Swollen lymph nodes in groin female after hysterectomy

4 Jan 2020 12:52

Swollen lymph nodes in groin

4 Jan 2020 12:52


I have had swollen lymph nodes in the right side of the groin for the few months. Went to the docs and once the bloods came fine,  she said not to worry. So I left it.  A few months later they are here. So back to the docs and have had blood test which has come back fine. Have also been sent for an ultrasound. Just waiting for a date.  I don't really have any other symptoms, the lumps are movable and haven't really changed in size. Has anyone else had swollen lymph nodes?  Google isn't really helpful and I'm trying to avoid it.

Thank you

6 Jan 2020 14:06

Swollen lymph nodes in groin

6 Jan 2020 14:06 in response to Nen1984

Hi Nen1984,

Welcome to Cancer Chat.

It sounds like you're doing all you can to find out answers, so hopefully it won't be too long before you get your appointment for the ultrasound.

I'm sure there will be others here who have experienced something similar - hopefully they'll be along here soon to share any experiences, or otherwise you can search the forum using the button in the blue bar above to find any relevant discussions.

Wishing you all the best,

Cancer Chat Moderator

6 Jan 2020 23:39

Swollen lymph nodes in groin

6 Jan 2020 23:39 in response to Nen1984


I had two swollen nodes in my groin about 10 years ago, had them biopsied as they were quite hard and not very moveable, all was fine and they are still there to this day! Nodes often swell up due to infections and we are aren't often aware of it. A Norse even told me it can even be caused by a slightly infected hair follicle in the genetalia area lol! It's totally normal for nodes to swell up and not go back down, so try not to think the worst. I've had them in my armpit and I've even got a huge one in my neck which was also biopsied but was fine! Hope that reassures you x

1 Dec 2020 22:59

Swollen lymph nodes in groin

1 Dec 2020 22:59 in response to Nen1984


Just wondering if you've had your ultrasound and how it went? 

I had noticed a hard swollen node in my right groin around a year ago and went to the doctors early this year as it hadn't gone down, I was sent to have blood tests and an ultrasound, due to Covid and not being able to get an appointment i have not had my blood tests done but have had my ultrasound.

I have 3 swollen nodes on the right side and 2 on the left and am due my blood test on the 29th of December. X

27 Mar 2021 13:17

Swollen lymph nodes in groin

27 Mar 2021 13:17 in response to Butterfly1987


I asked as I have a lymph node in my armpit that's probably 3cm maybe bigger it was infected. I was given antibiotics and it relieved the tenderness pain and some swelling but it's still there and it worries me way too much. Like I know some infected lymph nodes don't go back to normal but 3cm or more in the armpit seems too big but I really don't know. 

27 Mar 2021 13:25

Swollen lymph nodes in groin

27 Mar 2021 13:25 in response to mellisa

It won't be anything to worry about if It was infected. Cancerous lumps don't and can't start as infections. The lump you have is just what's left from an infection and can take months or even years to go away. I've had the lump in my neck for 12years now and it's about 8cm. I will never know what caused it as I didn't have any infection at the time. The ones in my groin are still there too. I had them all biopsies and they were fine, they just said it must be from an old infection. Please don't worry. You don't have cancer. If you are worried then ask your GP to refer you for an ultrasound. Good luck 

28 Mar 2021 16:43

Swollen lymph nodes in groin

28 Mar 2021 16:43 in response to Butterfly1987


Thankyou so much for reassuring me. I have an appointment with my GP the coming Wednesday I'm gonna ask to be referred to an ultrasound. I really want one for the peace of my mind and if the ultrasound looks suspicious then a biopsy will be taken but I just hope it's nothing serious 

Thankyou xx

19 Feb 2022 07:13

Swollen lymph nodes in groin

19 Feb 2022 07:13 in response to Butterfly1987

Hello Butterfly1987 

I hope you are well, I know this was a while ago but did you find that the lymph nodes ache as I have had swollen nodes for months not that moveable and I'm freaking out 

Recent discussions in Pre-Diagnosis, Signs & Symptoms

Can a hysterectomy cause swollen lymph nodes?

Lymphocysts or lymphoceles. Swellings filled with fluid can develop in your stomach (abdomen) after a hysterectomy. These may be lymphocysts or lymphoceles.

Can you get lymphedema after a hysterectomy?

Lymphedema in lower limb is one of major postoperative complications followed by a total hysterectomy with lymph node dissection.

When should I worry about swollen lymph nodes in groin?

Any lump in your groin should be evaluated by a doctor. See your doctor if: the swelling appeared for no obvious reason, such as a skin infection or injury. the swelling is present for more than two weeks or continue to enlarge.

What do swollen lymph nodes in the groin indicate?

Swollen Lymph Nodes in the Groin. You have 10 lymph nodes in each groin area. They are part of your body's natural defense against disease. Swollen lymph nodes are typically a sign of an infection.


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