Solving a 3x3 system of linear equations calculator

Learn how to use the Algebra Calculator to solve systems of equations.

Example Problem

Solve the following system of equations:
x+y=7, x+2y=11

How to Solve the System of Equations in Algebra Calculator

First go to the Algebra Calculator main page.

Type the following:

  1. The first equation x+y=7
  2. Then a comma ,
  3. Then the second equation x+2y=11

Try it now: x+y=7, x+2y=11

Clickable Demo

Try entering x+y=7, x+2y=11 into the text box.

After you enter the system of equations, Algebra Calculator will solve the system x+y=7, x+2y=11 to get x=3 and y=4.

More Examples

Here are more examples of how to solve systems of equations in Algebra Calculator. Feel free to try them now.

  • Solve y=x+3, y=2x+1: y=x+3, y=2x+1
  • Solve 2x+3y=5, x+y=4: 2x+3y=5, x+y=4

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  • Algebra Calculator Tutorial

1x1 System of Equation Calculator

The 1x1 System of Equation Calculator calculates the solution to a linear equation containing one variable.

1x1 linear equations take on the form Ax=B where A is the coefficient of the variable and B is value that the equation is equal to.

To use this calculator, all a user must enter is the coefficient in front of the variable, which in this case is denoted by X, and the value that the equation is equal to.


An example of a 1x1 linear equation is:



The coefficient in this case that is entered is 3 and the value that the equation is equal to is 6. If we take 6 and divide it by 3, we get our solution, which is x=2.

The 1x1 linear system of equation is the simplest of all linear equations.

2x2 System of Equations Calculator

1x + 2y=3
4x + 5y=6

The 2x2 System of Equation Calculator calculates the solution to 2 linear equations containing 2 variables.

2x2 linear equations take on the form:

Ax + By=C
Dx + Ey= F

where A, B, D, and E are the coefficients of the variable and C and F are the values that the equations are equal to.

To use this calculator, all a user must enter is the coefficients in front of the variables, which in this case are denoted by X and Y, and the values that the equations are equal to.


An example of a 2x2 linear equation is:

x + 2y=3
4x + 5y=6

x=-1, y=2

The coefficients that are entered in this case are 1, 2, 4, and 5 and the values that the equations are equal to are 3 and 6. If we take the first equation and solve for x, we get x= 3-2y. We then take this equation and plug it into the second equation and we get 4(3-2y) + 5y=6. Solving this, we get 12-8y+5y=6. This equals -3y=-6. Thus, y=2. Since we now know that y=2, we can plug this into any of the equations to solve for X. If we use the first equation, x + 2y=3, we get x + 2(2)=3. Thus, x=-1.

3x3 System of Equations Calculator

1x + 2y + 5z=3
4x + 5y + 8z=6
7x + 8y + 3z=5

The 3x3 System of Equation Calculator calculates the solution to 3 linear equations containing 3 variables.

3x3 linear equations take on the form:

Ax + By + Cz=D
Ex + Fy + Gz=H
Ix + Jy + Kz=L

where A, B, C, E, F, G, I, J, and K are the coefficients of the variables and D, H, and L are the values that the equations are equal to.

To use this calculator, all a user must enter is the coefficients in front of the variables, which in this case are denoted by X, Y, and Z, and the values that the equations are equal to.


An example of a 3x3 linear equation is:

x + 2y + 4z=4
2x + 5y + 12z=8
9x + 10y + 6z=20

x=-28, y=32, z=-8

The coefficients that are entered in this case that is entered are 1, 2, 4, 2, 5, 12, 9, 10, and 6 and the values that the equations are equal to are 4, 8, and 20. Again, we can solve for X, Y, and Z by substition. If we take the first equation and solve for Z, we get Z= (4-x-2y)/4. We now take this Z value and plug it into the next equation. By doing this, we get 2x + 5y +12(4-x-2y/4). Solving for y, we get y= 4-x. We can then now plug this into the final equation. We plug in 4-x for y and (4-x-2(4-x))/4 for z. We do a double substition for the last so that we only have x variables in the last equation. Solving for X, we get x=-28. Since we know that x=-28 and wek now that y= 4-x, we know that y=32. Now plugging -28 for x and 32 for y in any of the equations yields -8 for z.

Substitution is one of the best and easiest methods for solving systems of equations.

System of equations is used in many different engineering and electronics applications. Two such uses are the mesh current analysis and kirchhoff's voltage loop analysis. When solving for mesh currents (KCL) and kirchhoff's voltage loop (KVL), systems of equations are the most common and widely used method to solve these current and voltage values.

Related Resources

How many equations are in a 3x3 systems of equations?

Systems of equations that are 3x3 consist of three equations and three variables. The system is solved when values for each variable have been found. The solution can be checked by substituting the values for the variables in the equations.

How do you solve a 3x3 system on a TI 84?

Press the "2nd" button and then the "x^-1" (x inverse) button to open the "Matrix" dialog. Press the right arrow twice to highlight "Edit," press "Enter" and then select matrix A. Press "3," "Enter," "3" and "Enter" to make A a 3x3 matrix.


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