Normal blood glucose 2 hours after eating

Last updated on September 3rd, 2022

The amount of glucose (“sugar” expressed in mg/dL) present in blood fluctuates during the day and at night. Our body maintains a level of blood glucose for metabolism. The normal sugar level in a healthy body is between 90 to 100 mg/dL. But sometimes, these blood sugar levels may go high or low due to various factors. Such high or low blood glucose levels are signs of health conditions that need/ require attention and blood glucose can be kept at healthy levels with various Diabetes Reversal Methods and medical attention. This article gives in-depth information about normal blood sugar levels chart for adults (men or women) with diabetes according to age.

  • Why Does Blood Glucose Level Rise in Diabetes?
  • Normal Sugar Level in Healthy Individuals (Fasting & After Food)
  • Blood Sugar Levels Chart By AgeWise
    • Normal Sugar Level in Children & Teens Who are Diabetic
    • Normal Blood Sugar Levels in Children with Diabetes According to Age
    • Normal Blood Sugar Levels Chart for Diabetic Adults Age Wise (Before and After Food)
  • Random Blood Sugar Level Chart
  • Healthy Normal Sugar Levels in Diabetic Adults (Men or Women)
  • High and Low Blood Sugar Levels With Diabetes in Adults
    • Low Sugar Levels Range in Adults (Men or Women)
  • Low Blood Sugar Levels Symptoms and Remedies
    • Symptoms of Low Sugar Level
    • Remedies For Low Sugar Levels
  • High Blood Sugar Levels Symptoms and Remedies
    • Symptoms of High Sugar Level
    • Remedies for High Sugar Level
  • Bottom Line
  • FAQs:
      • What is a normal blood sugar level after fasting for 8 hours?
      • What is a good fasting blood sugar level?
      • What is normal sugar level by age?
      • Is blood sugar of 135 high before eating?
      • What is normal sugar level before food?
      • What is normal sugar level India?
      • What is a good blood sugar level in the morning?
      • Is 135 blood sugar high in the morning?
      • Is fasting sugar 110 normal?
      • What is the best time to check your blood sugar level?
      • What is the normal sugar level after food?
      • What is the normal sugar level for non-diabetic?
      • What blood sugar should you go to the hospital for?
      • Is 200 blood sugar normal after eating?
      • How soon after waking up should I test my blood sugar?
      • What is the normal blood sugar level for 5 year old child?
      • Is150 a high blood sugar level?
      • What is the highest blood sugar level that is safe?
      • What should blood sugar be at bedtime?
      • What is a normal sugar level for a man?
      • Is 139 high for blood sugar?
      • what level of blood sugar is dangerous?
      • When in the day is blood sugar level high?
      • For a diabetic patient, what are the three medical emergencies?
      • What is an unsafe blood level in the A1C test?
  • References:

Why Does Blood Glucose Level Rise in Diabetes?

The food we eat is converted to glucose and released into the bloodstream. Therefore, blood sugar levels are high after eating. The increase in glucose level signals our pancreas to release insulin.

Insulin helps our body cells to absorb glucose. As a result, blood glucose level goes down / becomes normal again. This process of cell absorption helps in regulating/maintaining normal blood glucose levels.

But in the case of diabetes, our body becomes insulin resistant, or there is insulin deficiency. Due to this our body cells do not absorb blood glucose, resulting in high blood glucose levels, thus causing Diabetes which comes with health problems like thyroid, stress, loss of muscle weight, acidity, insomnia, low energy level, etc. Over a period of time, such high blood glucose levels can cause damage to nerves, kidneys, eyes, and heart. With the right changes in your habits of eating, exercising, sleeping patterns, and stress management we have seen more than 10.000 patients reversing their diabetes. Get started with your diabetes reversal journey, connect with top diabetes experts now.

Therefore if you have diabetes, it is essential to maintain your blood sugar readings at some typical acceptable values, which can be attained by having a healthy lifestyle that will aid the reversal of diabetes and following a sustainable diet plan that you can follow which includes staple food, easily available in your kitchen and does not include supplements.

