Throat and tongue pain on one side

Throat is swollen on one side, sore throat can be caused by the following reasons:
1.1 Tonsillitis The tonsils are located at the back of the throat, whose main function is to prevent the attack of viruses and bacteria on the body. . At the same time, the tonsils also have the function of secreting natural antibodies to fight infections. In some cases, the tonsils cannot resist the attack of bacteria, the virus will swell, causing tonsillitis. Sometimes, only one side of the tonsil is inflamed, causing one-sided pharyngitis, swelling and pain on one side. The treatment of tonsillitis is usually antibiotics.
1.2 Abscesses around the tonsils Abscesses usually form after the tonsils become infected with bacteria. A peritonsillar abscess forms in the tissues near the tonsils, usually when tonsillitis becomes severe or left untreated. This condition can cause severe pain on one side of the throat, right or left half of the throat. Besides, tonsil abscess also causes fever, swollen lymph nodes and difficulty swallowing, even breathing. Therefore, patients with abscesses around the tonsils need urgent medical attention.
1.3 Tonsillitis Stone Due to the chronic process of tonsillitis, in the nooks and crannies of the tonsils there are many stones formed from food, bacteria and secretions of tonsil tissue. When having tonsil stones, patients often have symptoms of swallowing problems on one side, bad breath, sometimes spitting out a stone equivalent to 1/2 a grain of rice, light yellow in color and very foul.
1.4 Swollen lymph nodes due to inflammation Inflammation, swelling, pain in one side of the throat can also be caused by swollen lymph nodes. Lymph nodes (lymph nodes) play an important role in the functioning of the immune system. They function as filters, trapping foreign particles and are prone to inflammation and swelling when doing this task.
The lymph nodes closest to the throat are located on either side of the neck, when swelling or inflammation can cause a sore throat. Sometimes the lymph node is swollen and painful only on one side. Causes of swollen lymph nodes include: colds or flu, strep throat, ear infections, infectious mononucleosis caused by the EBV virus, gingivitis or tooth abscesses, cancer, HIV , infected skin lesions in the area,...
In addition to pharyngitis, symptoms of a sore throat on one side can also come from other causes such as:
2.1 Having postnasal drip syndrome Postnasal drip syndrome is a condition in which fluid flows from the sinus system through the back of the nose to the wall. back of the throat, causing throat congestion, itching, sore throat, cough. The disease is usually caused by bacterial sinusitis, viral infection or cold infection. The combined causes are: gastroesophageal reflux syndrome - esophagitis, endocrine disorders and immunodeficiency. Postnasal drip syndrome is often prolonged because of the continuous discharge, causing discomfort and a sore throat on one side in some cases.
2.2 Gastroesophageal reflux disease Gastroesophageal reflux disease includes increased stomach acid, reflux into the esophagus and pharynx. The disease is more severe at night or when the patient is lying down. When the patient lies on one side, the reflux of stomach acid can cause pain on one side of the throat. Other symptoms of the disease include sore throat, burning in the chest, hoarseness, dry cough, burning in the mouth, a feeling of tightness in the throat,... If this condition is not treated early, it can lead to real damage. esophagus and throat.
2.3 Hand, foot and mouth disease Hand, foot and mouth disease is caused by a virus that causes sores on the hands, feet, and mouth. Sores can develop in the back of the mouth, and the pharynx wall and side of the throat may be more affected, causing a unilateral sore throat. It usually occurs in children under 5 years of age but can also occur in older children and adults.
2.4 Injury to the vocal cords Using the larynx too closely in activities of speaking, singing, shouting, ... can damage the vocal cords on one side, causing pain in one area of ​​the throat. In addition to a sore throat, the patient also has hoarseness.

If you frequently head to your doctor for a sore throat, it most probably happens due to the cold, flu, or allergies. There’s no doubt that a sore throat can give you painful sensations, but it’s not something to be afraid of. However, a sore throat on one side can indicate a serious illness.

Let’s take a look at eleven potential causes of a sore throat on one side.

1. Postnasal drip

During nasal congestion, mucus and fluid drain down the backside of the throat. This is called postnasal drip. If the drainage continues for a long period of time, the throat can become painful, and you may feel scratchiness and soreness.

The drainage can irritate a particular part of your throat more than others. You may experience inflammation and pain on one side of the throat.

Antibiotics do not affect viral illnesses. Resting and taking plenty of fluids is the best way to treat a sore throat caused by a cold, flu, or any other viral illness.

2. Swollen lymph nodes

The lymph nodes of your body trap the viruses and bacteria before they can enter and affect the other parts of the body. This process causes the lymph nodes to become swollen and sore.

The lymph nodes nearest to the throat lie on each side. Inflammation of these nodes can make your throat feel sore and irritated.

Several infections and diseases cause swollen lymph nodes. In some cases, soreness happens in a single node, causing a sore throat on one side.

