdom Tooth Removal Recovery //www.nhs.uk/conditions/wisdom-tooth-removal/recovery/

Should I still have pain 5 days after tooth extraction?

Having pain after your surgery is expected and common. Pain may last up to two weeks after surgery. It is highly recommended to take two Advil or Motrin immediately when you get home. Keep the narcotic pain medications for bedtime.

What day hurts the most after wisdom teeth removal?

The second day following surgery is usually the worst day for swelling. If your post-operative pain or swelling worsens or unusual symptoms occur call my office for instructions.


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