Women showing normal sugar levels in the glucometer


Blood glucose levels, if high, cause diabetes. Blood sugar level charts can help in regular monitoring of blood glucose levels. And right guidance from Certified Diabetes Reversal Coaches can help you bring your blood sugar level back to normal with the right method & step by step guidance.

Normal Sugar Level in Healthy Individuals (Fasting & After Food)

Blood glucose levels, also known as blood sugar levels, can be normal, high, or low. The sugar levels are generally measured after 8 hours of eating.

A normal blood sugar range for a healthy adult (male or female) after 8 hours of fasting is >70 mg/dL. and < 100 mg/dL.

While a normal sugar level in a healthy person after 2 hours of eating is between 90 to 100 mg/dL.

Blood glucose levels change throughout the day. Major factors affecting such change in the blood glucose levels are as follows:

  1. The Variety of food we consume can impact blood sugar levels. For example, if we eat rich carb food, and high-calorie food, the blood glucose readings might increase.
  2. The Quantity of food also affects our normal sugar level reading. Eating too much may increase sugar levels.
  3. Physical activities impact glucose levels. For example, heavy and rigorous work may decrease blood sugar levels, whereas no or less physical activity may increase blood glucose levels. People who succeed in reversing their diabetes get constant support and motivation from Diabetes Reversal Coach. These experts help you decide how much and what type of exercise is needed to maintain your normal blood sugar levels.
  4. Certain medicines disturb blood glucose levels.
  5. Medical conditions like hypoglycemia, diabetes, and liver disease may cause changes in normal sugar levels.
  6. Alcohol consumption can cause our good sugar level reading to drop.
  7. Smoking can lead to Type 2 Diabetes
  8. Age Matters! insulin tolerance decreases with age, thus increasing the chances of Diabetes
  9. Stress – Physical or Mental, can spike your normal blood sugar level.
  10. Dehydration can result in low blood glucose levels.

Most of these problems can be solved by making sure you are in the right environment, with the right guidance, and doing it with other diabetic patients who are also on a similar journey as you to reverse their diabetes.


A normal sugar level in the human body and those who have successfully reversed their diabetes is between 90 to 110 mg/dL.

Blood Sugar Levels Chart By AgeWise

Diabetes is a condition when normal blood sugar levels are high. But sometimes, the blood glucose levels may fall below the normal level. Thus, for diabetic patients, the sugar levels shall vary in the day and with age. Below is the detailed sugar level chart age-wise for diabetic patients.

Normal Sugar Level in Children & Teens Who are Diabetic

Chart of Normal Blood Sugar Levels in Children AgeWiseAgeNormal Blood Sugar Levels After Fasting (FBS)Sugar Levels Before Meal (Food)Normal Sugar Levels After 1 to 2 Hours of Eating FoodSugar Levels at Bedtime6 years old6 to 12 years13 to 19 years
>80 to 180 mg/dL 100 to 180 mg/dL 180 mg/dL 110 to 200 mg/dL
>80 to 180 mg/dL 90 to 180 mg/dL Up to 140 mg/dL 100 to 180 mg/dL
>70 to 150 mg/dL 90 to 130 mg/dL Up to 140 mg/dL 90 to 150 mg/dL

Normal Blood Sugar Levels in Children with Diabetes According to Age

  1. Children at the age of 6 should have blood glucose levels in the range of 80 to 200 mg/dL.
  2. The sugar levels in children vary from the time they get up to the time they have taken their meals. Thus, regular monitoring of their normal blood sugar level is essential.
  3. Especially if your child has complaints of hypoglycemia in the middle of the night, a blood sugar test is essential
  4. For kids aged 6 to 12, the healthy range of blood sugar levels is between 80 to180 mg/dL. However, at this age, it is found that normal sugar reading increase after meals. Therefore, it is essential to limit their snack intake before sleep to ensure healthy blood glucose levels at bedtime.
  5. For teens, healthy blood sugar levels are between 70 mg/dL to 150 mg/dL. Heredity could be one reason for irregular blood glucose levels in teens. The critical challenge in managing healthy blood sugar levels in teens is their stress, mood swing, and lifestyle issues, but regulating sugar levels in teens is possible through implanting good eating, sleeping habits, and other lifestyle modifications at the right age, which can be easily followed for life. A little Push and Motivation are all that is needed.
  6. Alarming blood sugar levels in children that require medical attention are < 70 mg/dL and > 180 mg/dL.


