What to say in a 2 week notice email

There’s a lot to do when you’re quitting your job, so let’s make one thing easy; you can cross “write two-weeks notice letter” off your list quickly with one of the templates below. 

When possible, it’s best to quit your job in person. While there’s no legal requirement to deliver written two-weeks notice as well, it’s always smart to put official work changes in writing. Share a copy with your manager and HR. (It’s also not legally required to give two weeks of notice - more on that later.)

For the in-person convo, you can use these tips on how to tell your boss you’re quitting. You’re more likely to go into detail, if you want, when face-to-face, or screen-to-screen. For the written letter or email, the two-weeks notice templates below cover all the bases. Read through each one, or click on what you need: 

Two-weeks notice letter template: Printed, hand-delivered or scanned/emailed

Luckily, most quitting stories are uneventful. Sure, your boss might be bummed you’re leaving, for the team’s future, but everything is professional and there are no hard feelings. In that case, the written notice is a formality for everyone’s records. 

You can print out your two-weeks notice letter and hand it to your manager when you tell them you’re leaving. Make sure the HR department gets a copy (hand deliver, interoffice, or scan and email it to them).  

This two-weeks notice template includes identifying details (date, names) in a header that aren’t necessary if you send an email instead: 

Note: You can adjust the body of the letter to whatever suits your individual situation. You can make it shorter, you can make your resignation effective immediately, or if you really want to, you can gush with praise, although there’s really no need to include that in your two-weeks notice letter (save it for your goodbye happy hour!). See below for how to change the wording to fit those quitting scenarios. 

Also note what’s not in this letter—where you’re going or why you are leaving. You are not required to give details about what’s next for you. You will get asked, in many cases, so feel free to share that you’re leaving “for another opportunity.” Or share exactly what you’re doing, if you feel comfortable, but never do so because you think you have to. 

Finally, be ready to leave the day you give two-weeks notice, just in case your boss decides it’s best for the company that way. Sometimes managers feel it’s less disruptive to pay you for the time but not have you actually work your last days.

Read more: Here’s How to Expertly Negotiate Your Start Date

Two-weeks notice letter template: Email, leaving on good terms 

When you don’t have a printed resignation letter with you, or when you’re giving your two-weeks notice remotely, you can send an email after you tell them you’re quitting, using this template, and CC your HR department: 

Two-weeks notice letter template: Email, short and sweet

When you want to cut to the chase and just make sure HR knows you’re leaving, or you don’t have a relationship with your manager where you want to say much about your time at the company, a short resignation email can cover 1) what’s happening (you’re leaving); 2) when it’s happening (the date); 3) who it’s happening to (your name and title, your manager’s name, the company name): 

Note: If you want to make sure HR knows you told your manager, you can add a “as discussed in our meeting today,” with the meeting date. 

Two-weeks notice letter template: Email, effective immediately

Sometimes “two-weeks notice” is not actually two weeks. Use this template when you’re quitting without notice (and make sure to add your physical address for your last paycheck if you aren’t sure HR has the correct one on file):  

Note: If you have a contract you signed that expects you to work through a certain date, or outlines how much notice to give when quitting, then resigning immediately could mean you forfeit some benefits. If you have time, ask an employment attorney to review your contract. 

If you don’t have a contract and you’re employed “at-will,” as most states operate, you might be forfeiting the potential for rehire, or paid-out vacation time, when you don’t give at least two-weeks notice. 

According to the Society of Human Resources Management, since most states follow employment-at-will, the employee or employer can terminate the relationship at any time for any lawful reason with or without notice. But, your individual company might offer an incentive if you give two-weeks notice or more. And check out this map to see which states require accrued vacation time payouts when employees leave. 

Two-weeks notice letter template: Email, no conversation

It’s definitely not ideal—for you or your company—to let your manager know you’re leaving only through email. Think of the stress of waiting to find out if they’ve read the email—or wondering if they actually received it! We hope you don’t find yourself in that situation, ever. But if you do, make sure you cover the necessities of giving notice, and CC your HR team/representation: 

Just adjust any of these two-weeks notice templates for your individual situation, and you won’t have to worry about this step in the resignation process. 

And make sure you’re completely prepared when it is time to leave by checking out InHerSight’s complete guide to quitting your job. 

About the author

Kerri Shannon


Kerri Shannon is a freelance writer and consultant. She writes about everything from career guidance and stocks to comedy and reality television. She has a master's degree in professional writing and is published in an essay collection of business women's letters to their younger selves. 

Is it unprofessional to email your two weeks notice?

It is a respectful and courteous way to exit your job and one of the last emails you'll send at your current position, along with emails like goodbye emails to your coworkers.

How do you politely put in a two weeks notice?

I am writing to provide my two weeks' notice. My last date will be [end date]. I will work with A, B and C to transition my current projects. Please let me know if you have any questions.

How do you end a two weeks notice by email?

Your 2 weeks notice letter should read like a thank you letter to your boss when leaving. Near the end include, "Thank you for the opportunity to work with your company." You can also submit a short, separate thank you note at the end of your two weeks.

What should I say in an email notice?

Tips for Writing a Resignation Email Message.
State the date. In the letter, include the date you plan to leave the company. ... .
Don't go into details. ... .
Express gratitude. ... .
Offer assistance. ... .
Ask any questions. ... .
Provide your contact information. ... .
Proofread and edit your message..


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