Some conditions resulting in inflamed lymph nodes include:

  • strep throat
  • an ear infection
  • a cold or flu
  • tooth infection
  • mononucleosis
  • skin infection

3. Tonsillitis

Tonsillitis is the swelling of your tonsils due to an infection. There are two tonsils, one on each side of your throat. Sometimes, only a single tonsil is affected by tonsillitis, causing a sore throat on one side.

The primary cause of viral infection is tonsillitis, but they can also occur due to bacterial infections. Sore throat is the main symptom, accompanied by:

  • fever
  • bad breath
  • a runny nose
  • nasal congestion
  • inflamed tonsils with pus patches
  • swollen lymph nodes
  • difficulty swallowing

Viral tonsillitis usually gets better on its own within a week or so. OTC pain relievers and saltwater gargles can help soothe the pain. For bacterial tonsillitis, your doctor will recommend antibiotics.

4. A tooth abscess or infection

A tooth abscess is an accumulation of pus due to a bacterial infection. This pus collection grows at the tip of the tooth’s root. The most common symptoms are excruciating pain that travels to the jawbone and to the ear on the side of the face. The lymph nodes close to the neck and throat can also become inflamed and sore.

Other signs that your tooth is infected include:

  • sensitivity to hot and cold temperatures
  • pain while chewing
  • fever
  • swelling in your face or cheek
  • tender, swollen lymph nodes under your jaw or in your neck

If your wisdom teeth erupt abnormally, there are high chances that infection may develop. Even with a normal eruption, it’s difficult to clean the third molars thoroughly, and an infection can develop due to poor hygiene. Infection in the wisdom teeth can result in jaw pain and inflammation, and you may find it hard to open the mouth.

If your wisdom teeth are causing problems, your dentist will likely recommend removing them. If you have a tooth abscess, your dentist may make an incision to drain the pus. You might also need an antibiotic.

The best course of treatment would be to schedule an appointment with your dentist, who might recommend a root canal to get rid of the pus or extract the impacted wisdom teeth.

In the meantime, you can try the following home remedies to ease the pain due to tooth infection.

5. Throat injury

An injury to the back of the mouth or throat can happen due to many reasons such as:

  • eating hard or sharp foods like chips or crackers
  • burns from eating or drinking something hot
  • endotracheal intubation that aids breathing

Gargling with warm salty water can help minimize symptoms if one side of the throat is sore from scraping or burning.


In this condition, the stomach contents, including the stomach acid, drive up in the throat and food pipe.

Laying down can worsen GERD. If the stomach acid backs up while laying down, your throat may become sore on one side.

7. Peritonsillar abscess

When tonsillitis is left untreated or worsens, it causes a peritonsillar abscess in the tissues surrounding the tonsils. You may experience severe pain and tenderness on one side of the throat. Other symptoms include:

  • fever
  • difficulty swallowing
  • swollen lymph nodes

If you have this condition, immediately seek medical help. If things turn severe, you may find it hard to breathe. Your doctor may drain the abscess or prescribe antibiotics for the infection. 

8. Hand, foot, and mouth disease

This viral disease results in sores on the feet, hands, and mouth. Sores can appear at the backside of your mouth and close to the sides of the throat. When the throat is affected, one side may become worse than the other.

This illness usually affects children aged 5 years or younger; however, it can also develop in adults.

OTC pain relievers, drinking plenty of fluids, and resting are the keys to combating this disease.

9. Inflammation of the larynx

Overusing your voice, a viral infection, or irritation can cause swelling in your voice box – called laryngitis.

Your voice box consists of two vocal cords. When these cords are irritated or become inflamed, you may experience pain and a change in your voice. When one cord is sorer than the other, you may feel pain on only one side of the throat.

What does it mean when your tongue and throat hurts?

A sore throat and tongue combination can indicate various conditions like mouth ulcers, oral thrush, and burning mouth syndrome. Dealing with oral issues as they arise enables early treatment and possible prevention of serious conditions.

Can a sore throat make your tongue hurt?

Having a sore throat is uncomfortable and inconvenient, and even more so when accompanied by a sore tongue. The combination of a sore throat and tongue isn't a rare symptom of certain conditions, but your diagnosis depends on the other signs and symptoms you experience.

Can a throat infection affect your tongue?

A sore throat, also called a throat infection or pharyngitis, is a painful inflammation of the back part of the throat (pharynx). Pharyngitis can involve some or all of these parts of the throat: the back third of the tongue. the soft palate (roof of the mouth)

Why does one side of my mouth hurt to swallow?

Pain when swallowing may be caused by irritation in your mouth caused by a canker sore. These are ulcers that appear anywhere in your mouth for a week or even longer. You may experience one because of your diet, mouth trauma, stress, or bacteria, among other causes.


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