In diabetic children, the healthy blood sugar levels are between 70 to 180 mg/dL. And it is important to make sure they follow the right diet and lifestyle to make sure diabetic-related complications don’t increase with age.

Normal Blood Sugar Levels Chart for Diabetic Adults Age Wise (Before and After Food)

Chart of Normal Blood Sugar Levels for Diabetic AdultsAgeBlood Sugar Level After Fasting (FBS Range)Normal Sugar Level Before Meal (Food)Sugar Level After 1 to 2 Hours of Eating FoodBlood Sugar Level at Bedtime20+ years AgePregnant women
70 to 100 mg/dL 70 to 130 mg/dL Less than 180 mg/dL 100 to 140 mg/dL
70 to 89 mg/dL 89 mg/dL Below 120 mg/dL 100 to 140 mg/dL

Random Blood Sugar Level Chart

Random blood sugar testing is done at any time of the day. This test is done outside the regular testing timetable. It confirms diabetes, during and after the treatment of diabetes. A level of 200 mg/dl or greater indicates diabetes mellitus.

The major objective of an RBS test is to check random blood sugar levels. An Random Blood Sugar range of 200mg/dl or above clearly shows the presence of diabetes. The test helps to timely treat the disease via monitoring during and after treatment. The random blood sugar level test is recommended if an individual complains of the following signs:

  • Hazy vision
  • Unplanned Weight loss
  • Dry mouth and dehydration
  • Slow wound healing
  • Recurrent urination

Healthy Normal Sugar Levels in Diabetic Adults (Men or Women)

  1. In diabetic patients above 20 years of age, blood sugar level remains between 100 to 180 mg/dL throughout the day.
  2. The fasting glucose range should be between 70 to 100 mg/dL to avoid diabetic complications.
  3. At bedtime blood, sugar levels should be between 100 to140 mg/dL to avoid any diabetic complications.
  4. The blood glucose levels chart for women shows the normal blood sugar level readings should be between 100 to 140 mg/dL at bedtime. It should be >70 and <100mg/dL after fasting.
  5. In diabetic pregnant women, the blood sugar readings should be a little tighter, between 70 to 89 mg/dL after fasting. They should regularly monitor their glucose levels to avoid delivery-related complications.


Healthy diabetic adults should maintain a normal sugar level of 70 to 130 mg/dL before meals and less than 180 mg/dL after 2 hours of meals. Pregnant women should maintain a blood glucose level of 95-140 mg/dL to avoid complications. This can be done with the right habits in place that help you maintain your sugar level without getting stressed about it.

High and Low Blood Sugar Levels With Diabetes in Adults

The chart below shows the dangerous level of blood glucose for diabetic patients. Red levels are indicators that require emergency treatment, while yellow levels indicate medical attention but not an emergency. So, it is clear that sugar levels greater than 250 mg/dl could be dangerous. It is recommended that you need to consult with the doctor immediately.

Chart of High and Low Blood Sugar Levels in DiabetesBlood sugar level statusRed LevelsYellow LevelsHighLow
>250mg/dL 180-250mg/dL
Under 70mg/dL 71 to 90 mg/dL

Also Check: Best Glucometers in India for 2022

High Sugar Levels Range in Adults (Men or Women)

  1. Blood sugar levels above 250mg/dL are considered very high. Therefore, it requires immediate medical treatment. In addition, it is recommended to have a ketones test done.
  2. Blood glucose levels between 180 to250 mg/dL are considered high. Therefore, it may require insulin therapy and proper medication to control the high level.

Low Sugar Levels Range in Adults (Men or Women)

  1. A blood Sugar Level between 71 to 90mg/dL is considered a low sugar level. Therefore, a proper diet intake like 15gm of raisins could help in raising the sugar levels.
  2. When blood sugar levels are below 70 and fall below 50mg/dL, it is a critical situation and requires emergency treatment for hypoglycemia.


