Sample personal statement for masters in public administration


  • Statement Of Purpose For A Career In Computer Engineering

    In addition to that, as this esteemed University is providing number of laboratory facilities to graduate students in the field of Information System, I feel that graduate studies in your University is logical extensions of my endeavors and the major step in achieving my objective. The main reasons for applying in your University are the on going research in the field of my interest, presence of distinguished faculty and stimulating academic environment. With my motivation and capacity for research and enthusiasm, I am optimistic of obtaining an assistantship from the department. I have learnt from the departmental programs on the Internet about the extensive research being undertaken in your prestigious university. Under your renowned faculty, excellent technical expertise and state-of–art facilities, I am looking forward to obtain a high quality education and training which will give me all the necessary credentials to achieve my ultimate goal of PhD.

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  • Choosing a Masters in Public Administration

    Through my rigorous coursework, I acquired the necessary background to think analytically, solve problems, and communicate effectively, both written an... ... middle of paper ... ... creativity as a scientist. I have contacted PROF, who has encouraged me to apply. I would really love working under his guidance for my PhD’s believe that graduate education at your University will enhance my knowledge, give me wide exposure and develop my abilities to do independent research. I consider myself an enthusiastic and hardworking person, and I am sure that my stay your university will be a very fruitful one. I am aware of the hard work and perseverance required to complete the MPA program at George Mason University.

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  • Statement of Purpose

    A University like yours will help me achieve my goals by researching on such areas and furthering my public health education through specialized coursework. I'm looking forward to enjoy your rich offerings both within and out of the academic arena. Given the opportunity at your university I will work towards adding several inspiring and memorable experiences to my life, principal among which would be the academically rich offerings by your superlative faculty. I look forward to my fruitful interaction with you, one that will facilitate in taking me to the zenith of my career.

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  • Essay For Public Health

    All of my interests have been merged into one magical puzzle through Public Health. Public Health also has a strong emphasis on behavioral and social factors. My International background, cultural competency, multilingual abilities, and academic aptitude will aid me in successfully completing the Graduate program of Public Health. I am confident that this program will provide me with necessary tools and education to successfully execute and construct policies that would benefit both local and international communities. Through my Medical Scribe experiences, EMT work, Undergraduate coursework, helped me gain in depth knowledge and different perspectives into the health care industry.

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  • Importance Of Nursing Career In Nursing

    It comes with many challenges and stressors of every sort however, with all of its complexity my passion in caring for the people I serve comes great satisfaction. I care equally for the ill as I do for the healthy. To me illness prevention is as important as disease treatment and often find myself providing education to others such as friends, family, and of course my patients. As I continue my plans in furthering my education in completing my Bachelorette in Nursing (BSN), I will move forward in achieving my Masters in Nursing (MSN). Having achieved this will open more doors in continuing my career in Nursing Informatics (NI).

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  • Application Essay for a Ph. D Program

    Based on this experience, I am curr... ... middle of paper ... ...r ( ) and the rest of the faculty in the department will prove invaluable to furthering my research. Ultimately, I hope to continue my research as a professor in the U.S. to provide valuable insights to the field of OSM. I would like to contribute to society by making use of my independent research abilities. I strongly believe that the doctoral program at TAMU, with internationally recognized faculty, extensive network of alumni, and rich curriculum that balances conceptual, theoretical, and managerial foundation of OSM, is the most suitable destination for me to pursue further research achievement. I am confident that the skills and experiences I have acquired over the last several years, combined with my determination and enthusiasm for the field, have thoroughly prepared me to succeed in this program.

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  • Personal Statement Essay: My Interest In Public Health

    The University’s unparalleled focus on innovative research and high-level academic training will be vital for my future career as a clinical trial epidemiologist. It is my aspiration that through my efforts, public health protocol and practices can be enriched, be it through field research, community involvement or

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  • Personal Statement: A Career As A Construction Civil Engineering

    I believe that the Lebanese University played a fundamental role in preparing me to surpass any obstacle that might face my ambitions. I have successfully com... ... middle of paper ... ...tunities it has to offer. I am sure that the stimulating academic environment and interaction with the distinguished faculty at your university will prove immensely fruitful and facilitate my development as an individual researcher in my field. I am confident that I would be able to make a positive contribution to on-going research work at your university. I also believe that I possess the motivation, intellectual ability and preparation to do justice to a demanding Ph.D. program.

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  • The Importance of Becoming an Integrated Health Professional (IHP)

    The IHP framework is used to develop one’s self as a health professional that is not only knowledgeable and skilled in their field of work but is equally empathetic and reflective, allowing care to be provided to all patients with respect, responsibility and the highest standard of ethics. This all-encompassing approach to health allows for constant growth and improvement by encouraging an awareness of self through reflection. It guides students to a deeper understanding of professionalism and its dimensions in their specific work environment by focusing on integrating the three central components: the knowing; empathic and reflective. The IHP framework creates a balanced foundation of professionalism on which life-long learning and improvement is nurtured. (Olckers, Gibbs, Duncan 2007:2) Knowing Dimension: The knowing dimension focuses on gaining the relevant information and understanding of healthcare as well as the skills needed to provide it.

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    • 5 Works Cited

  • The Importance Of Science And Faith

    As a physician, I will fulfill my duty in treating every patient equally as I live up to and carry out the moral and ethical standards of society. Science has continually proven its ability to answer my questions. But in times of suffering, it is faith that provides an explanation, comfort, and a sense of hope. The very essence of a hospital provides just that, hope in times of suffering. Through my academics and faith, I have broadened my knowledge about health care and solidified my plans to pursue medicine as a result of mission trips to Haiti on two different occasions.

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How do I write a personal statement for MPA?

The personal statement should be approximately two to four pages. If you wish to address any weaknesses in your application, it is better to write a separate, succinct, fact-based explanation as an addendum.” You have two to four pages to say what you need to say, which is a wide range and gives you space to work with.

Why do you want to pursue a Masters of Public Administration?

Getting your MPA opens up many job opportunities, with graduates working in a variety of government roles, politics, education administration, healthcare administration, international development, urban planning - and many other roles in and around government and public service.

Is MPA respected degree?

If you want to become a leader or manager, or move up to middle, upper and even the highest levels of management and leadership in a government sector or nonprofit arena, then an MPA can be a very valuable degree and critical part of your management and leadership training.

What skills does MPA teach?

An MPA combines business concepts, legal studies, economics, and political science. MPA students learn how to analyze policy and manage government and nonprofit programs. Students can pursue concentrations like nonprofit financial management and urban planning.


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