Oil price per barrel today in world market

of clients are net long. of clients are net short.

Note: Low and High figures are for the trading day.

Crude oil is one of the most in-demand commodities, with the two most popularly traded grades of oil being Brent Crude and West Texas Intermediate (WTI). Crude oil prices reflect the market’s volatile and liquid nature, as well as oil being a benchmark for global economic activity. The oil price charts offer live data and comprehensive price action on WTI Crude and Brent Crude patterns. Get information on key pivot points, support and resistance and crude oil news.

Oil - US Crude further reading

  1. Raw materials
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Brent price on September29th 2022

The oil price for Brent crude oils in September was $89.79 per barrel while the price was $100.45 per barrel in August of 2022. Over last twelve months the price has raisen 20.54%.

Brent crude is extracted from the North Sea and is also known as London Brent, North Sea Oil, Brent Blend and Brent petroleum. It is a light crude oil, slightly heavier than WTI, and sweet because of its low sulphur content and it is ideal for the refining of diesel fuel, gasoline.

Brent oil makes up more than half of the world's globally traded supply of crude oil. Brent blend crude serves as benchmark price for purchases of oil worldwide. It is traded electronically via the ICE futures exchange.

Related data:

  • OPEC basket price
  • Price of West Texas Intermediate
  • Price Raw Materials

LastCh.%Ann. ch.%YTD%Date
89.41 -0.16% 14.83% 15.76% 09/29/2022

Europe Brent Spot Price FOB: Daily

DatePrice $
2022-09-29 $89.41
2022-09-28 $89.55
2022-09-27 $85.97
2022-09-26 $82.55
2022-09-23 $84.29
2022-09-22 $90.40
2022-09-21 $89.86
2022-09-20 $89.62
2022-09-19 $89.43
2022-09-16 $89.43
2022-09-15 $89.28
2022-09-14 $92.83
2022-09-13 $92.04
2022-09-12 $93.45
2022-09-09 $91.68
2022-09-08 $87.99
2022-09-07 $86.83
2022-09-06 $91.43
2022-09-05 $94.22
2022-09-02 $93.09
2022-09-01 $92.24
2022-08-31 $96.55
2022-08-30 $99.34
< 2022-08

Europe Brent Spot Price FOB 2022

Europe Brent Spot Price FOB evolution 2022

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