High blood sugar range is between 180 to 250 mg/dL, while below 70 mg/dl is low. Above 250 mg/dL and under 50 mg/dL requires immediate medical attention.

Low Blood Sugar Levels Symptoms and Remedies

Symptoms of Low Sugar Level

Low blood sugar condition or Hypoglycemia occurs when blood glucose levels fall below 70 mg/DL.

Fluctuation in blood sugar levels may be due to the following factors:

  1. Diabetes
  2. Medicine effects
  3. Not eating food properly (Quantity and Quality)
  4. Endocrine disorders
  5. Liver or heart diseases
  6. Alcohol consumption
  7. Pregnancy

Low sugar levels, when left untreated, can be dangerous. If the levels are below 50 mg/dL, it is critical and requires immediate medical treatment. Some of the common symptoms of low sugar condition are:

  1. Feeling dizzy and having confusion
  2. Experiencing shakiness/tingling sensation in body or hand or limbs
  3. Light-headedness
  4. Nervousness and irritative behaviour
  5. Anxiety and stress
  6. Chills and sweating
  7. Fast heart rates
  8. Fainting

It is possible to eliminate these symptoms with the right guidance from certified diabetes reversal coaches who understand your routine and current lifestyle and help you with diet and lifestyle changes that can be easily done by you. These small changes lead to a drastic impact on your blood sugar levels and help you reverse your diabetes.

Every diabetic person must be aware of how to keep up the normal sugar levels. This can be done by controlling blood glucose levels, blood pressure, and cholesterol levels. Breathe Well-being is here to get you going. Above 50% of diabetic patients have reversed their diabetes type 2 after losing just 22 pounds of weight. These outstanding results reveal that with the appropriate diet and lifestyle adjustments, reaching a non-diabetic state is expected and that too within 6 months. This is very inspiring, isn’t it? Book your consultation now with an experienced diabetes consultant to get an overview of diabetes risk.

Remedies For Low Sugar Levels

If you experience any low sugar symptoms, immediately test your blood glucose levels. For levels between 60 to 80 mg/dL, consume 15 grams of fast-acting carbs. Repeat the test after 15 minutes and eat till sugar levels settle to normal.

But if the levels are below 50 mg/dL and if the patient is conscious and able to eat, give 15 gm. of fast-acting carbs. But if the patient is unable to speak, don’t give him anything to eat. Call emergency services immediately. If possible, administer glucagon via injection.

Chart showing levels of sugar i.e excellent, good, or action suggested

High Blood Sugar Levels Symptoms and Remedies

Symptoms of High Sugar Level

When blood sugar levels are high above the normal > 180mg/dL, it can be again dangerous and requires medical attention. This condition, also known as hyperglycemia, occurs when the body has insulin deficiency or cannot use it properly.

Some of the common symptoms of high blood sugar levels are:

  1. Experiencing fatigue
  2. Unusual thirst
  3. Frequent urination
  4. Headache and difficulty concentrating
  5. Blurred vision
  6. Unusual weight loss

If left untreated, hyperglycemia can lead to diabetic ketoacidosis, which is a life-threatening disease. Moreover, it can also cause heart complications, kidney-related problems, and liver disorders.

Also Read:  Triglyceride Level Chart For Adults

Remedies for High Sugar Level

If the blood sugar level is between 180 to250 mg/dL, seek medical advice and take medicines. Cut off a fast-acting carb diet. Don’t take processed food and sugary items.

If the blood sugar level is> 250 mg/dL, you need immediate medical attention. If left untreated, it can lead to coma and high ketones in the blood. So test for ketones and get insulin therapy as soon as possible.

