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    Joan Rivers has a new slogan for ‘Fair and Balanced’ Fox News: ‘Liar, liar, pants on fire.’ New York’s doyenne of comedy accused the cable network of doing ‘damage control’ after she went public with the story that she and daughter Melissa had been unceremoniously booted from Thursday’s ‘Fox & Friends’ guest lineup because of acid remarks she’d made about Fox News contributor Sarah Palin. ‘Joan says they’re a bunch of dirty liars and they’re backpedaling,’ Rivers publicist Judy Katz said. Prompted by media coverage, ‘Fox & Friends’ executive producer Lauren Petterson stated that due to ‘the volume of news topics,’ a booker had ‘mistakenly canceled Joan’s appearance instead of rescheduling her for Friday’s show.’ She added that ‘Fox & Friends’ was ‘in the process of booking’ Rivers on an upcoming show.

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