Romeo and juliet newspaper article ideas


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  • Examples Of Guilty In Oedipus Rex

    In the play Oedipus Rex by Sophocles, Oedipus, king of Thebes, is guilty of murdering the late king Laïos, despite the fact that he did not know he was his father. Oedipus was under a prophecy that said he would kill his father and sleep with his mother. Both came true, and he payed the price for it. He was banished from Thebes. Many have wondered if he really deserved this fate.

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  • Romeo And Juliet Character Analysis

    Tybalt says, “Thou, wretched boy, that didst consort him here shalt with him hence”. This shows that Tybalt will not hold back, since he brought up Romeo’s recently deceased friend, Mercutio. He goes even further, by saying that Romeo can die here where Mercutio was killed. If Tybalt is willing to threaten, and taunt Romeo like this, he is most

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  • Macbeth Shades Of Cool Analysis

    Macduff kills Macbeth and tells everyone else, “Behold where stands Th’ usurper’s cursed head” (V.viii.65-66). The final “Oooo” reminds me of the final breath and not only the end to Macbeth’s life but to his guilt and sorrow. In conclusion, Macbeth is truly another great work of art from William Shakespeare. Many other works of art can relate to Macbeth and its incredible plot. To me Macbeth mainly represented sorrow guilt and madness.

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  • Brave And Fearless Hero In Macbeth

    “For brave Macbeth – well he deserves that name – disdaining Fortune, with his brandished steel, which smoked with bloody execution, like valor’s minion carved out his passage till he faced the slave; which nev’r shook hands, nor bade farewell to him, till he unseamed him from the nave to th’ chops, and fixed his head upon our battlements” (Act 1, Scene 2). His conscience in the beginning of the tragedy is clear and serene. This all ends when he decides to murder King Duncan. Macbeth starts to feel consumed with his guilty conscience, which makes him hallucinate. “Is this a dagger which I see before me, the handle toward my hand?

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  • Lady Macbeth's Ambition

    Either thou, Macbeth, Or else my sword with an unbattered edge I sheathe again undeeded. There thou shouldst be; By this great clatter, one of the greatest note Seems bruited. Let me find him, Fortune, And more I beg not. ”(5.7.19-25). It shows Macduff’s ambition which is to kill Macbeth who has become a tyrant.

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  • Macbeth A Dead Butcher Analysis

    From the start of Macbeth, the title character and plays protagonist has a shocking capacity for violence, which presents him as a “dead butcher”. This is shown when the captain describes Macbeth’s sword as being “smoked with bloody execution”, Shakespeare’s use of satanic imagery from the word “smoked” implies that Macbeths sword was being used to vanquish his foe so much that it metaphorically smokes. This also shows how bloodthirsty Macbeth is because he must have slain many men to make his sword smoke. The captain also states that Macbeth “unseamed [his enemy] from the nave to th’ chops”. Shakespeare’s use of the words “nave” and “chops” create the image that Macbeths victim as not being human, the word “chops” presents the victim as being a piece of meat, showing that Macbeth is a butcher.

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  • Theme Of Death In Macbeth

    The personality of Macbeth changes over the course of the play as Macbeth murders many innocent people like, Duncan, Banquo and Macduff's family. The death of these characters symbolizes the death and birth of something inside Macbeth and the beginning of his downfall. Macbeth, at the beginning or the play, a brave soldier only protecting his people and his king, to Macbeth a murderous tyrant only looking out for the greater good of himself. The death of Duncan symbolized the death of Macbeth's before anxious and confused self and birthed a Macbeth full of guilt and anxiety. After being led to Duncan by a floating dagger and murdering him, Macbeth returns to his wife crying, "One cried "God Bless us!"

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  • Iago's Role In Othello

    Desdemona hireling reveals all the affirmation of Iago endeavoring to set everyone up so he could recoup his hurled. Iago later than murders the made for screeching on him. By then, later Othello has approached Cassio for his remission of the false affirmation he has heard among Desdemona and him. Roderigo leaves affirmation of Iago setting everyone up and is later tormented. Othello at that point ends up being forsaken and later butchers his self by virtue of the accuse that encapsulates

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  • Fatal Flaws In Macbeth

    Throughout the play, Macbeth shows signs of remorse which leads to him being suicidal. Macbeth’s fatal flaws of being easily swayed,

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  • Braveheart Vs Tyranny

    Without knowing who he really was, the English seemed to try to provoke him by saying a local priest had been sleeping with Marion. This angered Wallace until he pulled his sword and began to engage the English soldiers with his sword. After his men joined in the fight, fifty Englishmen were left dead. However, Wallace was forced to escape, but ultimately Marion was captured and sent to death. Upon hearing news of her death, Wallace and his men planned to retaliate by killing the English sheriff.

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  • Does Macbeth Cause All His Own Problems

    Macbeth is the cause all his own problems. A better than average case of this is after he murders King Duncan, and as opposed to staying on track, he slaughters the gatekeepers. “Oh, yet I do repent me of my fury, that I did kill them.” (Act 2/scene 3, line 107) Macbeth panics, imagining that leaving the watchmen alive will some way or another cause issues down the road for him.

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  • The Cause Of Banquo's Death In Macbeth By William Shakespeare

    The very dagger that killed our king sits on the back of my belt picked after Macduff’s pessimistic scream echoed the castle. A spot of blood still remains on the tip, an ill reminder of his excruciatingly cruel death killed during the late night by a once close friend. Is this how you repay the man who treated you like a brother? Was the Thane of Cawdor and Glamis not enough? Who knew one dagger could cause such predicament.

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  • Romeo And Juliet's Impulsive Decisions

    "…When confronted with stressful or emotional decisions, [teenagers] are more likely to act impulsively, on instinct, without fully understanding or analyzing the consequences of their actions" (Dr. David Fassler). Teenagers, past and present, are known for making spontaneous and sometimes senseless decisions. Romeo from the play “Romeo and Juliet” by William Shakespeare is no different. Romeo is a teenager who makes numerous impulsive decisions that have disastrous consequences.

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  • The Cage Riva Quotes

    The Cage by Ruth Minsky Sender is a story about a family who strives to survive. Riva Minska, a young girl who lives in the ghetto must take care of her own brothers and find a way to stay alive. She is selfless and noble towards others which paves a bright path in her future. On the other hand, Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare is about a pair of starcrossed lovers who fall desperately in love. Romeo Montague is a young boy who lives in Verona.

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What are the 3 main themes in Romeo and Juliet?

All three themes interlink, as Shakespeare wanted to illustrate how love, conflict and family intertwine with one another..

What are the ideas of Romeo and Juliet?

The themes of death and violence permeate Romeo and Juliet, and they are always connected to passion, whether that passion is love or hate. The connection between hate, violence, and death seems obvious. But the connection between love and violence requires further investigation.

What is the most famous line in Romeo and Juliet?

Famous Lines from Romeo and Juliet.
" Parting is such sweet sorrow.” — ... .
" But soft, what light through yonder window breaks? ... .
“ Do you bite your thumb at us, sir?" — ... .
" What, drawn, and talk of peace? ... .
" My only love sprung from my only hate!" — ... .
“ ... .
" ... .

What are the 5 most important events in Romeo and Juliet?

(2) 3.1 Romeo is banished by the Prince for killing Tybalt. (3) 3.2 Juliet is told by the nurse about Tybalt's death and Romeo's banishment. (4) 3.4 Capulet tells Paris he can marry Juliet in three days' time. (5) 3.5 Juliet refuses to marry Paris.


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