If you experience high sugar levels on regular basis, you are advised to do the following:

  1. Maintain a low sugar food diet with a low glycaemic index.
  2. Don’t eat processed foods and fruit juices.
  3. Do mild exercises and maintain a healthy lifestyle
  4. Consult healthcare experts to get appropriate insulin dosages
  5. Take medicines on time
  6. Monitor your glucose levels regularly

Many diabetic patients are aware of the changes they need to make in their diet or daily routine but are not able to follow them due to various reasons. Lack of motivation and proper knowledge is the most common reasons. A constant push from a diabetes reversal coach along with the guidance of a Diabetologist can help regulate blood sugar levels.

Also Read: HbA1c Levels

Bottom Line

Blood glucose levels can go high or low, depending on your medical condition. A blood sugar level chart is the easiest way to learn about these levels. But get professional advice from an endocrinologist about your blood sugar level and the reasons for their variations.

If you have diabetes, remember to monitor your blood glucose level and keep them to normal levels. In this way, you can avoid the complications of diabetes and lead an everyday life.

Blood Sugar can be kept at healthy levels with the diabetes reversal method by making changes in diet, exercise, and lifestyle, step by step. 10000+ patients have already benefited from our clinically proven method and have been able to reduce or completely eliminate their dependency on medications.

Also Read: How to Use Glucometer?


What is a normal blood sugar level after fasting for 8 hours?

Last updated on May 17th, 2022

A normal sugar level for adults, who are non-diabetic, and who have fasted for at least 8 hours must be below 100 mg/dL. You can blood sugar range for non-diabetic from the above chart.

What is a good fasting blood sugar level?

Last updated on May 9th, 2022

The fasting blood sugar levels for non-diabetics and diabetics are stated in the table below:

Fasting Blood Sugar Levels ChartFasting Blood Sugar LevelsRange of FBS Levels
Normal Sugar Levels for Non-Diabetics 70 to 99 mg/dl
ADA Proposal For Diabetics 80 to 130 mg/dl

What is normal sugar level by age?

Last updated on May 9th, 2022

Normal Sugar Level By AgeAge RangeBlood Glucose Levels (mg/dl)
0 to 5 years 100 to 180
6 to 9 years 80 to 140
10 years and more 70 to 120

Is blood sugar of 135 high before eating?

Blood sugar level below 100 mg/dL is considered normal. Sugar levels between 110 and 125 mg/dL means prediabetes or an impaired fasting sugar. Also, levels above 126 mg/dL is considered diabetes.

What is normal sugar level before food?

Blood sugar target prior to eating food should be between 80 and 130 mg/dL.

What is normal sugar level India?

A glucose level below 140 mg/dL is considered normal. Reading above 200 mg/dL after 2 hours shows diabetes. Readings in the range of 140 to 199 mg/dL shows prediabetes.

What is a good blood sugar level in the morning?

Last updated on May 17th, 2022

It is better to keep the blood sugar readings in the range of 70-130 mg/dL in the morning prior to breakfast. Also, the glucose levels must be between 70-180 mg/dL at other times.

Is 135 blood sugar high in the morning?

Last updated on May 17th, 2022

A normal glucose level after consuming is between 135 and 140 mg/dl. These differences in the levels of blood glucose, both prior to and after meals are normal as well as reflect the way absorption and storage of sugar occurs. Obviously, 135 mg/dl falls in the range of high blood sugar levels.

Is fasting sugar 110 normal?

Last updated on May 17th, 2022

The normal fasting sugar level is under 100 mg/dl. An individual experiencing prediabetes has a fasting sugar level in the range of 100-125 mg/dl. If the fasting sugar level is 126 mg/dl or above, an individual is said to be diabetic. A fasting glucose level between 110 and 125 comes under the range of prediabetes. Below 110 is normal and higher than 126 is diabetes.

What is the best time to check your blood sugar level?

Last updated on May 17th, 2022

The most common times for checking the sugar level include when you first get up (fasting), prior to consuming food, 2 hours after a meal, as well as at bedtime.

What is the normal sugar level after food?

Last updated on May 17th, 2022

The normal sugar level ranges for a non-diabetic as per the ADA:

  • Fasting blood glucose (in the morning, prior to consuming anything): below 100 mg/dL
  • One hour following a meal: 90 to 130 mg/dL
  • Two hours after a meal: 90 to 110 mg/dL

What is the normal sugar level for non-diabetic?

Last updated on May 17th, 2022

For managing post-meal sugar levels, non-diabetic individuals must have a sugar level of not more than 140 mg/dl post-meals, and glucose must return to pre-meal levels within two to three hours.

What blood sugar should you go to the hospital for?

Last updated on May 17th, 2022

Sugar level more than 140 mg/dl requires hospitalization. The levels of blood sugar that are considerably and persistently above this level need reevaluating the treatment.

Is 200 blood sugar normal after eating?

Post eating blood glucose (two hours) is normal only when the level is below 140 mg/dl. Any reading ranging from 140 to 200 mg/dl is considered as prediabetes as well as lifestyle alterations including diet and exercise should be initiated. Sugar levels more than 200 mg/dl is considered as diabetes which requires medicines together with lifestyle changes.

How soon after waking up should I test my blood sugar?

Discuss with your healthcare provider to prepare a timetable for testing your blood glucose levels. Factors to be considered while planning the schedule involve the medications you consume, when you eat as well as how regulated your glucose levels are. Many diabetics find that it acts appropriately for them to check blood glucose initially in the morning, however discuss with a doctor to find out what’s best for you.

What is the normal blood sugar level for 5 year old child?

The blood glucose levels for a kid of 5 years should be within the range of 80 to 200 mg/dL throughout the day. Fasting levels should be between 80 to 180 mg/dL, bedtime levels should be within 110 to 200 mg/dL.

Is150 a high blood sugar level?

If your blood glucose levels are 150 mg/dL after 1 to 2 hours after eating then it is normal. But if the blood glucose levels are 150 mg/dL before meals then the levels are slighlty high. In such case try to drink plenty of water and eat foods that have low glycemic index values like non-starchy vegetables, Beans, Cuccumber, strawberries, black berries etc.

What is the highest blood sugar level that is safe?

For a diabetic individual blood sugar levels between 160 to 240mg/dl is highest sugar levels that is safe.
Normal blood sugar level for any individual before meals is between 80 to130 mg/dL. After 1-2 hours of meal it should be less than 180 mg/dL.

What should blood sugar be at bedtime?

For a non-diabetic adult the bedtime sugar levels should be between 100 to 140 mg/dL. For diabetic patients the normal blood sugar levles at bedtime should be between 90 to 150 mg/dL.

What is a normal sugar level for a man?

Last updated on May 17th, 2022

The normal sugar level for a man without diabetes should be between 90 to 110 mg/dL. sugar normal level for a man with diabetes should be between 80 to 130mg/dL before meals.

Is 139 high for blood sugar?

If your blood sugar levles are 139 mg/dL before meals, they are slightly high. Drinking plenty of water and a very mild excercise can help in reducing it. Eat low sugar and low glycemic index diet. But if your sugar levels are 139 mg/dL after 1 to 2 hours of meals or at bedtime, then it is normal.

what level of blood sugar is dangerous?

Generally sugar levels above 250 mg/dL are regarded as very high. But bllod sugar levles above 300 mg/dL can be dangerous. If consecutive two readings show your blood sugar levels above 300 mg/dL consult doctor immediately.

When in the day is blood sugar level high?

Fasting blood sugars are high. In the morning, blood sugar levels are high since the blood levels are calculated after a night sleep, i.e. after a night fast. Then the sugar levels are high after you eat something.

For a diabetic patient, what are the three medical emergencies?

The three diabetic emergencies are:

  1. When the blood sugar levels are <60mg/dL, i.e. Hypoglycemia Hyperglycemia
  2. when blood sugar levels are >200 mg/dL
  3. When ketones are very high.

What is an unsafe blood level in the A1C test?

 If the value of the A1C test is 5.7%, it is normal. If the value is between 5.7 to 6.4%, it is a prediabetic condition. 

Levels between 6 to 6.8% are a sign of controlled diabetes. 

But if the levels are > 7%, it is unsafe and a sign of uncontrolled diabetes .


  1. Diabetes Tests. Retrieved from: //

Last Updated on September 3, 2022 by Dr. Damanjit Duggal 


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